Thralls still dying for no reason since patch


Oh man, I was already pi**ed when I lost „only“ two yesterday in the first couple of hours after the patch but that is just horrible.

I feel with you, fellow exile…

That said, maybe it would help getting some attention from funcom if you would file an official bug report as well

Fortunately I am on a local dedicated server, so I can spawn them back in - others will not be so lucky.

As for a bug report - everything I know is in that screenshot, not sure what there is to report.

That maybe right, but a bug report using funcom‘s template can at least not be deflected with just a „please us the template“. However, it will probably also be just ignored by them so as this post wil.

Greetings Yasma!
Thank you for reporting your situation.

In order for our team to properly assist you, please provide us further information following the below Bug Report Template:

We’ll be awaiting your report!

Indeed, 1 thrall (named smelter) just dissapeared and an other (named priest) was killed by .2 The decayed gear didn’t show in event menu.

Same issue. They appear to be murdered while I’m logged out.

PVE 1727

It keeps on going, please FC, turn this ■■■■ off.

Have the same issue, had 6 of them dying in a day and today had another one dying randomly. Im scared to place any of them down at this point.

It happened to me twice today when I was offline. They were not killed by any enemy, as you can see in the image I have tested with another thrall and it clearly says that it was killed by a wolf. There is no info about what killed the other two. I really wanted to like this update but I feel like I’m wasting my time.

There is no clear way to reproduce this, just play the game and it could happen at any time.

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Isn‘t that ridiculous? The forum is full of countless reports for Thralls that just died and still funcom does nothing, let alone recognize the issue. They have thrown out a hotfix that was neither hot nor did it fix anything and that seems to be it. I have never seen a company withsuch an abyssal customer service. They just ignore their user base… the least they could do is switch this sh*t off until they have found a working fix and get it confirmed by beta testers.

That said, I also lost another four T4 Thralls within the past 24 hours…

The same here. I lost 3 thralls in the last 2 days. I am not deploying any more thralls until this is fixed. And if not fixed in a timely manner, I may just walk away from this game after 5800 hours of playing this.

Can confirm this to be true on my server. PlayStation official PvE #3531

I was leveling Vatessa up. Logged off for the night. Got on this evening and she was nowhere to be found. Checked the event log… and yup. Died with no reason. She’s the only one that’s died thus far. Pretty annoying as she’s my favorite cook, hence the reason why I was leveling her up in the first place… so she would NOT die. :face_exhaling:

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Today I lost 3. The logs only say they died. (2)
This is dumb.

Same here, lost Fia this evening.

Came back to add I lost another thrall after I logged off for the night. RIP Keyim of Asura.
Keyim of Asura

Part of it seems to be location: I have a base at the pagoda, and all of my higher tier thralls “died [2]”. I’ve even lost the experimental T3 crafters as well. My other base(s), does not have this problem. The thralls rarely fall through the floor (except at the pagoda), but at other locations those that wander “usually” teleport back into the base when they fall off the path they’re on and seem to avoid the npc mobs that try to kill them…even if they are attacked.

Things I’ve done that seem to help: 1) fence them in, as it is described, make it so if they wander, they can’t get down on the ground where things will attack them - if you’re on official, you often cant see what killed them or died [2]. 2) train them up and give them decent armor - if they’re experimental just give them heavy armor T1, if they’re a blade smith, put them in chilled and get them up to lvl 10 as a minimum with dungeon weapons/ shielding so if they wander they’re unlikely to get killed. 3) if you’re in a high loss area, remove all of your T4 thralls to another base so that they are less likely to be lost. There is no 4). I’ve noticed that it seems I’ve “killed” thralls by trying to put two named breaker thralls on the same wheel. Some time later, it shows “soandso deleted thrall named…” so it may be possible to lose them to not being properly (no matter how hard you try) to place the on a station.

It’s been a bitch, especially replacing the T4 blade smiths that “died suddenly or died [2]” but all in all, the base now seems to be alive. I am truly enjoying it, now that I’ve finally recovered the lost crafters. Hopefully, they fix the died [2] soon.

edit: this only applies to crafter thralls, fighter/ bearer/ other “non-crafter” thralls seem to be immune.

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Here is a workaround that is confirmed working:

All you want to do is stop the crafters from roaming, so you just want to disable every item that is thrall interactable. Be aware that this literally means every item. If there is only one item still enabled the workaround won‘t work.

So just disable thrall use for all beds, chairs, stools, log benches, workbenches, wells, camp- and bonfires, thrall pots, bars, large crates (they occassionally lean on them), etc. and place your thralls in front of their benches or on any other and they will just stay there since they have no spots left to long for.

Sure this will turn your living settlement more into a ghost place, however, this will sustainably prevent your precious T4 crafters from passing…

wrong. just because you post it twice, doesn’t make it work. They will still open doors, so a room without doors is the only workaround