I think they might end up revisiting drop rates as well, it’s a little too much on pvp servers with harvest x2, one giant scorpion will give more than 100 exotic flesh.
After leaving this server for 2 hours to play elsewhere, I returned and this dancer is gone. My two new Conchakas are gone as well. There are three new INVALID THRALL entries in my log.
The first time I logged onto this same server with another account, all the thralls I possessed are dead. As an end-user you get nothing except an event log full of INVALID THRALL.
Any new thralls placed in the world will be destroyed when you return from logged off state. I have yet to refine the timeframe, but it happens every time I leave the server for more than say 30 minutes. Every thrall is destroyed.
Yes this happens on single player too, on single player the only thrall that dosent disappear is the one following you or near you when you exit the game.
My pets on online multi player server, and PC disappear every time I log off. Just now I lost a Jaguar. Yesterday I lost 3 Kappa. Before that a Dancer Thrall, 2 Rhino and thats all.
I keep forgetting to mention one other bug: Torches and Improvised Torches no longer take Durability mods. (I hope this is a bug; being able to double their duration was really useful.)
That was in the patch notes. Apparently the patch on the torch was causing something else to bug out.
@Barnes, That explains what all of those Invalid Thrall entries were!
It still seems they really need to work on the implamatation of all these changes I hope that they are actively reading these threads as I have seen alot of very good ideas that I want to group together in one post when it come to the testlive changes.
First fish traps instead of limiting them or making bugs a 5 to 1 ratio. Make it a fuel instead and make it so if someone wants unappatizing fish they can put in a stack of bugs and it will only gather unappatizing fish. Or grubs for the middle grade fish and feral flesh for exotic fish and do the same for pots this would cut down on mass trap placement. People who drop 100 traps for primaley oil or ichor would obly place a 3rd of the traps to aquire the same resources.
Honey can be handled the same way make it so worker bees are fuel that doesnt convert into honey but increase the gain of honey drastically thus cutting down on mass beehive placement.
As for the vault need and stacking orbs I felt that this was a balancing feature between any level and max level. Now hear me out on this, not being 60 or being a solo player or even a small clan and having a safe place to store survival items. Is very important to the replayabilty or the abilty to continue even after an “Alpha” clan wiped most of your base is a neccessarry aspect to wanting to play the game. Orb stacking is also feature that levels the playing field a bit as it is a lot harder to amass enough bombs for a full raid on an alpha clan but being able to build up enough orbs to harass them helps alot in not noticing the over welming difference between level 59 and level 60. The next thing that ties in with this is “star metal” at the best of times it will take around 7 stacked grease orbs 20 seconds to burn off the cover of one meteorite. At the worst of times, well I wont go there with that. Due to the irregularity of the meteorrite landing with either most of its hit box underground or on the side of a cliff I feel I speak for the majority here when I say I wouldn’t start wasting bombs to blow the shell off as 2 more ore or wood or bark per swing isnt worth the cost there. So I would leave these features alone or perhaps maybe tune it down a little make so only 6 orbs stack instead of 10 or only take 25 percent of the vault hp away as opposed to 75 percent.
This brings me to the final hoora thralls over all have been bugged since early access. The fact that as a company you would copy the code from them as a template for pets saddened me honestly. That being said its still a feature I am excited to have and if it must be implamented with a feeding system. A very good suggestion that I feel people would find acceptable is that since there would now be a demand for bugs and bees which yes means more grinding with the sicle would also mean we as players would have an abundance of plant fiber and seeds. Which means it wouldn’t be hard to convert that to gruel for the thralls to maintain their hunger all be it at a slower rate than the players I hope. That being said, getting rid of the desired food aspect isn’t what I’m suggesting. One idea would be that the gruel would maintain the hunger of a thrall but if you feed a thrall a lasting mean they would get a small strength buff or another meal might buff there vitality and etc. I feel as a player that makes me want to have at least some of those things on hand because if I know I’m going to get raided you bet I would grind to make sure as many of the thralls have a buff as I could before hand, but for offline maintenance gruel should be an acceptable food source. Further more if this indeed does limit the over all thralls we can have which I hope it doesnt come to that. A great addition to the game playability would be leveling thralls up for exaple you pick up a level 1 fighter and after he kills 50 creatures or other thralls while either defending or following he becomes level 2 then there would be another cap where he would hit level 3 and finally which I feel should be class specific. Like the Zamorian fighter would have to survive a specific world boss fight and the thrall would awaken into his named form. This would add a very interesting element to the game and obviously thosr values could be adjusted to higher amounts.
As for the dungeon for the new god I love it and hope to see that all the gods are treated the same way eventually. As it would make your initial choice much more important.
As a player I dont want to see the community of this game so ready to stop playing so please if you agree bump and post this and other posts from other people to as many related fourms and disscusions as possible so that it may reach funcom before its to late for the game itself.
Some probably did, I bought it (at EA launch) because the whole idea was very compelling, not because of pets.
That was not complaining but a logical conclusion, yes I was one of them asking why not.
I was not great in biology but in my years as human being I am used to the concept of eating food
The amount required is the major thing.
I was looking forward to have a way to use the excess food I was producing instead of putting it to the compost bin (yes I still have some real life morals even when playing games )
I wonder if anyone ever asked themselves why that is, talking the amount of thralls.
What is there to do in the endgame, after defeating the bosses and building a massive T3 base other than go and recruit some new followers (Thralls) and place them somewhere in the process?
What about the (offline) Purges where you need Thralls to defend but, as in my case, never know how much you need to do that successfully (given the current aggro issue and depending on your base design) so some of us, so I assume, just want to be save.
What about the citylife feature they promised as well, why can we not use the Thralls to add life to our bases, using them as animated probs and them losing any fighting behavious (I assume that is the thing needing computing power, not much the asset of the NPC but I am no programmer)
Yes they do, and I appreciate that.
The best thing, if I recall correctly, in the hotfix to the MOAP was the announcement of the encumbrance message being moved. I liked that so much I am not really angry it blocks other important stuff now, I am sure they find the right way eventually.
And that is understandable and logic afterall.
There is basically a two simple calculations you can do in order to verify if this system is somewhat reasonable (personal opinion):
- How much time do you have to spend in order to keep one (1) Thrall fed for at least 24 hours?
- How much time do you have to spend in order to keep one (1) Thrall fed for the entirety of the decay timer, and is this even possible given Thrall inventory size?
From there on you could extrapolate and see how grindy a feature like this is.
I personally do not want to spend an hour a day to prepare an exclusive meal to feed one thrall for 24 hours (as an example)
Maybe I want to take some days off of the game or, god forbid, take a vacation about as long as the devs (still think they deserved it, but so do we) without coming back to my server having no Thralls anymore.
Funcom can you let us put thralls in the pens when our wheels are full kinda like a temp storage.
I would feel comfortable if you will stop invent new content before fixing old one. Me and my clan (10 ppl) cant play this game for last 2 month cus of huge amount of bugs and as i can see most of servers are empty. There is nothing to do in this game atm, and i`m rly afraid of you inventing food system for thralls because of bugs which can appear from it (we have 2 bases with over 150 volcano lvl 4 thralls, even if they are no defending anything from being bugged i would not like to loose 150 silent legion sets from them). Fix this game until is dead pls! You wont attract anyone with new content if bugs are still there.
Already have a scheduled release date?
Hopefully we get a new testlive build this week, maybe there will be some new on newsletter.
Here is one, why not make thralls decay at the same rate the building they are at decays? I think that will get rid of the Thralls from players who don’t play anymore at the same time the building goes away. I don’t see why you have to “break” aspects of the game (with feeding thralls) to make the game “better” It makes no sense.
I wish whoever is getting this creative ideas would stop and think of where the game is going, Create more dungeons and make more “decorative content” instead of finding way to place more perishables in the game. Micromanagement will eventually be it’s downfall.
You realise that they would have done so if they could in the first place as someone on the forms gave a pretty good reason as to why they didn`t as it is most likely due to the coding as Thralls are different than buildings and placeables.
Bug Confirmation Request
Thrall sound field
I have tried this in Live, and it is not present. I checked with a friend who says it is not present in his Live version. With any luck someone can check for me in TestLive.
Steps to Repeat
- Possess a dancer who is dancing, and making her dance sounds
- Stand in 3rd Person with your back to her
- Observe her sounds as you’re both in camera
- Switch to 1P
- Observe no sounds from her
It looks like the “cone” or field of sound emissions from thralls is somewhat different from Live. This applies to the ringing noise from Blacksmiths. It also applies to human enemies who might be sneaking up, you know, behind you. It is present in 3rd Person as well, switching to 1P simply makes it easy to repeat and explain.
Dance and Smith sounds
No sounds
Hrukk12 If you are addressing me, and if you were asking me a question. No, I did not realize (I am not a programmer nor a code writer) that, thank you for educating me, now I know. I have no way to know what they are thinking, so I don’t know what they would or wouldn’t have done. I guess the only solution is to come up with a way to just make the player work for it even if it diminishes the enjoyment of the game.
I think most of us, and this is just a guess, would like to spend more time doing things that we actually enjoy and not spend hours cutting weeds to get insects to put in fish traps as bait to catch fish, to feed the pets and Thralls, instead of spending it building or taming pets. But again, that is just a guess.
Bug Report: Enemy Thralls Do Not Aggro
Private Server TL 1X Vanilla
Summary: I can walk in and around my enemies’ bases, and despite having blown giant holes in their walls, no thrall will aggro.
Steps to repeat:
- Find an enemy with thralls in the world
- Get into his haus
- Walk around, blow through doors, spank a dancer
- Observe enemy in bedroom, take some glamor shots with dancers in the background
It is interesting to note my enemy is listed as unconscious, yet his body retains the sitting posture in which I suppose he logged out. Sitting on the floor, emote.
Well I placed a T1 pen, it was probably 2 block spaces away from my house on testlive us1. It did not pick up the houses decay timer, which is at 144 hours. it was only 2 hours. I destroyed it, and put down some foundations connecting it to the house. This T1 pen is way to damn big. Why is funcom going down this path of making all new stuff so big. it started with the map room, and now this t1 pen is 7x10? Seems like a lot for the starter pen, especially for someone starting out and trying to get their first pets.
great news you want to go into the volcano to get a legendary alc will get perma noxious gas on you till you die
Leaving aside the current status of hunger on thralls, what do you ppl think about how the feeder operates?
As some have expressed, decayed food sticking in thralls inventory is a huge issue (And waste of resources). Would it be better if the feeder only gave a single piece of food every time a thrall is hungry? With the possibility of funcom changing the feeders to increase the expiration of foods, this would help tremendously when someone is unavailable from logging into the game.