Building Pieces + Temperature Resistances:

Some of you might find this test interesting. Wasn’t sure where to post it. Feel free to move it to a more appropriate section, if needed.

SinglePlayer Testlive (since the patch is supposed to go live tomorrow):
Attributes: 0
Gear: none
Time: Frozen at 12:00 noon
Building setup: F-foundation, C-ceiling, D-Doorframe + Door

1st of all: Most of the ceilings fit well with the foundations, except for the 2 T3 Vanilla Sets: Reinforced Stone & Black Ice:

Temperature Map:

With 0% shelter in a not too hot area such as G6 my character temperature is: 27oC:

  1. T1 Sandstone: 23-24 oC

  2. T2 Stonebrick: 22-24 oC

  3. T3 Reinforced stone: 22-23 oC:

  4. T3 Turan: 22-23 oC:

  5. T3 Yamatai: 23-24 oC:

  6. T2 Insulated Wood: 26-27 oC

  7. T3 Black Ice: 27 oC

  8. T3 Khitan: 27 oC

  9. T3 Frontier: 22-23 oC

  10. T3 Aquilonian: 23-24 oC


Let’s take now Turan and Khitan and build the same box in the snowy region: E13
Our regular temperature here is -10 oC

  1. Khitan: +4 oC

  2. Turan: -11oC


Let’s take now Turan and Khitan and build the same box in the volcano region: G13
Our regular temperature here is 48oC:

  1. Khitan: 48oC

  2. Turan: 40oC


Let’s take now Turan and Khitan and build the same box in the desert region: E7
Our regular temperature here is 37oC:

  1. Khitan: 37oC

  2. Turan: 31oC


To give an idea of the heat of a working furnace (used an improved one in the test):
From 37oC to 46oC


The building material only really matters in case of extreme temperatures.
If you build in a hot area with cold resistance pieces, you will have the same body temperature.
If you build in a hot area with heat resistance pieces, you will have a lower body temperature.
If you build in a cold area with heat resistance pieces, you will have the same body temperature.
If you build in a cold area with cold resistance pieces, you will have a higher body temperature.

Cold Resistance: Black-Ice, Khitan, Insulated Wood.
Heat Resistance: Sandstone, Stonebrick, Reinforced Stone, Turan, Yamatai, Frontier, Aquilonian

N.B. Please remember that these tests are performed with a naked char with all attributes 0. Your temperature in the same area may vary depending on the gear you have equipped, vitality points skilled, heat sources, etc.


To add one more test related to the subject.

Outside temperature naked: 37oC
Inside Heat Resistance building with 100% shelter buff: 30 oC
Inside Heat Resistance building with 80% shelter buff: 31 oC (near a window)
Inside Heat Resistance building with 60% shelter buff: 34 oC (near a door)
Outside Heat Resistance building with 20% shelter buff: 36 oC (near the wall but outside)

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Thanks for these scientific measurements. They tend to match what my gut feeling said about the matter, but I never got as far as actually testing the various pieces. I’ve been telling people not to worry too much about building materials in milder climates, but it’s great to see facts that support this.

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indeed, you cant really go wrong with the building pieces, you just wont get any benefits if you build with the wrong pieces for the climate.

Interesting side-effect I am sure many have made use of: making perimeter walls in the hotter parts of the South out of Black Ice to add heatstroke to Invader woes. Same (reversed) applies in the freezing areas of the North.

this is the thing though. if they make a black ice wall in the hot areas, the invaders will keep their regular body temperature, they won’t get any hotter. that is what the test shows at least:

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Yep, I take the point, but I certainly get heat-stroked when I drop deep-cold build pieces (and two or so same foundations in) and try climbing up. Throw in some torches and a fireplace or two to increase the odds (ooooold trick)

Btw FunCom, I would like to see a fireplace-like air-conditionre placeable parallel for the South :slight_smile:

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