For people who build

There’s nothing you can do unless funcom increases the land claim radius

Here’s the relevant quote, with some added formatting for emphasis:

Also, here’s a clarifying post from Funcom where they show examples of what they consider to be landclaim abuse, which includes placing pillars to extend your claim radius, or even having your walls too far out from the functional parts of your build:


Ah, I don’t play on official servers, but thanks.

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Dude. You are so much more patient than I.

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Then your only recourse at this time is talk to them and ask them to move. Please understand that this may trigger them to report you and get you removed because I don’t believe there is an obvious way to review the initial placement times of each building in an easy admin mode method. It’s a risk but I don’t know how much of one because I’m not there interacting with the person in question.


It is frustrating.

As you don’t want to call the digital HoA on your obnoxious neighbour, options are limited to either directly communicating as mentioned above (with the risk that they then engage in vexatious litigation against you), or build a teleporter or two, pack up, and move.

While neither are optimal, there aren’t a lot of options to deal with it on PvE servers.

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Am guessing it’s on an Officla server as you don’t mention Private?
On Private server you obviously can usually report to an Admin or Moderator. On Official, less so as Funcom staff are kept very busy with all the tickets logged to that effect, and there are still a lot of official servers out there with Griefers.

You can reach out to the other player, as already suggested, in case it was an error (not really likely). If PvP you can tempt Ftae by blowing up said pieces -we all know that usually ends in MAD situations (mutually assured destruction).

If all else fails, find a friendly private server and restart there. You should be fine with your builds.

ps: and Yes, most players would be irritated with block-building.

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just be a patient and give it a feel days this type o player do not last longer, as much they see that you is annoyed much they will stay, just ignore them.

but if they are doing it with the pourpose of generating lag or block you from building, do not feel guilty for reporting they deserve it.

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Umm don’t follow this advice. That is literally land claim spam and you can get suspended for that.

Yeah, if you read further in the topic, he was unaware of official server rules. We had to explain why it was in violation. The best thing to do is probably just wait it out. So long as the base doesn’t crash when fast traveling to refresh it, we can ignore this guy and just use another base as a main area of operation for a bit. Most people that build obnoxiously don’t last more than a few months.

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