TestLive Pets, combat and Dungeons update, oh my! [17/08/2018]

They did however state in their livestream last Friday, that there is also the intention to make keeping a lot of thralls costly. Hence increasing their health by 50%, so that less thralls will last longer in a fight. https://youtu.be/2ImFNN6CkoQ?t=41m24s

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Personally I bought this game because at first it lived up to the description a Survival game that you could also build in. Having thralls was just a bonus fitting in with the conan universe and have found came to depend on some of them (workstation thralls and dancers) then realized you do need functional thralls (which up to this point on live is still iffy) I figured pets would just be some decoration that would follow you around your base and not much more I wasn’t expecting them to just recreate thralls in a different form.

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I play on a local server and so do many others my concern about all this is I feel that Funcom is moving this too fare away from the singl player community.
And focusing to mutch on multiplayer and clans shown in the latest dev stream when they said something along the lines of “clans have a way of getting planty off food” what about players who are on their own on local servers we have no clans!
true we can just spawn in what we need since we are the devs of our servers but we also demanded the admin rights be removed from the main menu and be turned into a button in the server settings because not all of us whant to cheat
The Yog meat idea will benefit singlpayers mostly that choose not to cheat and ease of the micromanaging for players on servers not in a clan that like to play at there own pace.


And yes I’m aware we can just turn up gather rates but that’s not the point not all of us want to cheat.

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They did? Where? Not saying you’re wrong, because I’ve had a long sabbatical from the game and so haven’t followed along with the forums until recently.

I’m just doubting that this was a (popular) request, based on the fact that the feedback so far is overwhelmingly negative.

Though I guess that could partly be due to the TestLive build being set up so extreme that I’m not sure what they’re testing but I sure as f—k hope it isn’t the viability of those settings for the actual Live servers.


don’t assume that the yog religious meat is so easy to farm.

It is not difficult yes but if you compare how much time you’ll need to get thousands of roasted haunch to how much time you’ll need for hundreds of unblemished meats, even if you go to a well crowed easy NPC camp, you won’t be leaving it with more than 40 -50 meats (and how long will it take you to clear the entire camp + harvest every corpse? ). 40-50 roasted haunch are a walk in the park to gather in comparison since you just need to find 1 single ennemy to gather that many meats and this ennemy can be killed in seconds.

i agree that the fact this religious meat never expires makes it especially usefull but IT’S NOT AS EASY TO MASS FARM AS OTHER REGULAR MEATS.


I recently switched to a x1 gather server and OMG is it grindy just to make t1 structures (I’ve always done x2 or x3 rates). Even loads of gruel (which will become a food source) will take some time on official pve/pve-c servers. While pvp servers won’t notice, due to the x2 rates, the non-offline raiding servers will be in for quite a grind.

Mike my boy I have played this game since early early access and iv seen almost every dev stream but what Funcom reads in the forums is different to what they read in the comments of their dev stream. All it takes is to notice one comment in the stream to mention feeding thralls to give them the idea
Iv read a lot of banter of players wanting to feed thralls while jumping from steam to official and many deleted forums here were talk off feeding thralls
So now it’s happening.
I maybe rong whether it’s the comments the forums or maybe Funcom thought it up by themselves but I definitely saw a lot of posts saying how feeding pets and not thralls breaks immersion.

As have I - day one customer here. I just stopped sometime before full launch, and only started back up again recently.

Sure. I’m just challenging whether one (or a few) people mentioning it (because someone, somewhere, probably did) constitutes “too many players complaining they can’t feed thralls”.

Well if you say so. I haven’t seen a single person mention that discrepancy though.

Still, it hardly matters where the idea came from, it’s here and probably here to stay, the best we can hope for is to get it toned down so you can actually take a day off from the game without coming back to all your thralls dead.

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In his defense, there were several threads asking for feeding of thralls, but only a handful that agreed with it. The vast majority have always been opposed, and as you see now, some turned against it when actually faced with it, lol.

Please, don’t mention water again, otherwise I’ll have to litter my base with food pots AND wells. :rofl:


Yog meat is easy to obtain is what I really meant to say sorry as in kill or look for a dead thrall and whack it with a bone but when you look at it as mass farming then yes it is quite a chore I agree but if you have say 20 thralls and you kill and harvest 20 thralls and place One Yog meat into the inventory of your thralls it will stay and not decay giving you planty of time to get more by the time the thrall has eaten through the rest it will have a little stock pile not to mention the amount of thralls we kill on a dayly basis yog meat can accumulate quite quickly.

How to you even make shadespiced food? Either Iam noy figuring it out or its broken on single player. I did start playing on testlive server yesterday but my connection died.

Only thing I didnt test is a full stack of shade bloom and full stack of meat.

Do you have the recipes available?

I think the pets health needs reworked
Alot of them are ok but some are way to low.

Here is something in the works that is better suited to development time. Suggestion: Thrall musicians and placeable food!

I can see it now. During an attack, the thralls pick up their lutes, flutes and horns and start beating enemies over the head with 'em. :joy:


No, where to you aquire then? I killed all the bosses but the fights are way buggy on single player

I am not sure but thought I read if you eat the meat that dropped off final boss it teaches the religion and gives you the recipes

It’s true if you eat the meat of rememberance you learn the religion.
The shadebloom is also harvested from the bosses it’s just rare like the gold ore.
Place shade flowers in the fire pit along with the food you want and it turns it into shade bloom food
I did this with shadebloom+ fibre and god shaded fibre for my camel but I don’t think my camel ate it it just ate the regular fibre.

That I did, had to spawn the boss with admin, but I eat the meat and upgraded the altar to t3 last night, still not cooking.
Today will gather a stack of shadebloom, is the last idea I have.

Do you have a thrall on the shrine that may be where you get the recipes depending on level of thrall. Also have you checked your recipe list under Feats to see if it put it there and mentions what you need to cook it on.