TestLive Pets, combat and Dungeons update, oh my! [17/08/2018]

Unfortunately there is no shadespice recipe and all shade food is cooked in the campfires from what iv found.

Believe it or not when I entered the den to farm some sacred blood, I found a Jhebbal Sag arch priest.

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Lucky bugga all iv found is a high priestā€¦ but sheā€™s cute so Iā€™m not really complaining. :smirk:


I sincerely hope that you are right.

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Game Mode: Testlive_US_1
Problem: Bug

Double spawns are occurring in the North at thrall camps. On top of that, they arenā€™t aggroing until you get very close. The wildlife is aggroing just fine, and these guys fight back after hit. (there were only 7 people online at this time.)


Bug Report Thrall Death On Server Start
Online (US2) | Single Player

Summary: When hunger becomes implemented and the server is made live, thralls in the world die before your eyes at the next login.

Steps to reproduce (can be done with Private server)

  1. Operate a populated server with thralls in the world
  2. Set the server to ā€œTestLiveā€ with Taming + Feeding
  3. Log in as soon as server is up and every thrall dies before your eyes
  4. Ghost to other playersā€™ props and see their standing thralls are dead too

Starvation mechanism is ill-considered, kills thralls, punishes players


Hi everyone, hi devs, I just created an account to express one more disappointed/outraged customer.

I watched the video from Polarbear, from Firespark81 and I stunned by what I saw. (Big up guys, you do amazing job)

How do you guys plan the stuff that needs to change? I mean everyone said the Vault was OP because it was too easy to craft. Not because it had too much HP. You were able to change required materials without a glimpse for some T3 building parts (hello Oil) but you couldnā€™t do it for vaults?
25 Jars now is a joke. Since everything else is tending to a T3 system why not with the vault? T1 Vault T2 etc.
Some nice ideas like clan limitation of max 2 vaults to prevent people from spawning them all around the map were also not considered/used.

Iā€™m guessing this has to do with some agressive clans playing the vault only game. They have no base, few T4 thralls and hidden vaults everywhere. They put a few structures in remote places, put a map crafting benches, convert to tar or dragon powders, destroy the few buildings needed, and move to another place/prepare for next raidā€¦

You mention in a forum post way too much information that are not highlighted in the patch post. Trebs orbs etc are being changed to fit a upcoming new siege mechanic? No more details but itā€™s implemented. We have to do the maths on our own to see what you guys plan to change now, whine about it, because nowhere itā€™s explained where youā€™re going with it? And we play 1 month with this stuff until the rest is ok? Why not wait for it, or even better ask the community what they think of it first.

Thrall feeding system? Yes I play on the same server since launch, we have more than 100+ thralls to defend the base since we have 3 wheels in volcano, not counting the others. So now weā€™re gonna spend our time not farming jars (since we need much less to break into vaults lol) but some dumb meat parts all around the map? The thralls are spreaded on the multiple layers of the fortress and out in the different walls protecting it. I donā€™t even want to try to open one of those feeding pit to see my UI crash. Could you at least promise us that the feeded thrall will work as intented and now having full bellies they will actually do something if an agressive clan or a purge comes around? Or will they still run to opponent, ewuip weapons, make a face check and stop?

Gas raiding with arrow+orbs is still gonna be awesome, no more pets, no more thralls (the one still alive), we needed even more gas for sureā€¦ Can we get masks for pet?

Furthermore, no I wonā€™t go deeper in the testlive section, testing a 17GB patch full of unfinished stuff. This is a joke. We should as many said do the last 10%, not 90%.

First fix the bugs that are around since ages. No communication needed until itā€™s done. Then balance the content which seems to be bothering you, like server load, then put time effort and money in new free content, then some more DLC you seem eager to release (also Maybe one that is not bugged when launchedā€¦ also a joke).

Youā€™re going way too fast with some changes and way too slow with some others.
Priorities are wrong, and my 2 cents is that the game is gonna lose another 20ish% til next month if this goes live, if not more.

I love this game, we had awesome raiding adventures over the months, but every patch I see since release is not making it looking better.


Yeah like the bug with the sandstorm it shows I am in a shelter but still taking damage from storm. This is on a PVE-C non official server.

Bug Report Midnight Grove Potion Abuse Potential
Single Player | Online

Summary: it is possible to escape/glitch the Midnight Grove Bull Bossā€™ death charge, or PVP conflicts in Midnight Grove because you can still teleport to Midnight Grove while being in Midnight Grove.

Steps to repeat

  1. Craft multiple Potions of Midnight
  2. Get into a fight in Midnight Grove
  3. Teleport to safety using spare potions
  4. Heal, do it again

Bug Report 100 Health and No Satiety Thralls
Private Server TestLive (1X Vanilla)
Note: Server existed prior to TL implementation, with 22 active players and structures.

Summary: Newly-acquired thralls, when placed, have only 100 health until server restart. They also show no timer for how much food is available to them, instead they show a readout like this:

Steps to Repeat:

  1. Acquire new thrall
  2. Place her in the world
  3. Feed her
  4. Wait for server restart, for her to achieve full health
  5. Timer still shows as -x seconds despite restart

Her health climbs sloooowly.

21 minutes later

FOLLOW UP: While I was doing this experiment over near the Den, my four Votary archers near Witness Camp, in a tower on the river, died. This was after running across the map to the Den Highlands, putting out a new Dancer, requesting a server restart and posting to the forums. All four gone, just placed this morning.


No, they donā€™t. Wether the food decays or not, they still have to eat it. This, they will run out and starve if nobody is around to feed them.

I hope the Funcom team is enjoying today as much as I am. Im looking forward to the new update to thralls combat and pets. I think Funcom is really putting forth the effort to bring us a great game. The combat changes are so great. The pet system is really cool altho here are my thoughts on it right now. Some suggestions to help balance it out a bit. Spiders and hyenas aswell as shallbacks have health imbalances. The hyena and spiders are a one shot for a player who has a high level. The shallbacks have the same amount of health as one another probably not intended but if you havent seen it yet I will ask you look into the health of all the animals to make sure they are balanced for end game. Not to bring yet more to the already big Update but I would like to see thralls and Pets be able to have a patrol function which makes them feel a bit more alive. I also would love to name my pets. The thrall feeding might need some looking into aswellā€¦I mean after all they are our thralls not the other way aroundā€¦Other then that the Game is looking great and I hope to test it and play it more soon

I further suggest to add the healing effect of food (if any) on thralls, too. This wonā€™t make them tank since they only consume food once in a while and would only regain a small portion of their health per intake. This adds to my prior suggestion.

Bug Report: Khitan DLC Placeables
Private Server | Single Player/Co-Op
Summary: If you do not own the DLC, Khitan DLC placeables cannot be picked up once placed. You must destroy them.

Steps to repeat:

  1. Do not own Khitan DLC
  2. Acquire any Khitan DLC placeable
  3. Place the item, for instance a door
  4. Try to pick up object
  5. Be forced to destroy it instead

I didnā€™t think much of it at the time, but after being raided, my Aquilonian door would not open and I had to destroy it. Perhaps related?

Got a new bug report, one I havenā€™t seen here yet:

All weekend and the last couple of days, Iā€™ve been being hit by a lot of invisible, teleporting mobs on US1. Watching them carefully, I think Iā€™ve figured out why itā€™s happening, too:

  1. Aggro a mob that is on a ramp or around a corner from you where itā€™s not entirely obvious (to the AI) how to get to you.

  2. Watch for the mob to start running in place, which is usually how the game signals that the AI is having trouble pathfinding.

  3. Notice that you started taking damage.

  4. A few seconds later, the mob has teleported to you and you can hit back.

What I think is happening: you know the new feature youā€™ve added where pets or thralls, when set to Follow, can teleport to you if they get too far behind or too confused by the pathfinding? I think you (accidentally or on purpose) added that feature to all mobs. Also, I think that once the mob starts pathfinding, youā€™re allowing it to attack as if it had already completed the teleport, while the actual teleport takes several seconds.

Can the baby versions of the pets be visible in the pens till the taming is completely finished.

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This is the same as wheel of pain showing the thralls that actually are there, which has already been done by a mod, wonder when the official implementation will be doneā€¦

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That is one of my all-time favorite mods! WYSIWYG Wheel of Pain. It would be an absolute dream to see that implemented into the vanilla game. :pray:

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i agree, food has to be lowered, and there is to much high-end food right now.

I can imagine players want not run around all theyr playtime just to feed thralls. Also our thralls was captured, broken in a WOP, and are slaves now, so they should be less picky, or simply have to eat what they get.

Some preferences while breaking them, why not, or better as boost. But that my slaves eat better food than most players will make realy no sens.

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