I had one in that same area that spawned inside the base and had two bosses (bugged I guess). NOBODY is prepared.
If the purges are hard, non-bugged and interesting to play, it’ll be a blast and hopefully revitalize the game (even more).
The concepts are great, but difficult to implement. I rrrrrreally hope it works. And I wonder how to get non-Stygian purge thralls without non-Stygian purges.
Bloodborne player here!
Well… they kinda made this dungeon pointless anyway
Just like almost all other dungeons, stick with Acheronian.
If they will indeed target your treasure room it will be a blast, Smack a hole and steal your loot.
I’m hoping for an Official leaderboard on treasure coffers values
Definitely, the Wine Cellar has become more challenging for players who:
- Don’t enjoy constantly adjusting their character’s skills every time they engage in specific activities in the game;
- Don’t like analyzing each armor piece to determine which one is the best fit for different situations;
- Don’t want to go through all the weapons to figure out which ones deal more or less damage to each type of enemy;
- Don’t like scrutinizing all the available types of food, potions, paints, etc., in the game that provide buffs;
- Don’t like continually examining each thrall with every Funcom update to see if they are still effective or have been heavily nerfed.
In short, these challenges may be more significant for casual players or those who don’t prioritize combat in the game (I include myself in this group). But that’s okay with me. It’s entirely possible to survive without Khari armor and weapons. The same goes for the Suken City, and that’s perfectly fine too.
Let’s give the brawlers, the fierce fighters, the sword masters, the mighty warriors, Crom’s favorites, those whose skills should be praised by mere mortals, the alphas, the upper-alphas, in short, the semi-gods of the Exile, a chance to have some fun while we play house in Noobies’ River.
But let’s go, brave soldiers… tackling the Wine Cellar solo is indeed challenging. Even with two players, it remains difficult and demands caution, even for experienced gamers. Those who find it easy have already mastered the game mechanics and deserve all the recognition for that. For a newcomer, it’s a certain death, even at max level and with a powerful thrall by your side. Whether it needs to be nerfed or if it’s an opportunity for combat stalwarts to prove their worth is another matter. But it’s a fact that it was designed for only a few to conquer. If that was the propose, good job!
What you want from that dungeon is Thag"s Scythe.
That’s the only thing really worth it. The Khari armors look very cool though.
To illustrate my point of view even better, I had to research to find out what you were talking about. Now that I know, I can say that I have 2 of those Scythes of Thag stashed away in some chest, and I’ve never used them because I never bothered to find out if it’s a weapon, a pickaxe, or a torch, simply because I found it unattractive. It’s just my playstyle. And yes, the Khari armors are really cool, but even so, you can still get by without them (the “oldschool” DLCs really do a good job).
It’s the only legenday great axe in the Exiled Lands, @donbzm . That’s its value for those who like the weapon type.
No, no, please keep going, I’ve never felt that flattered since I started playing the game
Seriously, though, I’ve never considered my combat skills to be anything special, and that opinion has been affirmed and reinforced every time I’ve faced pretty much anyone in PVP combat. And that’s on a PVE-C server, where people engage in PVP once in a blue moon.
The point I’m trying to make is that it really isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. Yes, if you run in unprepared and cocky, you’ll die. If you run in unprepared, but you’re careful you still might die, but you might survive, and you’ll definitely learn something.
And the best thing is that Funcom has made this learning process much, much more forgiving than it ever was. Died fighting Thag? You don’t have to run the gauntlet of undead foes bare-assed, with your butt cheeks clenching from fear, trying desperately to survive until you get to your corpse. Just waltz over to your Circle of Power and summon your carcass, and you’re ready for Round Two
Caution is always warranted when facing enemies in Conan Exiles. Getting cocky is the one of the easiest way to die in Conan Exiles, right up there with getting lagged.
If you’re a newcomer to the game, and you head to Wine Cellar without “working your way up” by doing other dungeons and challenges first, then yeah, you’re gonna die. Personally, I think that’s the way it should be. If someone makes a similar game to Conan Exiles but set in the Middle Earth and I start playing it, you can bet your ass I’m not going to run straight into Moria and kick a Balrog.
If you take your time to learn how to deal with the game and its bosses in general, then you should be prepared to face Thag, even if no one tells you a single thing about how to fight him. Like I said earlier, maybe you’ll fight him and still die, but at least it won’t be certain death. You’ll have a good chance of coming out on top, and if you don’t, you can get your stuff back easily.
By the way, one of the most important lessons a newbie has to learn is: if there’s something you can’t bear losing, don’t risk it facing something you know nothing about. So don’t take your best thrall to fight a boss you’ve never fought before, unless you’re perfectly fine with losing that thrall.
You may not be as skilled in combat, but PvP and PvE are vastly different. Talking about PvE, it’s quite easy to recognize patterns in enemies, even in groups of enemies. Knowing the map, being aware of the locations of each mini-boss, etc., already gives you a significant advantage over a casual or novice player.
It depends on why you are going into the dungeon. If you’re looking for a challenge, then it’s alright! But if your goal is to farm… Considering that you need to run through it at least 3 times to get enough Khari steel to create a set of armor, assuming you already have the recipe for the armor you want, all this preparation becomes very frustrating and tiresome if you keep dying. Let’s make the dungeon harder? Okay! Increase its reward as well: 1 scroll that teaches all Khari steel recipes and every time you complete the dungeon, you can collect enough materials to create a full set of armor.
I agree, and I consider it one of the best changes in the game. But losing a thrall (which is more common than dying in this dungeon) has become more punishing compared to the beginning. Not only because you have to find another good thrall, but you also need to put in the effort to level it up and ensure it has good perks. I believe the biggest frustration this dungeon causes is the loss of a thrall, not dying itself. And if you want your thrall to have even a slight chance of surviving, you have to bring one of your best one, with your best gear. Not only because of the dungeon’s difficulty, but because the AI of the thrall is ridiculous, and it throws itself into death in an annoying way.
Anyway, Just finished the Dungeon right now, and here’s my result:
- I almost lost a level 20 Dalinsia, epic heavy armor, Blade of the Adventurer, damage buff, max authority, etc., during the fight against the first mini-boss. Lesson learned: NEVER let your thrall initiate the fight against mini-bosses. Before the Thrall engages, make sure you’ve already taken off at least 10-15% of the mini-boss’s HP. It worked for the other 3. I don’t think they need to be balanced.
- Excluding the mini-bosses, all the other challenges in the Dungeon until you reach the Thag are actually quite easy, even for casual players like me (even the spider boss is a breeze). I say, leave it as it is.
- The fight with the Thag is one of the most interesting, but the chance of losing your thrall is extremely high. I believe it could be balanced and have its HP reduced (at least about 15%). However, that’s just to fit my playstyle. If there’s a large number of players who like it as it is, that’s fine by me. But I’ll continue to avoid this dungeon for now.
Result: I managed to defeat the Thag without losing Dalinsia, ONLY BECAUSE at the ending of the fight, Thag bugged and couldn’t summon the Undeads. We took advantage of that moment to turn the tables and take him down. That’s how Dalinsia made it out of the fight.
And that’s how Dalinsia was at the end of the fight (I thought the HP was displayed on the screen, but it was probably at 3 or 4%):
No… they literally just reduced the taming time of T4 thralls to 1 hour… and the best ones atm have a fast leveling curve… one trip to the unnamed city and they’re maxed (requires 3x less XP than a Dalinsia)
I see the Yamatai heavy on her, however I hope that’s just an illusion and she’s actually using strength armor
Likewise, I hope it’s the old version that uses Strength (new one uses Agility) but either way, basically that the thralls stats favor it at least.
Did she have proper food that heals? Gruel or better at least? Please tell me it wasn’t grilled steak
I’m not sure if you get what I’m trying to say here… But basically not knowing core game mechanics is not an acceptable excuse to call for nerfs… It’s perfectly fine to fail at a dungeon or ask for others to help you if you are not willing to learn the minimal information needed.
Also “casual” and “bad” are not interchangeable terms… like, if you’re deliberately going out of your way to fail by not doing even the minimum necessary things… for example providing adequate healing food for a thrall if you decide to bring a thrall along… then I’m not sure that’s the dungeon’s fault.
You’re not supposed to “casually” waltz through an endgame dungeon with zero preparation, I do see you have potions on so I don’t believe that was the case here, I’m just saying in general for this thread.
Novice? Yes. Casual? That depends on what you mean by that. A playstyle can be casual without being cavalier.
If your goal is to farm, then you need to get good enough so you can farm. That’s a learning process you only have to do once, and then you can farm to your heart’s content.
And yeah, if a major update brings a big change, then maybe you have to go through the process of unlearning and relearning, but again, it’s not a cost you have to pay every time you go to farm.
It looks like I’m not getting my message across: you don’t need to keep dying. You might die a few times while you’re learning how to deal with the dungeon, but that’s it.
The reason why I’m insisting on this point is that you’re making it sound like you have to undergo some special preparation every time you go to the dungeon. That would truly be frustrating and tiresome, but it’s not the case.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind that at all. I’m always frustrated when I have to grind and grind because the loot is RNG-gated. But good luck convincing the devs to let go of their favorite tool in the game design toolbox: the over-reliance on randomness.
There are a few things in this game that seem to be specifically designed to discourage carelessly throwing a thrall at them, Pokemon-style. The Arena Champion is the poster child, but the Wine Cellar mini-bosses are like that, too.
I am not very well versed in letting my followers fight my battles for me, so I can’t give you advice. @Xevyr’s sounds good.
I’m not really convinced. Like I said, using a thrall as my main weapon is not my playstyle, but @Xevyr brings up some fair points.
If I saw evidence that this playstyle doesn’t work against Thag even with proper spec and gear – both for you and your thrall – then that might be a good reason to look into what can be done about that. Even then, nerfing Thag might not be the best solution, as opposed to figuring out how to make the playstyle viable against him.
There are quite a few builds that let you deal with absolutely everything in PvE… Hell, just go full Agility + Vitality + Expertise, you can farm everything and poke and roll your way through every dungeon. It’s not the best combat build because full expertise is not made for combat, but full Agility is enough to win everything at the moment… But people seem to be obsessed with Strength when it’s really subpar.
→ All this to say, no need to re-spec for each dungeon or activity; maybe for one specific thing that a player cannot find any other way to deal with, like for instance you really want to solo the arena champion and you pick Steel Thewed to avoid getting one shot
Honestly in PvE you have plenty of choices that you can stick to and that will let you deal with everything…
You can go full Stygian Soldier Armor for Agility Weapon Damage for instance, and when you unlock them via Journey Steps, you can go Perfected Heavy Armor because they give +3% (+5% with T4) Strength and Agility Weapon Damage. Or when you find them, you can go Silent Legion, Redeemed Legion with a T4, or also Voidforge Dragon armoset…
And here, I’m only talking about Heavy Armor because I know that when you’re a “casual fighter” who isn’t dodging everything, you need the damage mitigation in order to survive taking a beating…
Well, now I’m using the Ranger Armorset with Silent Legion Medium Pauldron, but you do need to clear all the dungeons to unlock the Ranger Armor from the Dungeon Delver Journey
And guess what, that gives me +40% Agility Weapon Damage, +28 Stamina, but only 392 Armor which is 43% damage reduction.
→ All this to say, you can stick to one armorset with no problem, you don’t have to optimize things.
Uhhh, just pick something with high damage? A bit or armor penetration too?
Yeah if it’s about Rocknoses, you will one hit them with armor pen but not with damage… Other than those specific ones, all enemies don’t have massively high armor, so just have good damage and whatever enemy comes your way get slapped.
What is more important is having a few weapons on you that’s you’re comfortable using, and that will let you deal with various situations; for instance, as an Agility focused player, I have a Katana for AoE when I have to deal with a horde of enemies, which also happens to be a good overall weapon to deal with everything, but if I need mobility I will use daggers. And if I need to use a shield, I will have a javelin.
Now there are also additional options with the Whirlwind Blades, which I find better than Legendary Daggers at the moment, and if you’re playing with Legendary Weapons you will find Strength Archetypes with Agility Stats, such as my dear 1H Sword, the Tulwar of Amir Khurum…
So yeah, just have a few weapons with high enough damage, and don’t bother think about which weapon will deal the most damage to which type of enemy, but rather which weapon’s moveset will let you deal with which enemy’s moveset, because at the end of the day, if you get hit a lot and cannot hit enemies a lot, it doesn’t matter how much damage you deal.
Now yeah I agree for food/alcohol, because nothing tells you about food buffs… Not even the Brewer, Chef, and Masterchef Journeys! And you have to unlock those specific foods or beverages with Specilist Cooking / Brewing in the world -_-
However, when it comes to Elixirs, you unlock them normally through the Knowledge Tree, and if you check your Alchemist bench for a few seconds when you’re crafting your Aloe potions, you’ll read that they give bonuses… So why not try them out? And while you’re at it, you also see Lotus potions, but the description doesn’t explain what they do; so are you going to test them out of curiosity, or forget about them altogether?
My only complaint about the Elixirs is that, if you haven’t tested the Black Lotus potion, you will require Grey Lotus for the Elixir of Might… And making Potent Compost to farm Grey Lotus is not exactly clear, the Farmer Journey only explains basic compost
Yeah I have to agree that this is just Funcom BS, and in no case should the Cannibal Brute be the very best Thrall in the game
We’re still talking about around 1 hour to find and bring the thrall to the wheel of pain, and at least 1 hour and 30 minutes to maximize their level. And I am not only considering the amount of time, as it is relative. Spending 1 hour and 30 minutes doing something you enjoy: okay! But spending the same amount of time having to kill undeads in the unnamed city is really boring.
It is really Yamatai heavy, epic version, no illusion.
I’m not sure, but I know it hits hard.
But I’m not asking for a nerf, I just mentioned that it would suit my playstyle better if Thag was nerfed. However, I’m fine with leaving it as it is to please other players. I’ll just avoid the Dungeon for now, and that’s fine. It’s the same way I steer clear of the arena champion. And that’s okay with me too.
I’ve been playing the game since its release, and I have a basic knowledge of combat. IN MY OPINION, I have enough know-how to tackle an End Game Dungeon without risking losing a Thrall in the process (it used to be that way some time ago). That’s not the case with the current Wine Cellar, for sure. But I don’t mind the dungeon requiring more dedication and effort to master combat techniques.
To me, it requires preparation. In my previous comment, I genuinely mentioned that I play the game like I’m playing house. And that’s very true. That’s why I say, for me, leave the Dungeon as it is since it’s definitely not designed for players like me. And once again, I want to emphasize: I’m not demanding a nerf! Just acknowledging that the Dungeon is challenging is enough for me!
I agree
I am obsessed with authority, as a Pokemon-style Player
@SpherisCore, the information you provided was really helpful; it made me want to understand more about the game and its combat intricacies. Thank you so much for that. @Xevyr and @CodeMage , I also appreciate all the information and the effort you put into helping me understand the game’s dynamics and improve my gameplay!
Far better to give the thrall an Exotic Feast. It is more than 2 times healthier than gruel. That is, your Dalinsia would now have half health, and not 3%.
Yea, if your an endgame player with raw materials and fridges stuffed for days for sure!
I find enhanced gruel to be a nice middle-ground that’s still pretty cheap to make and almost as good.
(Gruel: 6 hp/s, Enhanced gruel: 9 hp/s, Exotic Feast: 10 hp/s)
I would simply get two Tugras, put them on perfected heavy armor bulk plated, put some pork rinds on their inventory, equip them with maces and I’m pretty sure they would wreck the dungeon almost without needing my help…
Guys, always have a cleaver at the ready before hunting. You won’t know what to do with so much meat. Cooked pork feast is a very nice food, easy to get the recipe and easy to cook. It’s more than enough.
Yea, for players For thralls it heals the massive amount of… 1 hp/s
According to the wiki, the products have different healing properties, why? Food - Official Conan Exiles Wiki (fandom.com)