No, it’s removing the problem. Unless you consider that undergoing surgery to remove cancer is “hiding the problem”. Then yeah, I completely agree.
I don’t care about people getting along. I just don’t want to play with people who think it’s okay to yell the n-word or build swastikas. You can try as hard as you want to make it more complicated, but it’s really as simple as that. And Funcom also thinks it’s as simple as that. Feel free to put it to test any time you want on the official servers where there are players like me
When it comes to whether the rules should be different for PVP, I don’t have a horse in that race, so I’m reluctant to offer my opinion. Personally, I would tend to agree with @erjoh about the desirability of cleaning up other people’s turds just because you own a broom, but like I said, I’ll leave that to PVP players.
Yes, there is. And even Funcom recognizes that difference:
Unfortunately, the game doesn’t yet give us tools to treat the “public infrastructure” builds differently. I hope they’ll add that, but until that happens, anyone who builds public infrastracture assumes the risk of getting reported.
I don’t think that’s different in PVP, by the way. I’m convinced that if you play on a PVE(-C) server and get reported for a bridge you’re likely to be targeted by admin action, because bridges are specifically called out in the clarification post about land claim abuse. Hell, I wouldn’t even bet against being admin-wiped for a public map room if there are enough reports against you, because that would be a pretty good signal that the community on the server doesn’t consider your public map room to be a net good.
And yeah, I know, people will report that stuff on PVP servers with the express intent of getting you banned, rather than because they’re genuinely annoyed by your stuff. I already said I don’t dispute that reporting-to-win exists. But if you build stuff that breaks the rules, you don’t get to complain about the “reporting meta”. You do get to complain about the rules, but there we run into another problem:
No, their opinions on whether the rules should change are not relevant to this topic. Mine isn’t, either, but I’m not the one pushing it as something this discussion is about.
The discussion was supposed to be about whether the rules are vague, whether people are abusing the vagueness of the rules, whether people are abusing the reporting system, stuff like that. “But I don’t like the rules” is a very different topic.
FWIW, I think that “should the rules change” is a more interesting topic than yet another iteration on “reporting is the new meta because the rules are vague”. The former could lead to some interesting discussion, the latter is frankly nauseating at this point.