TestLive Pets, combat and Dungeons update, oh my! [17/08/2018]

but thats what people needed legendarys and no they are testing raid values if you are not aware vaults have 150k, orbs dont stack and trebs were nerfed slighlty

Obsession is one thing stating facts is another, not on test but on pvp officials that is a high traffic area because of the t4 armor, mitra for low levels to learn all religions see a unbroken t3 base and think hear all the thralls, and the tradway and the gutter is a heavily built spot on officials for alpha clans or beta tribes. Expecting people not to grief is like telling 4chan to stop memeing. Its not gonna happen. and I stated you need a diffrent mindset on pvp servers and building compared to pve-c. Also it is enticed in the title ā€œsurvive build thriveā€ some constitute it as a challenge. What is done on officials is simple either become a big clan or be a small clan that is friendly with them. Build a functional starter base like rust, move or take over the area of your choosing that is not trebbable or make it so with claim around the proximity, fortify, and then bubble it. once you complete these steps and make it unraidable, or extremely hard to offline you then proceed on making rp bases that are bait bases with pottery marking locations for it to be shown in the event log, or you raid everyone on the server till the server is dead go to 1932 the china clan did wonders there and they paid for the denial and shutdown of 1931 with paid members to wipe a server.

Sorry, but this is getting way off topic to the test live at hand. If you want to brag about how hardcore offline raiding is, then send me a pm.

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What Enyo was pointing at is, that it is a TestLive Server which means its primary purpose is to test new game mechanics and finding bugs and that PvP is countering that.


correct and part of the new mechanics is raid values, the new orb function, and explosive shot as I stated prior with new treb values

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Weird new bug that has nothing to do with the new thrall/pet systems (as far as I know):

There are at least two spots that Iā€™ve found where there are normally guaranteed Entertainer spawns and the Entertainers are completely missing from those spots on testlive US1:

  • Lookout Point, by the campfire, and ā€¦

  • Black Galleon, in the middle of the upper deck on the east side.

Jens just wrote in his pet-taming guide:

Baby animals decay over time into corpses unless converted into proper pets, leaving behind an ā€œā– ā– ā–  corpseā€ item.

Not at present, they donā€™t. So far Iā€™ve found baby gazelles, shalebacks, crocodiles, and hyenas and none of them had decay timers. Either that feature was removed and Jens is out of date, or thatā€™s a bug.

Is it just me or does thoose animals not eat at all? I raised them but then they deny every food i give them

Go to the den there are some npcā€™s that sell eggs

Those are coming in the next testlive update.

Might want to listen to this guy Funcom devs. Heā€™s got a pretty popular YouTube channel that I know a lot of people follow, including myself.

Yes after I posted my post about grinding I ran across his vid he was spot on.

-I see this thrall feeding system breaking the game quite rapidly. And no, it isnā€™t just because of what is wrong with the food timers. Thralls need to be on a decay system just like the buildings. We arenā€™t trying to play the Sims, we are trying to play a sandbox survival builder. Let us focus on OUR survivalā€¦not the thralls.

-Fish trapsā€¦while I agree that there should be a slight rework in the fish/fish traps, I believe requiring bait isnā€™t it. If we need bait, allow us to fish with a pole and grab 25+ fish of a certain kind each time you reel one in. Fish traps donā€™t actually require bait in real life, so instead of making their production more difficult, introduce something that requires human interaction to gain these fish. And inherently, rewards you with greater quantity for this interaction.

For the love of God, please fix the problem with knocked out thralls disappearing when attempting to carry them back to the base. This goes for both fresh and stale thralls. I shouldnā€™t have to fear every time I have to go up a staircase, jump over an obstacle or even ride an elevator that the thrall isnā€™t going to be with me. Iā€™ve wasted about 15 in game hours of my life gathering thralls just to have them disappear when I have them close to my wheel of pain. I should bill you.

-Iā€™m a PS4 playerā€¦please give us a global chat window that is usable. When I load into the game, I see the chat window flicker for a split-second. This tells me that your basic code was exported over to console from PC and the element is there for use. Optimize and add the feature.

-Crimson Lotus Flower - We still cannot grind this into powder. Fix it. You know itā€™s easy, you have a working model of how it is supposed to perform with all of the other Lotus flowers. Copy and Paste.

Bugs; There are so many bugs. Not just with building components not working correctly, but also with simple physics and optimizations. The servers run like dog s h i t. I almost lag off of a cliffside regularly. Iā€™ve been staring down into the lava, trying to contemplate how I would get to my dead bodyā€™s items and I teleport into said lava. That alone makes me want to rage quit.

-Purge: It never happens to us. Full bar for weeks and no purge.

Conan: Exilesā€™ business model is to NOT make it pay-to-play. It has turned into a forced schedule of DLC (money makers) to pay the bills. The developers are not honing on the existing issues and are instead resources routed to adding more features. This is not new, everybody knows it, and the voices here are VERY loud. All of this feedback is being delivered, yet there are bugs that have been here since launch and have yet to be fixed. Prioritize old (major) bugs and put the balancing and new content on the back burner.


  • Thank you for speeding up the process of connecting into the game quicker. The wait time for joining servers and populating them has sped up tremendously. Big win.

  • Thank you for attempting to balance the game and make things fair.

Some of that is already fixed on pc and xbox like the crimson lotus flower just needs to be ported to ps4 from what I had read they are just having some SNAFU getting it to you.

they do I talk to some in personal messages about hardcore exploits that will kill the game harder then you can say no mans sky. I dont release it to the public since I like the game and enjoy the pvp. I many talk to a few which I wont disclose names for privacy reasons. But some things need to be public vs super game breaking things in private. as a exploit hunter I do my best but the handfull of hackers in this game do far more damage then myself but enjoy it there way. also I talk to other yters and inform them when they are wrong.

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I would much rather see thralls take bamage from different types of storms depending on locations instead of food starvation.
Not much but verry little damage over time.
like early in game players can bring them inside during a storm or build little shelters for them as they get further in the game.
Instead of feeding heal them with easy to make potions or food or even use beds instead of the pot.
If somebod decides to leave the server and abandon there base the decay can destroy the base leaving the thralls to dye to the elements so no more abandond thralls.
This could also utilise harder environmental survival.
Lightning hitting players or thralls.
Heatwaves in the volcano.
Snowstorms in the frozen north.

It always annoys me when Iā€™m in my village and Iā€™m taking damage and my thralls just standing there next the well looking at me like ā€œ bro you should get inside you donā€™t look to goodā€.

Any way that is just an idea of mine and I guess starvation is hear to stay.
I have already posted a thread about this idea
But iv decided to post my idea hear for the devs to see.
Who knows Maybe they could like my idea and get ideas from this and implement them further down the line after the current weather is fixed maybe a bit less rain in the north.

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Changing vaults is a horrible idea. Targeting the problem wrong. Vaults were meant to be strong and take more time to raid giving players time to protect their vaults and keep some things more secure. I know I have heard many players are VERY against this. Secondly the real issue at hand is vaults floating in mid air when you destroy foundation they sit on, Trebs only do 1 hp of damage to vaults. Fix that. Donā€™t nerf Vaults. If you asked I am sure at least 90% of the community would disagree. I play on a few servers to keep myself entertained and every official server I see is upset at the vault nerf

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You know that occasional bug where multiple copies of the same mob spawn in exactly the same spot, nested inside of each other? I donā€™t know why, but itā€™s definitely worse than usual on testlive US1. For example, on the riverbank below and just NE of Pariahā€™s Overwatch, I fought a rocknose that turned out to be six rocknoses stacked together.

I had the same with crocodiles near Hand of The Maker. A croc aggroed me and he turned to be 5 crocs stack.

On SP the lizards that drop volatile the ones that go after birds with the croc has doubled on me occasionally