On Friday, I was wandering around, leveling up a Dalinsia. I decided to head into the Dirgewood west of the Mounds. There are Wights, wolves, and a rotbranch, oh my!
Any way, we encountered the first pack of wolves, and, sure enough, I saw the mangey dog look that is a corrupted wolf among the others. Now, these wolves hit ridiculously hard. I was in 800+ armor, and still would have died if I’d been hit three times. As it was, my level 9, 6500 HP Dalinsia took the brunt while I tried to heal up. We ran up the hill to the small camp overlooking the rotbranch, and there was another corrupted wolf.
Once it was over, after I spent time healing up, Dalinsia was down to 2000 HP, and she had progressed to level 10. Whoopie. That was more effort than necessary for those few XP.
On Saturday, we ran into corrupted wolves once again in the same spots. It seems they were respawning all weekend.
Which brings us to this. If the plan is to nerf thralls, what happens when you run into these excessively powered creatures who can take you out quickly, especially when paired with two or three other regular wolves? I killed 5 1/2 corrupted wolves on Friday and Saturday. That 1/2 wolf and his buddies killed me three times when I was trying to get back to my body and my thrall.
Since the thralls are to be nerfed, and we have to see what happens in PvE since the main function of thralls is to defend in purges, do you also plan to nerf some of these creatures? Or, at the very least, increase the XP to make it worth the time?
I would wait until the nerfing drops, it might not be significant or you might be able to balance the drops with perks if rolling about with thralls is your thing.
This is something I am willing to take a wait and see approach with.
It’s really about the leveling. We got the leveling system to enhance the thralls abilities, and make them more able to defend, fight, etc. I have leveled up all my thralls for purge defense. Also, there was a comment from someone at Funcom who said something about “caring” about your thralls because of the time spent to level them up.
I have also lost thralls when things went way wrong and they were killed by something.
Bottom line - If the update makes thralls useless, I will do just enough to keep the purge meter down. I can spend my time doing other things, while waiting for the inevitable fix.
Corrupted wolves are one of the only real dangers present in the game to level 60 characters. They should stay as is.
If you are unprepared and don’t happen to notice the wolf at first it CAN kill you.
If you have a shield, a basic thrall, a bow, or just dodge a handful of times… you will be fine.
Yes, they are brutal, no they are not too much.
When I run across Siptah over-encumbered the ONLY thing I am worried about is a server crash, or suddenly happening upon a Bush Dwelling Corrupted Wolf.
Keep it as is, make it even more brutal, add nicer rewards to them.
As others are saying, this is one of the few open world encounters that does threaten level 60 end game equipped characters. It should remain, and an argument could be made that more of this needs to be added or other rare encounters adjusted to the same difficulty.
This is what happens when you pray to Crom. He sends forth curses and dooms from his mountain.
Elites could be slightly nerfed to hit more like a car than a truck, then have their spawn rate bumped up to 4.5%, then add a 0.5% chance for a super-elite to spawn with three skulls and be even tougher than the current elites.
Hold a nice funeral. In all seriousness, I am looking forward to the nerf because it may mean pets are worth something again and i will be actually worried when going against these wolves or three skulls.
“The” old topic? People have been talking about getting mauled by the elites ever since they were first introduced. There’s probably a few dozen such topics.
I don’t think any of them are an issue. They are supposed to be challenging. They absolutely do hit hard, that is just what they do, but their health pools are a fraction of 3-skull bosses.
I am pretty sure that I am one of those people who gets all the rare stuff. Sword of Crom? I have 30. Breath of the Red Mother? 8. Blades of the Adventurer? Over 100.
Corrupted Wolves? No thanks. The real fun was the time I lost a level 16 thrall under the aqueduct just east of New Asagarth. There’s a 100% white wolf one skull there. But, and however, the regular wolf that is with him just happened to be corrupted. Add in the 3 or 4 Nordheimers from the pond, and it’s a party.
3-skull super-elites could drop a recipe scroll to craft a repellent specific to their species. So a 3-skull super-corrupted wolf would drop a wolf-repellent potion recipe that would give you an hour-long buff to make all wolves avoid you unless you attack one first.
Master @speedice!!!
I have great rendering issues and invisible npcs on my fights and I have to walk all the damn time with a redeemed set. Ofcurce the helmet is either the executioners hood or the godbraker helmet.
Double blade that with this set you go from the frozen kingdoms to the heart of volcano without issues. This set feels nothing in front of the corrupted wolf (3 perks on vitality and grit).
You kill the beast without the help of a thrall. Most of the times I kill the beast and go back to help my idiot follower who haven’t manage the simple wolfs yet. The Siptah wolf however 3 skull is another story, this wolf hits harder, on this guy I take the help of the thrall , yet even this wolf (3 skull) is staggering .