The current console experience

Step 1. Turn on the game. ‘The game crashes at the Funcom logo :ok_hand::sunglasses:…’ the irony :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Step 2. Quit the game and try again.

Step 3. Select play online’ I use that term loosely’.

Step 4. Select your server and join.

Step 5. Wait ten years.

Step 6. Anxiously wait to see I you can actually join the EMPTY server as the game begins to load. ’ fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:.

Step 7. Stand back in amazement that it’s actually allowed you to join the server.

Step 8. Wait another ten years as your Map loads in :roll_eyes:.

Step 9. Enjoy playing conan for a brief period. ’

Step 10. Game crashes.

Step 11. Become best friends with an infinite loading screen as you try to rejoin your server.

Step 12. Report the problem to Funcom

Step 13. Admire Funcoms Priorities.

Step 14. Ponder in despair as you get no response apart from a hollow apologie.

Step 15. Admire the service for paying pc players and wonder how it’s possible you can’t play a game you’ve paid for :thinking:

Step 16 . Repeat the previous 15 steps if you wish to die of frustration dealing with the simply unprofessional conduct of Funcom.

@Chansmeir @Community


Step 17. Buy a real computing rig and enjoy the heck out of the game. . . .


That’s definitely on the menu in the future . The sacrifice we make for family :family_man_woman_boy:.
Be well JJDancer.


@Lionsraws you own a PS4 pro? Do you have the game downloaded internally or on an external drive?

Don’t forget the undermesh … On the ps4’s 3553 server there is a clan that is already in its third undermesh base, and despite the various complaints, nothing is done by Funcom … Then you get discouraged and give up the game

  1. Sony and Microsoft console players finally unite in lament over this game.
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Have you tried it on the PS5?

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The PS5 price comes in at $499 ( £449 / AU $749.95 ) When someone just spent the big bucks ($299.00) for a PS4 it is probably not in their budget to drop $500 on a newer model.
I remember my parents crying and moaning every time Xbox came out with a newer version and my brothers demanded it for Christmas…lol.


Perhaps this game shouldn’t have made to the consoles…

That’s alot less than what I paid for my GPU to get a better framerate. So I’m not suggesting anything I haven’t done myself :grin:

Same here (RTX 3090 lol)

My experience on ps4 pro was great, as was my friends on the ps4. Xbox I believe still has issues.

You’ll need a next gen console to load in faster since Sony and Microsoft waited til now to use SSD’s and more processing power.


You can swap in an ssd on ps4 easily.

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On Xbox you have to buy an external but processing speed is still an issue.

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The point remains that the “console experience” depends on the console. Xbox has many issues at present that are being actively worked.


My wife and I are playing on our year and a half old ps4 not really having any console problems we play pve on official and private server. She experiences more loading problems than I do and with more than one game. Also her tv doesn’t stream Netflix well I probably should dig into it. Might be related.


Well my dear JJ the problem is bigger than 500 Euro . I Believe that giving this amount every 7 to 10 years for a new console is not a great expense . People give 1.000 Euro every year for a new selfphone ,so I don’t think 500 is a problem :wink: . The greatest issue is that they don’t exist in the market . The greatest Electronic stores didn’t even deliver the pre orders of September 2020 . If we had consoles available we wouldn’t stay this way , believe me we would have the consoles already . Our friend @Lionsraws is not lying , PS4 Conan becomes every day harder and harder . My only disagreement is that I don’t blame funcom for Sonys faults . All this time they send less than 1.000 pieces in my country … really ??? They cannot produce consoles ? In Japan people suicide because they don’t have jobs and they cannot hire more personel … really ???
I play on this console since 1996 , I support Sony 25 years now and at this time I feel betrayed from this company , this is my point of view .
My PS4 console is almost broken , it sounds like a helicopter in my living room and the last days it gets overheated all the time . I am desperated , I can’t play without log in and out 20 times per day .Why should I go and pay 400 Euro for PS4 pro for three or four months ?
I know that I can always download the game on my laptop , still … I love
my couch girl and my 50inch flat screen , I am a man of bad habits after all :wink: .

There may be dust and such on inside that the fan may be clogged up with and you need to use (I use my air compressor at distance to not destroy hardware) air can after you take it apart ( look for a video on YouTube) as the console will over heat and damage it over time or start a fire (when it keeps freezing up on game you will enjoy the burn for a few seconds them panic when on fire)


Thank you m8 , I will try it today ,thanks a lot :+1: .