Will Agent rewards be worth it overall?

If you think the distillates are the main rewards then you’ve got some weird priorities. They’re just incidental. Fodder rewards. Freebies. Whatever you want to call them.

shard sink, thats what they worth!

agentbonus, great
takes some time to get the bonus, i can live with that but
800xp destilates for Mythic or Legendary gear, waste of shards, just throw them away

I think for this reason alone it’d be nice if the distillates from the agent system were free to use or failing that, could be sold to a vendor.

I have read youtr answers and unless I missed something big it seems no one mentioned the fact of having multiple missions ongoing at the same time:

One agent goes on a 4hrs / 8 hrs mission but you send 2 up to (what seems to be) 5 agents.
No matter how low the distillates, getting 5 of them is a pretty significant reward for a few clicks.

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We’ll have to see what the rewards actually are. They will vary by mission, difficulty, and rng. We know that gear and dossiers are part of the table. 5 mission slots aren’t available immediately. 1 for first Agent, 2nd slot for 2nd Agent, 3rd for Patron and 2 reserved for later,

I’m not thinking anything in particular. That is the point of the question. To see what others think.

@Ezraell yes, and that “nothing” will cost you 5k shards which needs 5 more minutes with mandatory missions :slight_smile:

also please keep in mind those rewards were PURPLE. In last video distillates were like 175xp. Even less then green gear :slight_smile:

As far as I’m aware distillates that cost shards to use can be thrown away.

it’s basically a FB game that just required a few clicks. how can it not be worth it?

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Game itself will be surely worth it…
Distillates, may be only junk at the beginning.
All speculation for now, seriously though, aren’t you a bit curious to see what Carter can accomplish ?


Finally someone pointing out the main point of the new system.
#TeamCarter #SoFluffyAndAdoreable


Carter is a main reason I’m invested in this system… #teamcarter


I don’t even care that I won’t be able to use her Blood Magic buff. #teamcarter

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#teamcarter #forever

It would be nice to see the distill rewards scale to your gear somewhat, would make it nicer for the players who are already running all Mythic/Legendary gear or a mix of them. If they don’t scale I would like to see a reduced cost or no cost to use them.

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I checked with Mags this morning and only Purified distillates are undeletable, since they don’t cost anything to use. So feel free to throw away any low level distillates that you don’t want to use.

There are also several item rewards from the system that aren’t distillate, but I suspect that late game players will find the agent support abilities to be the primary reward for their efforts. 7.5% extra primary weapon damage is pretty good at any point in the game’s progression.


Depends if it’s additive to other percent bonuses (like signets) or multiplicative on top of it (base damage*damagebonus(signets/abilities)*Agents)…
For example I’m getting 70% more damage on my basic attacks on shotgun from abilities and roughly the same from signets. Does the game now calculate 100%+70%+70%+7,5% (Making it closer to 3,125%) or does the game calculate 100%x(1+0,7+0,7)x(1,075) (Making it a true improvement of 7,5% of primary weapon damage)

Given the effort that’s probably needed (as I assume that the 7,5% damage buffs will be for level 50 and some “weaker” flat buff for 25) most higher players probably won’t see a useful return from the system for quite some time.

These Agent buffs will almost definitely be additive increases to your damage bonuses.


If the distillates are not deletable, then, no - this is not a reward but something you have to pay for until you get the level 25 and 50 boni. If they are and I think Glaucon already confirmed they are, then it is unimportant. I’d never spend shards on a 800 xp distillate now but my purely solo play alts would benefit from them without a question. There are also a LOT of SWL people who do not do much dungeons and such. It is a nice bonus for them.

Also, if the damage boni were to made multiplicative, that would make agent system and certain agents obligatory in a sense I highly doubt and would actually oppose that.
