Thoughts on the dev stream info

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On reflection, I’m looking forward to the foot-planted light spear poke. Ahead are doorway attacks, or ground-killing the glitchers who float on their backs. :skull_and_crossbones:

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If it was during raid hours yes they would try. I’m sorry you are deterred by such opposition but I am not. The reward will often outweigh any risk (which can be minimized thru stripping down naked with a serpent man spear and stun locking thralls to death.) You just have to adapt and overcome. If not raid hours then I am free to open any unlocked chests, loot exposed stations and pens, etc.

bearer thrall, please take my loot home while I pull my bracelet, tyvm

(ADDED: Do not give this j@ckA any stolen food items or zeal blood/hearts/etc. he will eat them all before you have time to “oh crap” try to get it back)

Don’t be scared brah, there is always a way around

Srsly? Throw orbs? :joy::joy::joy:

What do you wanna accomplish with that? XD

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Orbs are too slow. And the enemy can just rush in and hit you. Or do the same with jars and arrows.

Mostly they carry gas masks to negate the gas damage. And when they are at 25% they just use herbal and haunch and get to 100% again.

If you plan on killing them before blowing up your own door you need to do something different. Like bomb PvP.

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That timer is really going to stop me… Especially if u use legendaries lol .

Legendary rep kits are easy to farm but if your battles are long which most likely they are because lets be real its conan haha people fight like crazy then bring friends from other servers when they lose. It can get tedious unless u use dragon bone u can repair it with bones in your inventory. Just no stat buffs from legends :frowning:

Hey but did u get a glimpse of the new repair kits? They look promising damage amd armor pen together!

I feel that the way Orbs are thrown could do with a rework, they need to fly faster and flatter. I mean who among us throws a baseball or tennis ball like that? They ‘float’ like they were made out of styrofoam.

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Also pretty sure on PvE chests aren’t lootable… (And no amount of jumping would get you past a door… (That said on official PvP I don’t think you should be able to raid during non-PvP hours… Also pretty sure all thralls should be attacking you at the same time…)

To put a fine point on it: oil or mod kit, one or the other. If you have modded your wep with say advanced damage kit, it cannot be oiled.

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Can you add poison to modded weapons?

And with the new kits: Can we upgrade weapons from old to the new kits? Or do we have to find them again…

You need a clean weapon to apply the new kits/oils. You can add poison to most of the weapons which have modifications. Not to all though.

@jot29 if you are interested in a specific weapon, I can test it for you.

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And the same logic should work for the OIL, as it is like the poison: Only temporary…

Or is FC again inconsistent or dont play their game??

And what’s the relevance of this? If you introduce a new system to the game that effects all game modes then if it is broken in any of those modes, it’s not good enough.

Climbing out unless double cren is not hard. Also a door can be bypassed, im very happy that you haven’t been corrupted yet though.

Seems to me like you just want to poop on the idea because you think that the defenses we can build in game right now aren’t sufficient to deal with people catapulting over the wall (Assuming that we can even build close enough to the wall to catapult over it with it…)

And pretty sure that short of destroying it it shouldn’t be possible to pass through enemy doors.

I don’t think it would be broken on account of it shouldn’t be possible to build the spring traps close enough to an enemy wall to launch over it. (And even then I think between thralls, more spring traps, crenelations, pets, spike traps, palisades, mines, bombs, and just building your walls taller than what can be launched over) Not to mention further balance that could be achieved through build costs, build times, how long it takes for it to decay when not attacked to a larger structure…

I of course would like some booby trapped storage containers that look just like their regular counterparts that do things like explode into flames, explode into clouds of gas, or clouds of acid if an enemy player tries to loot them.

Sorry u don’t see how these would be used by exploiters, but I cannot agree that the spring-pad traps from Warmaker would be a good building piece to be made available to players. I think the spike traps would be fun, but IMO the spring traps leave too much open to exploit in PvP.

I can’t discuss exploits, but you can find them. Undermeshing uses currently available building pieces…


They can fix these glitches on a case by case basis @Minnion but there is usually one around. I alluded to this glitch in our discussion about spring pads traps. I’m not disagreeing with your idea just to be argumentative, but based on what I’ve experienced.

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