terribly optimized the feeder needs to be refrigerated, thralls need to need less food overall or casuals and there pve-c will die. Since food cost is so high no one solo can maintain even 5 for base defense so the world is barren most people on testlive opt out of having anything
Is that even with mask on?
I would think they make the new stuff so big to force players to build village style bases rather than being able to place âeverythingâ in a pillar or ceiling base.
Iâm not in the test - live (beta tester in another game already), but I get the impression that thralls eat continueously while players just eat when they are online, might that be correct?
yeah I get it should be out in the open, as the design of the pen is covered and has foundation. but even placing it within a couple tiles of my main house on testlive was not good enough for it to pick up the houses decay timer. so the pen would decay in 2 hours if not on foundation that was connected to the main house
I donât even have any space for that pen in my base.
Itâs way too big and Iâm not expanding further more. Besides, pets are pretty much useless for the time being.
I think it is more complicated then that. Since you are in perpetual space it makes sense that Thralls (which exist in this space) would need constant maintenance in the form of food.
The larger problem is, Thralls are just straight up gluttons. As long as there is food in the pot, they appear to put a maximum of 120 pieces of food in their respective inventories. Then, when their hunger drops in the slightest, they use the food in their inventory (and if there is food in the pot, they replace it) to go back up to 100 on the meter.
As the system stands, it is a HORRIBLE waste of resources, since most food people would give thralls isnât going to just replenish 1 point of hunger. Thralls are in NO danger of dying, but are practically constantly maintaining a unrealistic amount of resources.
Actually they are in danger of dying if you have 30 or more thralls pulling from the pot and your gone on pve or pvp server more than 2 days they will pull from that pot 24/7 until it is gone and when it is empty and their stores are gone they will die. However at the moment a lot of them poof before that happens. On a SP game time stops.
I was talking about thrall usage vs resource cost vs realities of the system. Thralls do not need a stack of 120 food times, especially if they are constantly refilling them. Likewise a thrall at 99 or 98 even is in no way in danger of dying of hunger, but they will likely still eat.
Which means they are burning through food way faster then is necessary. Most food items restore more then 1 point of hunger, so logically, a thrall can go longer without eating food and be in no danger of dying. But that isnât what (at least from what I can tell) is happening.
Thralls eat items when their hunger dips at all. So you have thralls eating say 1 Cooked Exotic Shellfish every time their hunger drops 1 point. When they could wait until they are at 50 hunger points and still get up to 100.
So basically each thrall is eating almost a full stack of food more then they need to. With just one Thrall, that is a terrible waste of resources. Multiple that by however many thralls a person has, and you can see where people feel like all they are doing is grinding out food for their thralls.
Before I quit Testlive Thralls were showing timer of 7hrs on 120 food hoping they fixed that and that was what I was working off of.
Well, I am still not sure on the whole timer system to be honest. I think that just means how long they have till they start to lose HP from hunger. If you look at thralls regularly with your pots with food that number never really goes down. So you just have to keep the supply going.
That said, my point, of them being overly gluttonous, would help that situation. Since if you decreased the frequency of when they ate a food item, the amount of items they would need would decrease as well, and increase how long a given stack (or stacks) would last.
so they should make it like for the dinos in ARK. When hunger goes under a fixed % they will eat. And they should eat just the right amount then.
Of course, food consomation should be lowered in the same move. They eat way to much anyway right now.
But your obeservation seems right to me. They eat all the time, without real reason right now.
I would think if they worked on lowing when a thrall ate, it would fix all that. Like I said, it seems to me, they basically eat whenever their hunger dips at all. So you have Thralls eating cooked exotic shellfish when their hunger is at 99. Which is a HUGE waste, because they could go all the way down to 50 hunger and one cooked exotic shellfish would have them back up to 100. Which is why I mentioned them basically wasting a whole stack of food items.
Granted, items most likely vary on how much they give back in hunger, but you still basically have the current iteration having them eat way more often then they need to avoid actually going hungry.
thrall need recognise the different foods, and let hunger go down depending what they have in inventory, or pot. So if a meal give 50% back, they need let drop to 50%. If food has 30% they drop to 70%. The way the said dinos work. Thatâs why i mentioned ARK. This works fine, and no waste of food, and no starwing.
Easiest way would be to make the foodcounter of Thralls able to go above 100.
At the moment a Thrall eats whenever his food comes below 100, so with 99 it will eat. If you make it that food can go above 100 then when a thrall reaches 99 it can eat again.
Ideally yes, but it doesnât have to be that complicated. Just let Thralls not eat until they reach 50. Then they eat. If they have high-quality food, they go up to 100, and will not eat again for a long while (until theyâre back at 50). If they have low-quality food, they might just go up to 60 or 70, in which case it wonât be that long until they eat again.
The potion of midnight is OP as
Its literally a teleport to the grove and can be exploited as a quick escape.
Players can engage in fights and raids and use the potions to get away instantly.
getting chased by another player drink and escape.
get trapped in a box by another player drink and escape.
I built my base near the den now I have a quick way home.
This really needs to be looked at Funcom
The worst part is for a tone of feral flesh you can get As many potions as you can carry.
You have to talk to jhebbel sagâs brother near the dens to enter.
SO before the feeding system should not require the clan that has said thralls for the food to be consumed, I had 1.2k excuisite meat on the thrall on reboot I found out the thrall despawned. Also there is mo consequence of spamming midnight potions to escape. I had it happen 5 times in pvp moments so I just carry it on me now because I want the loot! So if there is no cooldown or it gives corruption if in inventory it will be spammed