Can you please remove the name of players in event log PVP? It is killing the game

This is fine in theory.

However, this doesn’t stop a larger clan from using a ‘surrogate smasher’ to pop a hole they can then loot things from.

I like your idea, and I wish it were more fool-proof, but that’s a tiny snag worth mentioning.

Unsure if it’s been added yet as I don’t let things decay but it was mentioned that decayed objects will report on who interacted with them also.

This is just a whole new level of hand holding. You can or will be able to abandon/neglect your stuff and be told who did what to your assets.

I’ve already addressed what you said about Alpha’s being ‘lazy’.

I’d imagine they put months and years forming friendships with others to play these games together. They get to enjoy those benefits.

If you start now, you too can call on friends to back you up in the future. Until then, kiss the boot. That’s just how it is in PVP. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too. You get the scraps left behind unless you have the ability to take more.

Charisma, Cooperation, and Leadership are well rewarded. Try it.

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This is all true but some people don’t want to hear it.

@Lord_Wiggles I tested this the other day on a PvE Official, and confirmed that the Event Log WILL state who demolished a decayed structure. :expressionless:

“You’re welcome.”

“What do you mean ‘you’re welcome?’ You busted my castle!”

“And you learned a valuable lesson about letting things decay. You’re welcome!”


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Carebear Exiles, a proud sponsor of ADT®


And they think a Petty personal attack will change anything. Gonna let the mods handle that one. You always know you win an argument and are right when someone gets made enough to go for the ad hominem attack.

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Yup, attack the argument, not the player. I don’t agree totally with your viewpoint because I came here directly from SonyWorld, where you can feel a heavy hand on every server interaction whether it’s Virtua Fighter or RDR. It was truly liberating to cough up a machine for Conan, and the friendships I’ve acquired and thoroughly enjoyed are of another caliber. So you’re kind of winning me over.

I don’t steal, I’ve said that elsewhere, so this doesn’t apply to me at all. My better friends care, though. The ones who taught me it’s not stealing if the enemy is too careless to protect it. :yin_yang:

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That’s not PvP - this is some sort of spineless brown nosing.

And then you cry all over Reddit when a big clan joins your server to rut you out?

In PVP I’ve never had anyone have the grit, will, or determination to ‘rut me out’. Not in Conan or any other game I’ve played before. I’ve been driven back, I’ve been set back, but I’ve never quit, in the end its who can stay in long enough to win in the end.

The only thing that gets me away from my goal is when I obtain it and move on to the next server or the next game. I’ve been at this since the mid 90s. Plan to keep at it for another quarter century in any game that will have it.

What is interesting is how most of you are trying to make it about me. And not simply try to debate the truth that has been set in front of you. And this is showing to all that read this thread.

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I am probably one of the most notorious thieves in the Exiled Lands. I cannot help myself. Especially if it’s open. I actually pride myself on the angles and the distance that I can manage to loot from an open window. It is truly a gift, and a blessing, and a curse, all rolled up into one. :smiley:

When theft (with no breaking) started showing up in the logs, I wept. Only because I loved that unknown of “who stole my $*&!” that people would end up barking in the /global.

However, I have found that the game experience is bolstered by my opponents knowing that it was me who looted from them. I want them to know that it was I who defeated their anti-climb, their poor architecture, and/or their ill fated windows.

If it still troubles you, mask your stolen merchandise by adding things to their open chest or bench, and then removing it. Take the good stuff (steel, whatever), and then add twigs. And then loot the twigs over and over again. It will make for a ton of spam in their logs, and also will add confusion to the opponent as to what was actually stolen. Further - it might throw them off all together because they won’t know the exact location where they were storing twigs, and where those were looted from.

Own your damage. Own your stealies. If you are not prepared for the potential consequences, then don’t. :slight_smile:


I like this. proceeds to split stacks of dung


ROFL - In the earliest days people could not get data from an event log and players ‘demanded’ it be set to work. Too many exploiters and griefers were doing what they do now and not being able to be tracked. And now the log wors well and so some want it gone again. :rofl:

If you want your raids to ‘remain anonymous’ then make sure you hide your base real well and be really, really careful. If they know your player name, but cannot find you then what’s the issue?

I am an Admin. Occasionally there is abuse and griefing on my server. I want to know the full story and whether to take action. Official servers do not have Admins therefore the players need to know it was a rabid bunny that ate their named thrall and not their neighbour.

Of course, if you need to pilfer from a mate and you don’t want to feel guilty, then good luck :smiley:

Good call - that is another tremendous guerrilla warfare tactic. Remove your clan name when you are online. Before you log, add a clan, and change the name every day. Do so quickly before anyone has time to press B and check the player list.

If you have few enough player structure assets, it will be difficult for others to figure out if the structure they find belongs to you.


Could also make a second account and just say screw the event log altogether. I know multiple that do this and tbh I’ve considered it myself.

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not trolling, but this is the funniest statement i have read on here, being that youtube and twitch videos have pretty much made the only “hiding” places under meshing.

Oh yes…
Funnier if you manage to put up a scapegoat…

If I werent going to play on private back in november (just because of mods though) I would hide myself away and over time become a sneaky thief.

Wow thats one nasty idea. I love it. :astonished: :smiling_imp:

Then again there are at least 5 spots where I never see someone build at…
In a legal, non undermeshing way. And way more lil spots where a few chests would fit…


I strongly disagree. Go play in the swampy area. There are tons of hiding spots there with ample water around. If you have access to a well or don’t mind traveling to water, there are ample other places as well.

Face it, being a good thief takes some planning. Most likely, you start by making a crappy base in the early area to get started and serve as a decoy. Once you have established your basic needs, you work on creating your play stashes. These would be small places,1 to 2 foundation huts with a chest and a bedroll in one. These are your hiding holes/safe houses you operate out of. Keep a blacksmith and armorer’s bench of needed for repairs (you could farm the iron needed to replace.)

Then maybe one small hidden base in an obscure spot as a hide out.

With all that you could raid as needed, have spare catches to fall back to, a crap base as a distraction, and be set. It may not be an easy life but then again being a thief/solo raider isn’t the life you pick if you want an easy game.


Keep your blacksmith OFF of the bench in your main, unless you are actively using. Keep your T1 decoy blacksmith ON the bench in your honeypot location.

I love love LOVE Beri. But she hammers that steel way too loudly, and attracts raiders. So unfortunately, I keep her tucked away safe and quiet. :slight_smile: