Those are for players This is for thralls.
Thank you, I understand. For some reason, I always thought that an exotic feast gives 12/sec, but now I got into the wiki and got completely confused.
really? What a waste of resources!
What would you advise as the best for thralls, @Xevyr ?
Edit: I checked the wiki. Exotic feast is not hard to make. It also boosts strenght weapons damage 15%. Nice.
You have to make the thrall manually eat it with “Use” in their inventory for the +15 buff.
Then the rest of the food is for healing
If I’m not mistaken, this is only for the player. For thrall, all food except pork legs is +10% strength.
You have to place the food in their inventory, select it, and press “Use”
Then it gives them the buff for 1h
Currently I would say that Thugra and friends with some caveats. Get them to 20 and then reroll the perks so they have at least 3k health. That’s a reasonable buffer for pretty much most encounters considering the damage they do.
With authority that’ll be over 4k so quite decent. It’s just a bit challenging to level them early since they start with that 429 hp
Then I’d dress them up in some nice STR armor
On Exiled Lands this is how the BiS set looks atm with a T4 Shieldwright ofc:
Redeemed Legion Helmet
Voidforge dragon ribs
Silent Legion Medium Gauntlets (yes, medium)
Perfected Heavy Tasset
Perfected Heavy Sabatons
(the perfected ones have an agility bonus of which 10% still applies so very slightly better than just a hyperborean slaver / guardian / warchief)
Weapon: Momentum with the master weapon fitting
You throw that together and then you can slap some Skelos cultist master armor on yourself with some follower damage consumables… and enjoy being a sidekick once more
Pretty much all you have to do is some slight interference / crowd control when they get overwhelmed so they don’t get stun-locked to death
Thanks, but I was just referring to food for thralls . But the more info, the better.
I’ve been doing stuff without taking thralls, but with the next chapter closing in, I better start knowing what’s what.
I just give them gruel while leveling it provides decent healing and strength is always nice… Sure if people want more HP they can do the whole micromanaging steak stuff… but… Strength is just as nice and you can typically get enough vitality from the perks
It’s really up to the individual if they wanna bother with that.
Once they’re 20 though I give them enhanced gruel. Ofc the exotic feast is their best food, but it’s only 1 hp/s more and imo it does require a bit more effort than enhanced gruel… plus… it’s GRUEL
Hum. . I think I’ll get zerkers too. A bit more work, but their hp might make up for it. Capture during purges with low hp thralls turns sour fast. Leveling them is an efing pain, though…
You can speed up leveling by 10 times through the admin panel, right?
Yes, you can, but I’m not thinking about Single Player, @Teng . On SP I mainly craft my own adventures.
You can use the LevelFollowerUpTo [level] command as well, but I’m not sure that’s what I would call legitimate play experience
I tried as well and I also find it more easy than before. I took only one thrall with 4500 HP. She took some serious dmg to about one third of her HP, but survived.
Considering Thag, from my experience you NEED to participate in the fight, because without it you risk the thralls staggering from the wights attacks, meanwhile the boss is doing insane AoE dmg to them as well. It’s simply not the boss fight in which you can afford to stay on side and let the thralls do everything for you.
Think i’m just standing in the background? Twiddling my Thumbs? Half of the replies just assume as much without even knowing the facts.
After one Boss fight (Skeleton towards the end)
Why? Aggro range for once, tried pulling the smaller skeletons and avoiding the boss first. But the boss get’s pulled anyhow.
Also thralls like to get stuck still on rocks and other misc objects and refuse to attack Which doesn’t help.
Dungeon is not balanced. Especially the large skeleton bosses.
Edit: Had to intentionally kill myself on Thag because Thralls were taking too much damage compared to the boss because it enjoy constantly doing the knockdown attack over and over.
It’s not a skill issue, when the thrall loses one third of it’s HP within the starting minutes of Boss Encounter simply because of the mechanics of the fight prevent the thrall from doing anything meaningful other than constantly getting knocked around. Could i do it solo? Probably. But that defeats why i’m bringing one of my followers, so i have somebody to do the content with. If they’re just gonna die because of ■■■■■■ boss mechanics and stun locking then it isn’t a balanced boss fight. And neither are those Large Armored Skeletons. Which are basically the Arena Champion level strength but without the stunlock chance.
I can get through the Dungeon just fine, It’s tough, and i’m fine with that.
Then I don’t see the issue here
Why make a thread asking for it to be nerfed when you can get through it just fine?
Issue from my pov is he’s just mad he’s losing thralls.
Losing thralls is just a part of the game and always has been. If you don’t want to risk losing your favorites don’t take them places they can possibly die. You lose them then farm up replacements. Just gives you more to do.
Thag is fine as is.
Maybe that’s because you do the same thing as you always do: you assert something, then people try to talk to you about it, then you ignore anything that doesn’t immediately agree with you – even just questions meant to clarify so we don’t have to assume – and then you assert the same thing over and over again. And to break up the monotony of that, you decide to offer additional information you’ve withheld all the time, and then act superior because of that.
At this point, I don’t even care about clarifying what you’re doing wrong. If you don’t want to discuss anything, that’s your prerogative, but in that case, the reply is simple: get better, because you’re doing it wrong.
And if you already know how to do it better, stop asking for nerfs.
So you don’t know how to avoid aggroing the boss, and you don’t know how to deal with the enemies when you aggro the boss, and that’s somehow the problem with the dungeon itself?
Then either learn how to make your thrall tougher and more resistant to this fight, or how to keep aggro off the thrall, or find a way to end the fight fast enough and then heal up your follower.
There’s plenty of ways to adapt and overcome this challenge, but you either don’t want to or don’t know how to.
If you don’t know how, that’s a skill issue. If you do know how, then that’s your own problem.
EDIT: It’s too late to jump into the game today, but I’m pissed off enough that I’m gonna do it your way over the weekend. I’m gonna grab one of my thralls, respec into a Pokemon-style spec, and go kick Thag’s ass. And then I’m gonna come back to the forums and rub your nose into it.
My way to deal with that is to straight up go for the boss while I send my follower to deal with the smaller skeletons. Personal preference maybe, but I think for things with Arena Champion level of damage, I prefer not letting my dumb AI follower to take it on
Yeah, that’s one more reason I stopped using followers personally, Funcom haven’t made them reliable even if you micro-manage your followers to perfection… They aren’t super reactive to commands, and sometimes they stand in place because there is one very scary pixel in front of them or something