TestLive Pets, combat and Dungeons update, oh my! [17/08/2018]

Contrary what some people think about feeding their pets and thralls I know of people who would prefer the less violent parts of the game. Adding feeding itself to the game doesn’t render it to a Sim, since it still has its focus still on PvP which was highlighted in this update, too.

But I too don’t want the game to be turned in to The Hunger Games of Funcom which I render myself to a thrall to my servants. The main issue here is that you need to grind much food to keep your thralls and pets alive and that it increases linear with its count. You want to limit the number of thralls/pets in the world on one side and keep it less laborious for players with only limited numbers on the other.

Which is why I like to suggest some changes to the feeding system in such a way, that it increases the workload exponentially with the number of thrall’s pets you keep? At first, thralls accept pretty much of all cooked food. And the tick rate of eating should be much lower. I speak of 1/10 of it like it is now. At a certain number they all want something more special like Exotic Feast. If you go through a threshold of thralls, they want more complex food at the same time. I don’t speak of tick rate but of they only consume the food if they have it all in their inventory/pot. For example Lasting Meal, Mushroom Tea and Honey bread. Which increases the effort you have to put in holding a larger army drastically compared to if you just hold some guards for your own as a lonely player?

Of course this mechanic doesn’t work for pets in the same way because you don’t have to process food, but you could at least add the thing with multiple types of food there, too.

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Hi !
in the news of June 6 (A look back and a way forward), it was announced the preparation of several dungeons. But there is only one dungeon in the paragraph “new content” of your post.
Are other dungeons in preparation?
I play server PVE and I think adding several dungeons would be good for the “exploration” aspect of the game.

That’s all to feed a minimum amount of thralls for like 8 hours! Are you out of your mind saying it’s not that bad?!

I do not understand your post tbh, you say it is good to know that Funcom expects you, so the SP/COop players to use admin, and I might understand it wrongly but it seems you are ok with that. If you are ok with that, you can spawn mountains of ichor and oil into your game. Truth is that admin was never meant to be used to be able to play the game, admin mode is for testing purposes. But unless I misunderstood your message that you are ok with that, you will never have to worry about ichor or oil, do as funcom expect you to, spawn it in… On Official servers and private servers things might be a little bit different.

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Any chance that the swapped reptilian armor stats and lining requirements (chestpiece and gauntlets) will be fixed with the next update?

The AI system is very bad Thrall and Pets are very stupid. Please take an example from Ark survival evolved where the player can give an order how pets behave and when to act. This system, which the game now contains, is totally inappropriate.


Hay Funcom
You mentioned in your dev tracker in the changlog your first point was

  • Make human thralls eat Gruel, Shredded Roast, Grilled Steak, Roasted Haunch.

Can you add Yog meat into that for us
It’s the best food for players to give thralls since Yog meat doesn’t decay.
Yog is the easiest religion to learn so it’s easy to acquire the meat so the thralls can be stoked up and only eat when they need to.


I’m not even sure if I’m for or against that. On the one hand, I’m kinda for - anything that makes this system less of an insane grind is great - on the other hand, it (re)makes Yog as the be-all, end-all religion of choice for most players, which I’d not be too happy about.

Like @Mikey I am not sure what to think of it since I share the same concerns as he is.

I would suggest to allow any food to be consumed by thralls and maybe the ones they first defined (like Roasted Haunch and such) to buff the thralls so you would get a reward in spending more time in aquiring those meals, but not quite confident they will implement something like this.

Personally I planned to feed my Thralls with grilled lobster since (in live) I drown in that stuff and it lasts a quite long time, not sure how it will turn out once they push the current changes to live, so I hold on planning for now.

keep in mind the player doesn’t really get any benefit from this just the thralls.
And it wouldn’t make any sense for defari thralls not being able the eat the meat of their own religion.
Players equip all thralls with set arrows that give poison easy to defend against purges (if they would only just aim that is) and players.
And Mitra gives a well of refreshment and statues.
Crom is crap no offence
Derketo gives alchemy and is op now with honey
Yog gives awesome meat that don’t decay and fills the players thirst a little too the thralls should be able to eat it too.
All religions have thier benifits.

Or simply allow any kind of meat/ food for any kind of thralls.


Well yes, but Yog meat has the advantage that it doesn’t decay. A very good thing for player food, but reasonably balanced (mostly because food, though it decays, is no issue for the player, particularly while offline).

For Thralls, however, non-decaying food seems a gigantic advantage. Naturally it depends on the eventual balancing of the thrall food feature just how massive an advantage it is, but I think it’s going to be much more so than it is for the player character.

I fully agree that it doesn’t make logical sense that (at least Darfari) thralls don’t eat Yog meat, but honestly “logic” does not exactly appear to be a prime objective in this system in the first place.

So, yes - I think they should make thralls eat any and all food. But if they’re dead set on a limited diet (again, logic is not a thing) then they should probably not include Yog meat, unless they want to make Yog the prime religion for most players.

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If they implement Yog meat into the system the thralls basicly convert back and into the way they where eliminating mutch of the micro management.
The whole point of the eating system for thralls is the removal of abandoned thralls from servers.
Overtime the thralls will eat the food and eventually die when they run out eliminating any abandoned ones
This has nothing to do with advantages amongst players appart from not having to worry about thier thralls dying while they are away.
The whole point is to give the thralls something to show system the player is still using them.

I agree that this may make Yog the go to god but players use all the gods for all the benefits anyway and it easy to learn.
the god Avatars Suck now so most religions are useless apart from little benefits they have.

I see no need for food to decay whilst in Thrall inventory (or Thrall feeding pots) in the first place - it’ll diminish over time as a natural function of being used by Thralls.

I really hope you’re right, because if that is in fact the objective, there should be plenty of room to make it obvious that a thrall is being actively maintained, without necessarily turning the game into a daily micro/grindfest.

It’s the latter (excessive grind & micro) that I’m against, I don’t have a problem with abandoned thralls dying, nor do I have a problem with veritable armies of 100+ thralls being difficult to maintain (I prefer soft caps like this to “20 thralls per player” hard caps, too).


IF that was the idea is to remove thralls then WHY are they adding more Thralls(Animals that are basiclally reskinned thralls) would that not be defeating the point of removing excess thralls?

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We can only guess at their objective.

It could easily be “thralls are severely impacting server performance. We’re adding pets, we NEED to kill off a bunch of thralls”.

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Funcom is making good on a promise they made a long time ago that players can have pets.
This patch lets players have pets as well as thralls.
The problem is players on servers build huge bases and keep insane amount of thralls that when the base is abandoned the decay removes the base but not the thralls leaving large amounts of unkillable thralls causing large amounts of stress and lag on servers.
The feeding system kills those thralls and keeps active eating thralls alive.

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I know they promised a lot of things but they should have thought this through if they were going to add a feeding system they should have eased that in last testlive round and got the bugs out and got feedback on how some of the ideas may or may not work with type of player base they have currently. Most games that add some form of pets (ark excluded) the pets are passive or may have some beneficial purpose aside being reskinned npcs. I cannot see this idea happenening due to the work load but as a few have said it would be nice to be able to give them couple more commands like whether to be aggressive or passive.


Players bought this game cause Funcom said pets where a thing but it didn’t make it to full release demanded refunds so Funcom has decided to make good on this promise. :partying_face:
Then too many players started complaining that if we feed pets why can’t we feed thralls?
Then more started complaining about the lag on servers caused by to many thralls.
Funcom listens to the players.
And here we are now and everybody is regretting their decisions.

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