Just wanted to offer one last clarification on my part before I leave it be. I’m aware that we probably have different opinions on upkeep and that we won’t change each other’s minds, and that’s perfectly fine, but I wanted to make it clear what my idea is really about.
You ever had to toss away a bunch of leather because you were making tar and you just don’t want to place yet another chest to store leather you don’t even know if you’ll use before you need more tar? Or maybe you got another Brittle Bastard out of a skeleton key chest or another Horned Helmet while trying to get that elusive Final Breath of the Red Mother? Or you just don’t need a bunch of bowls you got off dead NPCs?
I could go on for a while, but basically what I’m trying to point out is that every player I know ends up with some surplus/waste as part of their normal play style. If you could convert that surplus into upkeep fuel, would that really be that much of a grind?
It would be less exploitable, but it would inevitably discriminate against certain play styles. Take a look at how the purge meter works:
It’s heavily biased towards killing humans (whether AI or other players) and building. You could run dungeons all day long and your purge meter would only slowly inch upwards because you’re staying logged in.
Of course, you could have a system that would assign points to more than just those activities, including harvesting resources from a resource node and killing all kinds of NPCs (not just humans). And maybe you could even find a good mix of point values for activities that would make everyone reasonably happy, but it would still be a really unintuitive solution.
Even the current system can be confusing for newcomers. Sure, refreshing is easy: just stick around for a while until you see your decay timer go up. But how is decay timer calculated? Newcomers don’t know that, which is why they sometimes plop down a wheel of pain on bare ground, log out, log back in two days later, and get really, really sad.
Now imagine if the decay timer depended on some mechanism that resembles the purge meter. You have to go to the wiki to see how it works, and even the wiki was wrong for a long time, because it used to say “kill human” and “kill NPC”, instead of “kill another player” and “kill human NPC”. So you keep doing stuff in-game hoping to see your decay timer go up, but you’re never quite sure if you’re doing it alright and there are all sorts of “folksy” theories floating around, kinda like we have now with players telling each other what food to give thralls to avoid getting such-and-suck perk (spoiler alert: you can’t control follower perks with food or with anything).
That’s why I tried to propose an upkeep system that would, hopefully, be inclusive and intuitive. Inclusive, because you don’t have to tailor your play style to it. Just use your normal surplus. Intuitive, because you put the fuel into the claim station and you see the timer change.
Again, I understand there are people that are against upkeep systems no matter what. I won’t change their minds, but I do hope that those who are on the fence might be swayed if my ideas are clearer