TestLive Pets, combat and Dungeons update, oh my! [17/08/2018]

shield and throwing axe are not getting poison I want to make people bleed and poison

Was the shield supposed to get poison I know that it did on SP. Bows didnā€™t though so guess throwing weapons included In that?

Game Mode: Testlive_US_1
Problem: Ummmā€¦

Sorry, but this was so amusing to me that I had to share it. :rofl:

PS: We really need a server restartā€¦


Well people definitely want mounts and that mammoth is definitely mounting that house.


The things that happen when a Testlive server hasnā€™t been restarted for a weekā€¦

I was actually in that hut knocking out a smelter when it got up there. Could hear him rampaging through New Asgarth terrorizing the locals, shaking the ground. This shot was taken 5 hours later.


Seems like they should be restarting testlive servers daily just like they do live ones. that would also help find bugs that only come up with restarts.


Shadoza I understand your point, I too hate using admin panel as an excuse to fix some of the problem on solo. especially few months ago I had adjust just enough to fight against the wold boss because of their massive health pool enough to make you bore and go to sleep half way.

On top of that I had to use cheat just finish some of the new base to avoid crazy grinding time that I had to spend wasting. Where is the fair challenge if I keep using admin panel all the time right?


Yeah thatā€™s the main point against this ā€œjust use adminā€ line of thinking really. Thatā€™s why I prefer official servers, even though I play without a clan. Thereā€™s just no choice to ā€œadmin it inā€. Well, that and occasionally coming across other playersā€™ structures when out and about, and knowing someone might come across mine.


Oh donā€™t misunderstand me, thereā€™s absolutely nothing wrong with using admin mode for any or all purposes that suit you. I use it extensively myself to test out builds before committing untold hours to building them ā€œfor realā€.

My point is solely that itā€™s not a good argument against changes that players who donā€™t like it can ā€œjust use admin to change the gameā€.

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Closing this topic as we have a new Testlive patch up and running. Please post your feedback and bug reports in this thread: