yes, but not as big as other stuffs
Since I installed your Halloween event update my game has been glitches frame rates dropped to a crawl and the meteor fall won’t stop and if I try to do anything the game crashes
Very much this.
I agree 100%…farmed meteors for 30 minutes and came away with 15(!) Red Dragon heads…seriously ?
The Red Dragon head is supposed to be a very desirable trophy which is hard to achieve for a single player, now everyone (and his dog) will have an array of Red Dragon heads to display.
Don’t know if drops are level based ( I hope so) , but also around starting area is literally raining skeleton keys and all sort of high end game materials, which means -if the drops are not level-based-, a level 1 player with a stone axe could have countless legendaries weapons/shields and all end game materials in 2 hours.
I already experienced all in the game, so no big spoil sport for me, but a new player can really ruin his experience this way.
Doesn’t legendary chests require you to be level 60 in order to open them? That would eliminate your level 1 concern. Regardless, PC has already been hotfixed to remove keys entirely.
Very true that, I completely forgot about the lvl 60 limitation.
Good to know they have fixed the drops on pc, haven’t tried there yet, only ps4.
I think its pretty cool, like the feel of it. couldve added some undead creatures roaming and or OMG hordes of zombies as a purge
Caco: “The event is really nice, but should happen only during nights, with a longer duration.” I agree with this suggestion. Day should still happen. Also the meteores really need to stick around longer. They vanish after about 30 seconds letting you gather only 3 or 4.
Alright after a little grinding, 2 hours, on this event and knowing exactly where a meteor shower is located and what time it shows up, every 20 minutes, so 6 meteor events, on the dot which gives me plenty of time to run back to another base and drop off materials…
I got 15 rocknose eggs, 30 cooked abysmal flesh, 15 dragonpowder, 25 legendary repair kits, 34 black dyes, 22 white dyes, 27 skeleton keys, 11 red dragon heads, 67 gold coins, 39 silver coins, 55 demon-fire orbs, 7 star metal picks, 32 dragon lures, 51 star metal bars, 19 dragonhorns and various other crap including a ridiculous amount of ironstone and smaller amounts of obsidian, silverstone and goldstone. And that’s just me camping up one spot for 2 hours of time.
This is broken beyond belief, especially for a PvP server or an RP type server. PvP obviously because of the rate of raiding tools that drop and RP obviously because of their trade economies.
This doesn’t touch on the T2 doors not existing issue, some of the stutter that occurs to outright crashing for some people, the perpetual blue hue that I could see bothering people and the fact you can get endgame materials in such vast quantities that there is no need to actually do endgame activities for who knows how long.
I will now agree that this was not a well thought out event by Funcom.
That’s just my two cents and I’m sure there are some people who really enjoy it.
This event has been a disaster for me on Xbox One. I had the day off, and was looking forward to playing a game that has worked fine for weeks, and worked fine yesterday during the first day of the event. However, endless meteor drops caused so much lag that the game was unplayable. Spent the day searching forums for fixes that did not work and found out the event goes on for a week with nothing but mini-loot drops (unlike the early birds who loaded up on tons of high-level loot before the devs decided it was too much and lowered rewards for everyone else). Good luck to anyone who can get the game working and can see through the eye-strain of perpetual twilight and purple fire light. Please make these types of events optional for single-players.
I love it. What I really love is seeing stuff in the meteors that I will run across later when I get to high levels, like the various ingredients and ore that I’ve never seen before.
50/50 (didnt vote)
I like it, and then i don’t…
-love night effect… hate trying build with purple lighting, LOL.
-Meteors are great, but… the smoke effect goes away abit quickly, can be hard spot them (ps4) with out being really close. (I assume pc user get better draw distance with them)
- loot isn’t half bad, thou pulling 20+ keys in 1st night was weird, I got 3 starmetal pickaxes, which was nice for my new character, LOL.
But alot of loot is just,… wow, gotta constantly throw away stuff do to its weight, getting 3 dragon heads and 9 lures on a drop of 9 of them in 1 go was… darn, had throw so much of it down.
It’s a great event except for the blue/purple hue on everything limits my play time to only 1-2 hour sittings due to headaches.
There isn’t a choice that reflects my opinion which is…
I’m okay with it but its really not my thing.
I like the idea of an event like this but really wish they had put an option in to remove the blue hue and purple torches. I got such a migraine from a few minutes of playing to the point where I can’t even think about looking for meteors. I’m sure it’s something with my eyes but still maybe think about the fact that not everyone is the same. I wouldn’t mind it being dark for a few days but not harsh blue haze and purple torches.
Halloween never existed in the Hyborian Age.
How could you do this to us?
It’s a nice feature. I enjoy this.
My only wish, is that the dev’s had a larger loot table and included thralls (rarely).
Mainly because purges are not working and the ability to get a tier 4 purge thrall is almost non existent.
Hopefully Funcom will get purges working properly soon.
But this is not a bad idea for a future event. I would not like to see them in meteors but Funcom could change the thrall spawn tables as part of a special event and incorporate those purge-only spawns as one of the possible spawns in placeholder locations. If they did I would still want them to keep them as a low probability spawn but possible for the duration of the event.
My only feedback is the Halloween event is really a solo thing. I was kind of hoping form something more groupy, where people had to cooperate to get the event done.
Thanks for the poll
We are planning to have an official poll for this after the event is done, so we can learn from this one and do better going forward. Also remember, not all players frequent the forums.
Bonjour Tascha et la communauté,
L’événement est très intéressant mais
1 quand et comment les Xbox et ps4 seront-ils informés des la correction du bug qui les empêches de jouer actuellement?
2 Comment un tel oublie peut-il arriver.
Ne répondez pas à cette question.
Sinon je trouve que funcom et les idées que vous véhiculer sont très positive même si il y a parfois un peu d’amateurisme dans tout ça.