UI modifications for agent system

Continuing the discussion from Feedback & Suggestions:

A couple mods that address some of the feedback on agents. Mods do tend to decrease the stability of the base UI (already somewhat unstable) so it would be nice if the devs could roll some of these ideas in, but it’s something until they do.

@maddawgg I’ve rolled that into Clockwatcher. Which also features an optional offline timer view for missions, lairs and agent missions. Incapacitation and some important bugfixes (including one for the disconnection crash) were added in v1.2.1

@Vandelay Xeio has that feature in an experimental Agent Tweaks mod (now on Curse, so there should be fewer people installing the source code). Also has UI scaling and durations on the mission list (with more to come).

v1.2 added a remove all equipment button and a tentative attempt at a fatigue monitor. (Note: The fatigue value only updates clientside when an event causes the server to update data. It may not update in real time. The devs have also cast some uncertainty over how, or whether, the value from the API actually connects to the incapacitation mechanic.)

v1.3 adds a preview of unusual (non-distillate, non-shard) rewards, as well as flagging bonuses that your current agent can complete. Is also now on Curse, links are updated.


This is tremendous. Not only is it exactly what I wanted, but also looking at the code gave me some interesting ideas.

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You are awesome !
Thank you so much !

Here’s to hoping FC makes these really nice tweaks part of the basic Agent UI! :slight_smile:


This is sooo great! Thanks for spreading the good stuff :slight_smile:

Can someone give instructions on where to extract the folder to? Pretty please :hamster:

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Should fit into the usual install procedure here: https://forums.funcom.com/t/modding-overview-index/387
Just be sure you’ve got a release (with a .swf file), not the source code if you’re grabbing from GitHub.

I clicked the green clone or download button at github and extracted that file to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Funcom\Secret World Legends\Data\Gui\Custom\Flash folder and restarted the game. Nothing seemed to change in the agent UI. What should I be doing differently?

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You want the “releases” link in the menu just above the download link. GitHub’s dev focused, so the big green button is the source link rather than usable downloads.
For extra convenience: AgentUI Tweaks latest release


Ahhh… you even explained that in your original post. I’m such a dummy. Thank you! It’s working now. Very much appreciate the extra help :asset:

I really like the Agent Tweaks mod. Though the Fatigue changes per mission is still rather confusing.

Thomas Grady
~29% Fatigue
Turn in one 15m mission - Success
~45% Fatigue
Turn in one 15m mission - Success
Incapacitated with 9hr 50min cooldown.


Faction Recruit
Fatigue: 45%
1 hr mission turn in - Success
Incapacitated for 8 hr, 38 min, 30 sec

Prior to this mission turn in, I did two 15 min mission success turn-ins and they upped fatigue by around 10-12% each time.

This is fantastic!! thanks a lot!

Have been attempting to make some observations in an effort to deduce how the system works. Current thoughts:

  • Fatigue gain is related to the difficulty (diamond/tier/level) of the mission and how well the mission went (completion result). Am not sure that mission duration or rushing has an impact. For tier 1 and 2 missions it seems to average around 7-12%. It’s added when you accept an agent’s report.
  • Incapacitation seems to occur around 50% (5 missions of the first couple levels based on current % estimates). Whether this is a hard cutoff or just the way the odds work is unclear. It seems to last for 8-10 hours and leaves an agent fully rested when finished (or rushed). This results in an approximate recovery rate of 5%/hour.
  • Agents who are resting in the pool seem to recover faster, possibly around 10%/hour. Spa days may be better than hospital stays.
  • An agent is only resting if they are not in a mission slot. They may have completed the mission hours ago, but until you pick up their report, they’re not recovering from their fatiuge. See below

Further data (particularly anything that would disprove any of this, or clarify the incapacitation trigger) is still needed though.


  • The length of incapacitation does not seem to depend on the level of fatigue at which it is triggered, and there does not seem to be a fixed incapacitated fatigue value. (An agent with 10% fatigue came back from a mission incapacitated for 8h)
  • There is something fishy going on with the incapacitation timers. I suspect a server side bug of some sort, but they seem to sometimes run down a lot quicker than expected.

I’ve got more Fatigue data:

Faction Recruit (Reduced Fatigue gain)

0% Fatigue
Completed Tier 2 - 4 hour mission - Mission Successful (But not fully?)
11% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Mission Successful
18% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Mission Successful
25% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Mission Successful
32% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 1 hour mission - Mission Successful
38% Fatigue
Completed Tier 2 - 8 hour Mission - Mission Successful
49% Fatigue - 7:21 am


0% 6:35 pm
Completed Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Mission Successful
7% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Mission Successful
14% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Outstanding
18% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 1 hour mission - Mission Successful
25% Fatigue
Slight Delay of a few minutes - 24% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 1 hour Mission - Mission Successful
31% Fatigue
Completed Tier 4 - 8 hour Mission - Mission Successful
42% Fatigue - Waited a minute or so
41% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Mission Successful
48% Fatigue - 8:50am
42% Fatigue - 9:25am
20% Fatigue - 11:16am
16% Fatigue - 11:54am
15% Fatigue - 11:58am
14% Fatigue - 12:12am
11% Fatigue - 12:30am
5% Fatigue - 1:01pm
4% Fatigue - 1:06pm
3% Fatigue - 1:16pm
2% Fatigue - 1:22pm
1% Fatigue - 1:26pm
0% Fatigue - 1:30pm

Thomas Grady (Normal Fatigue gain)

0% Fatigue
Completed Tier 2 - 1 hour mission - Mission Successful
15% Fatigue
Completed Tier 3 - 1 hour Blue Mission - Mission Successful
30% Fatigue
Completed Tier 2 - 1 hour Mission - Mission Successful
45% Fatigue
Completed Tier 2 - 8 hour Mission - Mission Successful


0% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 1 hour mission - Mission Successful
10% Fatigue
Completed Tier 2 - 1 hour Mission - Mission Successful
25% Fatigue
Completed Tier 1 - 1 hour Mission - Mission Successful
35% Fatigue
Completed Tier 2 - 8 hour Mission - Mission Successful
50% Fatigue (No Incapacitation) 8:22 am
45% Fatigue - 8:48am
38% Fatigue - 9:25am
16% Fatigue - 11:16am
12% Fatigue - 11:54am
11% Fatigue - 11:58am
10% Fatigue - 12:12am
7% Fatigue - 12:30am
1% Fatigue - 1:01pm
0% Fatigue - 1:06pm


When agent is Idle and ready for a new mission, and you are offline, Fatigue goes down at approximately 1% per 5.75 minutes.

(Normal Fatigue rate)
Tier 1 - 1 hour mission - Successful = 10% Fatigue
Tier 2 - 1 hour mission - Successful = 15% Fatigue
Tier 3 - 1 hour mission - Successful = 15% Fatigue

Tier 2 - 8 hour mission - Successful = 15% Fatigue

(Reduced Fatigue rate)
Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Successful = 7% Fatigue
Tier 1 - 1 hour mission - Successful = 7% Fatigue

Tier 1 - 15 min mission - Outstanding = 4% Fatigue

Tier 2 - 4 hour mission - Successful = 11% Fatigue
Tier 2 - 8 hour Mission - Successful ~= 11% Fatigue

Tier 4 - 8 hour Mission - Successful ~= 11% Fatigue


There may have been slight delays of a couple minutes after turning in a mission and starting the next on a few occasions and that may be the cause of some slight variability in my test cases above.

When testing Fatigue decay, the time between each recording is not exact, and the Fatigue is displayed as an integer while internally it probably keeps a few decimal places, so some variances are expected in the data.

Fun tidbit:

/reloadui updated the Fatigue % for me


I’ve been told by someone else on these forums that Fatigue was going down by about 1% per 8-10 minutes for them while online the whole time. So there may be a difference if you are online vs offline.

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Love this Add on - AgentTweaks. The fatigue meter was what I really was looking for, so should prove interesting to see how that develops!

I did use Curse (Twitch.TV) download and it did put the file in Custom, not in the Flash. Easy to move, but if people aren’t getting it to work, it might be that.

Thanks for making this!!!

Updated Fatigue Rates:

(Normal Fatigue rate)

Tier Mission Length Complete Fatigue Successful Fatigue Outstanding Fatigue Notes
Tier 1 15 min 10% 5%
Tier 1 1 hour 10% / 11% (once) 5%
Tier 1 4 hour 10% 5%
Tier 1 8 hour 10%

Tier 2 15 min 18% (once) / 20% (once) 15% 10%
Tier 2 1 hour 15% 10%
Tier 2 4 hour 20% 15% 10%
Tier 2 8 hour 20% 13% (once) / 15% 10%

Tier 3 15 min 15%
Tier 3 1 hour 25% 15%
Tier 3 4 hour 25% 15% 10%
Tier 3 8 hour 15%

Tier 4 15 min 15% 1 test case
Tier 4 1 hour 15%
Tier 4 4 hour 30% 15% 10%
Tier 4 8 hour 30% 1 test case

Tier 5 15 min 15%
Tier 5 1 hour 15%
Tier 5 4 hour
Tier 5 8 hour 15% 1 test case

Special 4 hour 15%

(Faction Recruit - Reduced Fatigue rate)

Tier Mission Length Complete Fatigue Successful Fatigue Outstanding Fatigue Notes
Tier 1 15 min 7% 3-4%
Tier 1 1 hour 7% 3-4%
Tier 1 4 hour 7 / 10% 2 test case
Tier 1 8 hour 7%

Tier 2 15 min 10-11% 7%
Tier 2 1 hour 10-11%
Tier 2 4 hour 10-11%
Tier 2 8 hour 10-11%

Tier 3 15 min 10-11%
Tier 3 1 hour 10-11% 7%
Tier 3 4 hour 17-18% 10-11%
Tier 3 8 hour 10-11%

Tier 4 15 min 11% 1 test case
Tier 4 1 hour 10% 1 test case
Tier 4 4 hour 10-11%
Tier 4 8 hour 11% 1 test case

Tier 5 15 min 10% 1 test case
Tier 5 1 hour
Tier 5 4 hour
Tier 5 8 hour 11%

(Lydia Darling - Supernatural Trait - Reduced Fatigue rate)

Tier Mission Length Complete Fatigue Successful Fatigue Outstanding Fatigue Notes
Tier 1 15 min 9%
Tier 1 1 hour 9%
Tier 1 4 hour
Tier 1 8 hour

Tier 2 15 min 13-14%
Tier 2 1 hour 13-14% 9%
Tier 2 4 hour
Tier 2 8 hour

Tier 3 15 min
Tier 3 1 hour
Tier 3 4 hour 23% 14%
Tier 3 8 hour 13% 1 test case

(Maxwell Chandler - Dexterity Trait - Reduced Fatigue rate)

Tier Mission Length Complete Fatigue Successful Fatigue Outstanding Fatigue Notes
Tier 1 15 min 9%
Tier 1 1 hour
Tier 1 4 hour
Tier 1 8 hour

Tier 2 15 min 13-14% 2 test case
Tier 2 1 hour
Tier 2 4 hour 14% 2 test case
Tier 2 8 hour

Tier 3 15 min
Tier 3 1 hour
Tier 3 4 hour 14% 1 test case
Tier 3 8 hour

(Green Healing Drone - Normal Fatigue rate Agent)

Tier Mission Length Complete Fatigue Successful Fatigue Outstanding Fatigue Notes
Tier 1 15 min 9% 1 test case
Tier 1 1 hour
Tier 1 4 hour
Tier 1 8 hour

Tier 2 15 min
Tier 2 1 hour 13% 1 test case
Tier 2 4 hour
Tier 2 8 hour

Tier 3 15 min 14% 1 test case
Tier 3 1 hour
Tier 3 4 hour
Tier 3 8 hour

For my Reduced Rate Fatigue numbers, you will see I sometimes put a range (10-11). I saw different numbers multiple times here. I theorize it was just the Fatigue ticking down (and not visually updating) in the time between turning in one mission and starting the next. That may be due to rounding down/up the numbers before they get displayed. Upon further testing with careful Fatigue checking and updating, I repeatedly was getting 10 or 11 percent. Unsure why the variation continues.

That Tier 2 - 8 hour - Normal Fatigue of 13% could have been user error based upon fatigue ticking down without me noticing. I wasn’t careful to refresh fatigue % on that test case.

Lydia Darling and Maxwell Chandler have Reduced Fatigue rates for missions of matching traits. These rates appear to be low with a reduction of only 1-2% compared to default.

The Green Healing Drone may reduce fatigue at the same amount as matching trait fatigue reductions.

One other note. In 585 missions, I was incapacitated 7 times.
Five times the Fatigue would have been >51%.
Twice the Fatigue should have been 50%.
One time Fatigue was 50% with no incapacitation.

I guess that Fatigue has hidden decimal places and the cut-off point is somewhere between 50.0 and 51.0.

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Not sure if this is the right place, but the AgentTweaks addon turns off every time I zone, and does not turn on when the game starts. I have to use the command line interface, and that only works sometimes. No idea why. Are others having the same problems?

Edit - if I alt-tab out of the game and back in, that also turns off the addon.

Edit - To start AgentTweaks I have to load the game, open the chat bar and type /loadclip AgentTweaks.swf
If I then close the Agent window for any reason, AgentTweaks stops working until I close SWL and restart it. Very annoying when I am trying to run my agents close to the fatigue limit.

Also noticed that AgentTweaks does not reduce fatigue levels when the agent window is open, only when I relog and restart the game are the levels updated.

That sounds very strongly like there’s a problem with the installation method/path. Did you download it via Curse with the (still somewhat broken) twitch client?

Either way, the swf and associated xml files (CharPrefs and Modules from the AgentTweaks zip file) should be in [GameDir]\Data\Gui\Custom\Flash\AgentTweaks.

The files are there both in the \Flash folder and in the \AgentTweaks folder in the \Flash folder. I also have the files in the same locations in the \Customized folder as in the \Custom folder.

I got the files off CurseForge, and I installed them manually, I did not use a curse installer. Maybe that is the problem?

I think one (maybe the) problem is the “both”. The game gets confused if multiple copies of modules/prefs.xml try to define the same things. Removing the files from the Cutsom\Flash folder would be a first step. (Customized shouldn’t matter but is also uneeded, should be totally unused by SWL). As I indicated the Twitch/Curse installer is (at last report stil) a bit broken, so manual install is unfortunately what we’re stuck with for now.