Sword of Crom nerf

Throne makes me think toilet. :3

And that inevitably reminds me of one of the Elminster books, in which someone asks if El needs to “feed the gods” as a reference to the privy.

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Making it drain 2x stamina more than regular 2h swords would make it useable on player characters - cool unique item or maybe increase damage by a bit and make it drain 50% of stamina instead of 100%…

Easy to implement.

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Honestly man I reckon those items would of been the first things they changed once decided to give sorcery

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Please leave the sword alone!


I think tnere could be a better way to nerf it so its more useable by the player. We all know Crom only helps the worthy and never with his own hand. How about if your player is 25% health or below you get the full combo with only 1 point of stam remaining. That seems more Crom’s style. Be worthy fight well and do you want to live forever.

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They really should stop nerfing legendaries… I want them buffed
I want them to be the ancient power that is rare to get

Every single rpg I played the legendaries were unique and powerful…
In Conan Exiles they’re becoming nothing more than a collectable…

If too OP in PvP makle them unavailable in PvP.


I hate that they want to destroy the sword like that, I’ve been farming for ages for it and now it’s supposed to be unusable in a few weeks, it’s really hard to get if you’re as unlucky as I am :frowning: but that really shows HOW unlucky I am, first I don’t get it and now they take it from me again :frowning:


This is a bad Idea, and I do not like it.

So it will hang on a wall until they change their mind.


Or until someone mods it back into something useful :smiley:


I don´t get it. There are a lot people out there love to have SoC on their Thrall. I don´t know how often i read in this discuss … using mace on Thrall is much better. But this is whataboutism. Nobody asked about. I did read a lot of discuss in the past about stronger siptah gear getting into the Exiled Lands. This should be pay to win and so on. But now it has to be a strong weapon of EL nerfed? And if u choose DH Sword it was still the best u can offer to your Thrall into the Exiled Lands. Don´t forget all the Lifetime wasted now from people running UC trying to get a SoC. At least not a nice move and we should fight for this.

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Crom is basically the god of self-reliance. his followers are those who have the strength to do things themselves and not hide behind others or to seek him for favors. with that in mind, a weapon named after him not being able to be given to followers would sorta make sense. punishing you for using it while also having followers to assist you also makes sense (the 100% stamina drain). however, i believe that with the change to not allow followers to use it, they should also make it so that when you do not have any followers (aside from mounts) with you, the sword works like any other 2h sword instead of draining 100% stamina on one swing. let it reward you for standing on your own strength. this would keep in line with crom’s ideals and would also reinforce funcom’s desire to “let the player be the hero” as they wanted to do.


Could they make it at least so that if you have the Crom religion you can wield the sword without using all your stamina per swing? or have a requirement that you have max STR, there are enough other threatening weapons out there and its rare enough that its not to big a threat in the hands of a player. or just keep it for lore’s sake. lol

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They could, but they shouldn’t. When you choose religion during character creation, all that does is give you a starting religion feat that you don’t have to go learn from an NPC. It’s not a choice that has irreversible effects.

What you’re proposing there would mean that those who didn’t choose Crom when creating their character would have no other option but to re-create their character if they wanted to wield the Sword of Crom.

Funcom has deliberately designed their character creation process to involve decisions that don’t limit your gameplay choices. They even added Org of Nergal to the game so that even the cosmetic choices you made are not permanent anymore.


Well, there’s a good way to make an extremely rare drop sword a decoration for my base lol. It’s only good use is for Thralls! C’mon Funcom. I finally got one of these after A LOT of farming and now it’s going to be useless? Lame.

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I agree! I think legendary weapons should be some of the very strongest in the game!
Nerf player toons? Yes!
Nerf thralls (even more than 3.0 proposes)? YES!
Nerf legendary weapons? NOPE! NOPE!! NOPE!!!

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The part you missed is that by doing that, EVERYONE would be encouraged to take Crom as their religion. Because they can get all the others in-game. There would never be any reason to choose the other religions at the start, because you just have to go to the trainer in the map.

I didn’t miss that. On the contrary, I was explaining the problem with that. One of the biggest problems is that if you’re new to the game, you’re not going to know that. So eventually you get to the point where this weapon drops for you – or someone gives it to you – and you swing it and all your stamina is gone and you go “what the hell is this” and then someone kindly explains that you have to re-create your whole character and level it from scratch if you want to have this advantage. :man_shrugging:

Right. And you don’t see a problem with having the one choice that everyone should pick and no other choice is worth picking? :slight_smile:


Derketo. Hands down. Its the trainer that is the furthest away from any of the fun unless you do the cheesy tribute to Jane Goodall level technique.


Ah no. What I meant was, once people knew, nobody would ever choose any other religion for any character. It would always be Crom. Crom would become the sole starting religion while the others all took a backseat.

Honestly wouldn’t mind seeing one exclusive benefit to each religion, that was only granted IF you choose them as your religion, not learning it later. Add a bit more unique flavor to things.

But FC could never get it balanced.

lol, no I was saying that would be an absolutely horrible design choice.

If they were going to do something like that for the SoC…then they should make it so you can’t take any other religion at all. Should be a fair tradeoff. You get to use the SoC, but you can never be involved in any other religion as a consequence.


No offense, but that’s also a horrible design choice. Getting locked out of all other religions because of the one choice you made during the character creation, a choice you can’t unmake, all for the sake of one weapon is not what I would call good game design.

I’ll point to the Orb of Nergal again as the evidence that Funcom’s idea seems to be what I describe: in a sandbox game like this, you don’t get to make irreversible choices at character creation, not even cosmetic ones.

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