Please refrain from ad hominem arguments. You don’t know me, and your irritation (towards Funcom, but reflecting upon me) appears to be clouding your judgement and leading you to jump into hasty conclusions based on insufficient data.
Even if an employee gets paid to do their job right (as most of us do), there’s absolutely no reason to get personal when giving feedback about their mistakes. There’s plentiful scientific research done on feedback methods and what sort of feedback is constructive and what is actually harmful. I’ve even read some of them.
Put yourself in a position where you’ve made a mistake at your job. This may even have happened to you in the past. Would you like your boss, and your customers, to tell you what went wrong and how you could do better in the future, or would you prefer to be called an incompetent moron who should be fired? Which is more likely to make you improve as a professional?
Yea but normal people get canned for repeated mistakes, especially ones that have been made multiple, multiple times. Or at least SOMEONE learns from them. And yes white knight are irritating along with funcom as of recent. And whats even more irritating is I already purchased the new DLC. I really feel for folks who rent servers…guess it could always be worse.
I prefer “like your boss, and your customers, to tell you what went wrong and how you could do better in the future”.
But if I screw up 1000 times, it automatically turns into “called an incompetent moron who should be fired”.
Which is more likely to make you improve as a professional?
Depends on the person.
Is the person smart enough to understand the whole situation?
Is the person happy in real life and happy with the job itself?
Does the person feel responsibility?
Does the person have the knowledge?
Ok man, seriously obviously no one knows the exact dev that is responsible for red mother pushing thralls under the map, nor do we know the exact dev thats responsible for getting caught under rhino kings chin for insta death. But these bugs have been around for years, have been talked about for years, and reported for years. You will defend them at all cost. I guess we can’t say an individual is responsible, so the whole team takes ownership. You appear to be gunning for a mod spot, try not making it so obvious and you might have a shot…see a little professional development for you. Hope it wasn’t to harsh.
BTW those were just 2 random examples of bugs that have been around for years. There’s more if you’d like me to start listing.
If Funcom listened to this forum community, where it is demanded somebody be fired on a daily (if not hourly) basis, there would be nobody left to develop Conan. Heck, this isn’t unique to Funcom or this forum, the fact that this is NORMAL on ANY game forum is disgusting to me.
Anybody who demands game dev employees be fired clearly have never spent 5 minutes doing any actual game development and must think it’s the easiest job in the world. Game development is complex, there are thousands of variables and thousands of reasons why certain things aren’t fixed. There isn’t a checkbox or a lightswitch that makes it all go away.
Seriously, enough with this “everybody should be fired” and personal attacks against the dev team nonsense. A boss pushing a Thrall under the map and slightly inconveniencing you isn’t a viable reason to uproot and ruin people’s lives.
Though I know saying this is just going to fall on deaf ears, and probably get me flamed to. But it needs to be said.
I never personally asked for anyone to be fired. I’d be happy if they could scrap together a decent patch. That’s it, don’t care if the janitor does it or a dev. I think most are upset cause they want the game to prosper and be an enjoyable experience. Obviously some here has a super high tolerance for game breaking issues. Others not so much.
As someone who has extensively made some complicated mods I think the real reason the game has so many issues with being fixed and being patched is they don’t understand the code they are working with.
it is spaghetti stringed, poorly commented with kludge fixes, there is stuff still labeled as “temporary fix for EA” in the live code, there is some systems clearly built up but never implimented (unconcious players) there is code commented off “what does this even do? is it necessary?”
The people that made this game aren’t the ones working on it, it was rushed when it was being created so it inevitably had corners cut like poor code commenting, so the new coders have little idea of what they are working with that is why we get laughably bad patches where they add things like stables yet create an item dupe exploit because they literally copy and pasted a table.
I dunno where or how they have hired these game devs, but my interactions with the modder community as small as it is leads me to believe the modders have a firmer grip on the game functions and engine than the devs.
as for the firing talk, I overly don’t disagree with it, we should live in a meritocracy, they have clearly hired the wrong people when something as simple as a table editing error which is utterly game breaking, literal basic data punching has gone so awry and takes weeks to fix, something a competent modder would be able to fix and push out in under an hour, mistakes will happen but this quality control and competency is out of hand.
the reason the visual consistency is usually a rather high bar is they outsource a lot of the dlc to a company called ZDF? or something.
Ungrateful? It’s a game you have to pay for, not a friggin’ gift or cure for cancer. The ungrateful ones would be those who take money for a product and then can’t make the product work as intended.
BlockquoteOne thing I admire FunCom from the past in comments where they committed that Updates remain free and for all. DLCs are paid, but will not give players an advantage over non-DLC players, other than visually - and to my knowledge, FC have stuck to this so far.
They might say so but not true. Buying DLC’s gives you armor that buff stats and the variation gives you something that is not possible in vanilla. So DLC’s are essential Pay 2 Win!
Well that’s better than…
The same old map day after day. No new content at all and when there is, it’s broken in some way. You come here to post about it, your told to go away and 1000 reasons why your gear is old…mine is all new!
Then you are running and BOOM the dashboard pops up and you’re no long in the game as your character just ran off the cliff with your best thrall. Your in the frozen tundra and can’t get back to it…why? Because you have to log into single player and hope you can get in after that. Then you have only minutes to get to the body filled with weeks of hard work.
But then on the way…there is that guys base who is obsessed with orange sand stone and stuff that lags you back to your dash. Having fun still?
Then when you show up to ask one of two dev guys about a fix. Answerless as you hope that they can deliver something to keep our attention.
The whole year of gaming at Conan, one time have I seen the devs do anything to give a little back to its players aside from the generous server they provide and oh, sell with the game…
From about April 2019 - May 2020, one time they did a week of double XP, then a week of double harvest. Then a weekend of both. Everyone was happy and pounding the pavement. We all had nice bases then…
NO one on my team ever got an answer to why. We all were within the NEW VAGUE RULES.
How did you all enjoy working for the two weeks just to loose it and get no response from devs? Having fun yet?
If you buy one dlc thats comes with new armor you get a big advantage over everybody who does not own a dlc in pvp. Because then you just need one random t4 armorer instead of the called for ones to get a flawless armor.
I disagree. What are the advantages. The $9.99, you pay or get with the game because you went all out on the game, you get broken stuff that is just a skin of the last $9.99 you paid. (If in USA)
There really is no better gear. Ever
Nothing…not even answers to why your new agro’s stuff is loosing stability when your off line…only your thralls can cause damages… nope.
I’m with stinky all the way on these topics. If you don’t know who that is, than you’re not reading enough.
Advantage in-game. Get to stuff while players are dashboarded. Fun…
Does anyone have a compiled list of bugs and if so can you dm it to me. I don’t want to report if it already has been. Or maybe we should? More reports move them up the priority list?
The DLC purchases are covering the cost of the employees. Without DLC the game would be 100% not worked on anymore. The conan team seems very small for a gaming team. Im fully convinced that the team itself cares about the game and wants issues fixed. The upper management and the people that deal with business only dont care and want to force new content at a price. So it takes away from fixes.
If you work at mcdonalds and your team is a total of 3 people. You already know your going to fail because there is not enough people to do everything. So as long as you keep selling big macs management doesn’t care that the milk shake machine is broke. As long as people are coming to buy big macs. They dont really care about the few people that want milk shakes.
my example is a stretch but i think i got the point across. The team most likely cares because they are the ones getting beat up on the forums everyday the heads of the company dont give 2 poops about whats said on the forums.
Nobody but Funcom has the full list of bugs. They have their Trello board, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the complete list and it doesn’t seem to be updated all that often.
Please do. It might provide additional information that other people didn’t report.
And if you’re lucky, they might reply to the bug report to tell you that they’re already aware of it
Nope. Prioritization usually has to do with the probability of the bug manifesting itself and the severity of the bug. It’s a little bit like this:
I understand your sentiment. Also, from all that I’ve seen you write on these forums, I’m convinced you’re a nice person and have good intentions. So I hope you won’t take my words as a personal attack, because they really aren’t meant as such.
It’s frustrating and depressing to see that “let’s not blame anyone” sentiment always gets used against people who are voicing complaints and trying to discuss the quality issues without attacking anyone first. I rarely see it used when someone comes in and says something like “Well, it’s the players’ fault for not testing the game enough, not reporting the bugs enough, and if you don’t like it, you should go away.”
I fully agree with @Multigun about the personal attacks on devs and demands for them to be fired. That kind of behavior ranges from ridiculous to malicious, and it’s always out of line. And I think you’ve seen me speak out against it frequently.
That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be allowed to express our opinions about the product. Nor does it mean that a thread like this – in its original form and with its original topic – shouldn’t be allowed to exist. And those who reprimand toxic behavior directed at Funcom, might want to try to occasionally reprimand toxic behavior directed at fellow players, too.
I might be wrong but my impression is that @Kapoteeni is suggesting rather than focusing our efforts on who is to blame for the issues we should be focusing on how to help resolve them. I don’t think the intention was to stop the complaints but to guide them down a more constructive and productive path.
You’re not wrong. I know what @Kapoteeni is trying to say and I don’t disagree with his general sentiment. I’m trying to point out that his argument being used by too many people to try to shut down complaints.
Yes, but not everyone agrees that sticking to this constructive path will be as productive as we want. This thread started as a call to discussion about whether voting with our wallets would perhaps be a better alternative. And it didn’t become toxic until people started using the same argument @Kapoteeni used, but in a very different way and with a very different purpose.