Yes that’s all I want. People should get the message: ‘Build smarter’ before they do false bug reports. No need to tell them who exactly and from which clan with what steam ID took it.
I have played this game since the start in early release. The fun of PvP was always the sneaking aspect of trying to get items that didn’t belong to you because there was some hole or mistake you could take advantage of. This is not Warhammer or WoW, this is meant to be a survival game where we are pitted against each other using cunning and guile. Why on earth would you have a log that details everything - that is being carebear and wanting PvE aspects for PvP. If your base is raided or your loot is stolen then it’s your own fault for not protecting it, such is life.
I play PvE with friends atm but if we were to join PvP then I think I’d shy away from it because having a log that tells you everything means that the game moves from PvP to revenge and power to the big guy. Large clans act like they own the servers anyway and this just provides them with a bigger arsenal to bully the smaller clans just trying to enjoy the game. Tilt the balance a bit and make it more difficult to get everything “your way” for once.
Think about how Conan was in the books, how he is meant to be in this game - he would say tough luck if you got raided, you obviously are too stupid to deserve those items!
On a healthy server? Sure, but that is not possible on a med/low pop server where there is some guys with undermesh vaults filled with duplicated dracos and everything, from time to time they log in, devastate everybase they see, then logout and repeat the nex week.
I reposted the issue on reddit:
I hope to finally get some feedback on this.
Welcome to PVP. Sometimes when facing a superior foe you need to bend the knee. Or use diplomacy and cooperation to bring them down.
Your problem is you are only thinking of yourself. I get it, you login, you want to have a bit of fun. What matter is anyone else? They don’t matter to you. They don’t work your job, they don’t raise your kids. Screw’em.
But that’s not how this works. When you login to a server, especially in a PVP sense. You’re part of a community, a hostile one at times, a ruthless one at times. But they are apart of the play whether you want them to be or not.
So you don’t get to have your cake and eat it too. You have to deal with others. You have to compromise with others. Because at the end of the day, its PVP, you don’t get a choice. Might ultimately makes right. What you want is only what you get if you are strong enough, in wit, will, and determination. Nothing less.
And I get it, you’re not used to this. Your probably used to little NES games or Xbox or whatever gen you grew up with where a game was simply a way to pass time. With no one really to compete with. The digital version of just shooting hoops or throwing the ball back an forth.
But think back a bit further. Remember the older guys playing basketball on the local parks’ courts? They divided themselves into teams and played pretty hard. None of them were ever going to be pros, none of them probably even made it to college level, if they even played in HS or MS. But it doesn’t matter, they’re playing to win.
That’s what PVP is in the digital sense here. While it seems serious, its still just a game. But the competition and the stakes have been turned up a notch. It isn’t for everyone. And I urge people not to participate in it if such playstyle turns their stomach.
If getting pounced on by 10+ people because of your actions isn’t fun, or puts a knot in your stomach, maybe even makes you a bit nauseous, don’t participate in it. Yeah its not fair. These people have their teams worked out, you don’t. But they’ve spent time and effort to put together those teams. You didn’t.
Its like on the cement basketball court. If you get the ball, prepare to be shoved and pushed and crowded as you try to shoot. They’re not going to let you shoot without contention, same thing here. Sometimes you need a team so you have a mate to pass the ball to in order to get the score.
For many of us, the idea that we can extort, or be extorted, is part of the game. That’s PVP, that’s player interaction. This isn’t World of Warcraft where their ‘PVP’ is a BG where you square off with 9 other randoms and no one knows each other’s names. You play until an objective is met and split ways. There’s no consequence there. There’s no player interaction outside mashing buttons there.
In Real PVP you have interaction. There is a rhyme and reason to every decision, every action, every encounter. You have to decide the best choice for yourself and those you play with and hope for the best.
But most importantly you have to take responsibility for your actions and inactions. You have to face the consequences, good or bad, for your decisions or indecision.
That is the embodiment of PVP.
Now the decision you must make here is whether you can stomach it from this point onward. You don’t have to agree with me, you don’t have to believe me, you don’t even have to listen to anything I’ve said. Others will though. And the truth is, you still have to deal with the situations you cause for yourself. Whether you accept the fact of the situation or not is up to you. But the fact will be what it is regardless.
But the fact is, PVP is not fair. PVP is not nice. PVP is not accommodating. It is ruthless, unfair, and downright mean at times. It is competitive. It is what it is.
Huge self righteous justification of harassment and bullying. Exactly the kind of community I want to avoid. I want competitive gaming and not a popularity contest.
That’s over man, doesn’t exist anymore, since 2000’s… everywhere on the internet you will find popularity contest, social media and games, even on CS, I don’t play every online game, but I assure you most of it plays on Ego more than friendly competition.
Then feel free to get out.
Because people like me will give you no other choice. You don’t get to make that choice in PVP. I make that choice. And players like me.
If you want to cry and call us bullies, by all means. It changes nothing except verifies what we are doing is working. It tells us we are winning.
I guess when you read Wilhelm Tell in school, you argued with the teacher that he did wrong by not greeting the hat
I know how to avoid getting tracked and also how to avoid getting raided. I think I am profitting from the event log more than other players. It is just not the point about wanting it gone.
Oh mind me asking which server you and your server police posse play on?
I agree, displaying the name is just childish. You get ever the steam ID.
This feature at my eyes isn’t immersive at all. I’m not hightely concerned by these logs, more testing and play alone. But never liked it since introduction. Like said, it looks childish to me, and has nothing to do in a survival game with pvp settings.
A simple log to avoid false bug-report would be fair enough.
How many of those games involved one team scoring while the others were at work. None. I think to counter the offline raid mechanic, thievery of stations should be “unidentified” player. Conan was a thief, so it only fits.
And for everyone stating you know what you are doing when you steal from the alpha, how about the Alpha not be some lazy s#!+s and enclose their stuff better to prevent thievery? IT would be a lesson to them.
The Games I’ve played in the past? All of them.
Ultima Online, Everquest (Zek Servers), ArcheAge, and several others would allow for raid targets to be taken down in open world at any time. If people from clans were at work during the day and the raid boss spawned in during that time, the guilds capable of getting people online were the ones who got the loot.
This stuff is nothing new. Literally been like this for Twenty years.
There are servers that don’t allow offline raiding if that’s your thing though. And even officials that don’t allow it during non-standard times.
If you play on unrestricted servers. You’ve made the statement “I am ok with being ‘scored on’ while at work.” YOU said you were ok with that. So your question is ultimately irrelevant.
You used basketball games as your example, and WMHB specifically responded to that, now you’re trying to back up your prior example using completely different games. That’s called moving the goal-post.
The answer to what they quoted is ZERO. It would be inane to play a basketball game against another team that isn’t there.
Now I’m imagining a team of thralls in basketball jerseys, standing by doing nothing while people dunk on their hoop. Maybe one barely moves its arm, like Daria in the intro to her show…
@SteveKeepsDying OMG, that’s an awesome image!
I was referring to your specific comparison to street basketball, not other games. It is in the quote box.
That’s SOME mascot!
I also am a solo player, and play on official PVP servers. I would not support your suggestion / request.
Own your damage.
If you are going to raid, and do damage to other players’ structures, make sure that when you do it you are prepared to live with the consequences. Own your damage.
I will always own my damage. And I would prefer to know exactly WHO did what to me and my setup. If we removed names, then I would be at a loss for who to hit with my retribution. Which would be game-experience destructive.
And having your name on their log because you found them sleeping/unlocked chest/station/anything that can be looted, “without damage”, only stealing, like it was with the old Event Log, isnt that game-experience destructive ?