Dont you think"Always show healt bar" gonna ruined pvp?

Smoke arrows are not a stealth mechanic,it s just to make smoke (sarcasm obv)

We migth be able to hide this bar to the other players if we want,why can we hide weapons on us or on our thralls to the other players then?

If I remember correctly, one of the .ini files (defaultgame or defaultengine?) has a line that rules the hearing distance too. It is still not a true stealth mechanic, but better than just a cone-type of LOS.

When you can inhibit a player vision with smoke and that can be use to confuse the target. Will you choose to retreat/hide/ambush but if the heath bar show up in the smoke none of option would show any effect cause it point out the direction where you will be.
But then again hardly anyone use it anyway.

I personally have no issue admitting when I make a mistake :slight_smile: Exiles is a complex game with a hugely wide variety of players that all play the game in different ways. We do our best to keep in mind every kind of player when we make changes, but as you guys know we do sometimes fail to predict the outcome of any given change correctly. That being said, when we do make these mistakes we’re always going to do our best to rectify them.

I totally agree. The health bar indicators are not up to snuff in their current implementation. I’m working on a plan to try to address them in a way that keeps everyone happy without fully pulling the option out. I can’t say exactly when that update will happen because we can’t schedule the work until we have the plan, but more than anything I just want you guys to know I hear you I understand the problems the bars have created, and I’m sorry we let you down on this one.


You broke the first rule of Funcom club but still made very many of us happy hearing your response, thank you.

2021-08-25 10_29_27-Window


It’s great to hear it will have some care but can You please give some word on other issues like PvP item server transfer abuse (possible to transfer gods without map marker, 20k dragonpowder etc) , battleye not working at all and a lot of cheaters/speedhackers, flying bases (exploit that let’s build unreachable bases in sky), unlimited exlosive arrows, eldarium dupe exploit and also not PvP related: Stagger update causing human enemies impossible to hit without taking hit, QOL crafing causing queue to stop, chest fixes broke all legenadry chests (can be opened without keys)…

Some of it needs URGENT revocation of changes until it’s fixed as it will lead to irreversible consequences.

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Maybe they are working on big green flashing “pick this up”, “Talk to me”, “go here” arrows.
Then the next step is “dodge” flashing on your screen when NPC attacks.

Who knows what’s in the works. Maybe they want to make Conan more “accessible”.

I love you Den and i love your game!!!Many many thank for your answer!

Thanks @everybody too for your help to up this thread and getting eared,may Crom be with you.


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