So it sounds like you would rather get bogged down in semantics and word torture than have a direct and open discussion. So could you please enlighten us and tell us the darthphtsicist correct and approved way of raising a discussion pertaining to ‘these prices are a little high at the moment, please consider revising them’
If people would stick to conversations that had to do with playing the game and things that might actually impact future decisions
Such discussions are intended to impact future decisions, that is the whole purpose of providing feedback. And based on the prices of the Sandstone Super Set, it may very well be that they have done just that.
I’ve been criticizing the Bazaar a lot and giving my negative feedback, so I wanted to also grab the chance to give some positive feedback, too. I just bought the Sandstone Super Set, the second reasonably-priced offering I’ve seen in the Bazaar. I believe this kind of pricing is an excellent middle ground between the unsustainable DLC prices and the excess of the typical Bazaar offerings we’ve seen so far. I hope my fellow forum users will take heart from this. As long as you’re offering feed…
It was certainly well received enough to inspire no few members into purchasing it, in many cases people who either had not yet purchased anything off the Bazaar or had only opened their wallet the once. Guess those who voiced concerns weren’t all cheap peasants who just wanted free after all stuff hey.
Haggling for a better price is viable and commonplace everywhere from corporate board rooms, to local produce markets, to buying a used car, to buying a home, to arranging a pre-nuptual agreement, or drawing up a recording contract, to name remarkably few. Here this highly educational video shall explain it all:
So could someone please explain to me why people should be ridiculed and made to feel like unworthy dirtbags for doing so here, especially when Funcom has already said that prices are not final, and there will be subject to fine tuning and adjustment?