hehe. i just said the same thing in another post. Did the hours of Sony stuff. But it’s funcom / g-portal issue not our ps4’s or networks. THEIR PROBLEM and need to fix it.
Bump to the top until I get Answers.
got the same probleme here. tried ps4plus with LAN - kicks me out of PSN when trying to find a server. same with ps4slim and WLAN.
please fix it we wanna play online
hope there’s some info tomorrow. I haven’t been able to play online since the 9th. I mean come on…you got my money now I want my game. GET YOUR ■■■■ TOGETHER guys.
Yeah the only way Im able to okay, requires My buddy to be online, and server not being full, then I can join his game.
ridiculous that Funcom does not even answer to that issue in his very own Forum
outrageous is that the same issue is over a year old,
so i am not confident that they will be able to solve it,
Im getting rly angry…same problem here
Germany, kabeldeutschland issue? And no statement yet?..i want my money back if i cant play
Hi there,
no solution by my side. Still getting massive Problems finding Servers on PS4. But I can confirm that the problem for most of the people here is probably the IPv6 thing. If your Internet Connection/Router (like mine - Germany/Kabel Deutschland) is running with IPv6 and DSlite Tunneling (which works like an emulator for the “old” IPv4 Protocol) you are f…
Luckely we have still another (Backup-) Internet Connection from another Provider (O2) which is still using the common or “old” IPv4, so I could do some tests and comparisons.
While the new and faster Internet connection doesn’t find Servers except the Official ones and even then the Network goes down after a while, the older one works as intended and find more than 2300 different Servers without crashing.
If your Internet provider does not offer you the possibility to use IPv4, it seems you are screwed. You can join servers through the PS4 Buddy Screen and jump into Sessions where your friends are. But you can’t find this servers again and play alone another time if your friends are not online.
So, I think it’s Funcom turn to fix this Problem and the way the Serversearch is working.
Much text which does not really provides help but maybe it helps to address the problem…
If you want to see answers from funcom check Reddit. They usually respond to good reviews there
I contacted customer support…and they said it wasn’t their fault this was happening…yeah definitely going to be immature and find anyone that will listen to me. Explain to them to never buy game from them.
nothing on twitter or reddit
its a shame
Same problem here! Can’t understand why there is no reply sides Funcom. And there are threads on Reddit with people complaining over this problem from over a year ago! Thought over buying this game for over a week and now I finally bought it and can’t play properly.
Same problem here.
Managed to get hold of one of this rare private servers in germany and now I can’t play online due to this connection bug since sunday.
Every other game works just fine, but as soon as I try to load the server list in conan exiles… PSN shuts down, even my PC and mobile loses the connection for a certain time
Internet Connection via Kabel Deutschland/Vodafone
Have you tried just searching for the private server? I have mine as a favourite. I think the internet issue is that your isp/router thinks it is under attack due t othe amout of server responses and shuts down. Funcom/Gportal need to figure a way for the servers to populate without flodding your ISP/router with responses.
might be. but nothing happens. no replay. no information
worst support ever
Since this is a major issue for lots of folks it would be good ot see some response, even if its a we know and trying to fix response. Feel your pain dude.
Tried, but makes no difference. You’re just filtering the serverlist… so all the other servers are loaded in the background till your dedicated server pops up… sometimes my Network manages up to 600 servers, than it crashes… but most of the time it crashes at about 250-350 loaded servers
There is a PS4 Hotfix coming in about 30 minutes. I really doubt that this is bringing some changes with the issue but hope dies last😄
get 0 servers and directly psn connection error since i installed the game. never had an issue like that before
normaly dev will ask you questions to gather informations. but here - nothing
so i am pretty sure they know the issus but are not able to fix it…
this is a major issue because there a users with security cams etc. and they get a complete home network issue.
so no funny thing
but FUNCOM, releases new servers
They brought a new patch for the ps4… but they didnt fix the biggest bug in the game.
I still cant load the server list…
A tip to funcom: if you cant fix the serverlist problem. Why dont you add a Input text Field where we can enter the server’s ip manually? Please do anything about this