Instead of a paid DLC map, why not this...which would allow you to keep your word to the community?

Why not a DLC that allows us to put any armor skin on any armor? This would be a permanent change to that armor, until you placed a new skin on it. In other words, maybe I want to wear Epic Cimmerian Steel, but I want bonus Strength instead of Vitality. As it is, there are many armor skins not being used by very many people. This would allow people to choose the armor look that they want, with the characteristics they want.

You could do the same thing with weapons. Maybe you have a favorite weapon, but now you found a better Legendary weapon, but you don’t like the look of it. So you put a skin on it
a skin you bought in a DLC pack.

So many things that can be sold, that people will buy. I personally like more building pieces. I hate 45 degree ramps. They look unrealistic. I want 22.5 degrees. I also want building pieces that are half of present pieces. In other words, half walls, and foundations and ceilings that take the present squares, and cut them from corner to opposite corner. See the ARK mod, Castles Keeps and Fortifications mod, for examples. That mod also had rounded wall sections, foundations, ceilings and roofs. I wouldn’t add those, however, as they can lag a server when people go crazy with their buildings.

Other things that can be added are things that allow for more interesting looking PvE play, even if on a PvP server. Everything from more interesting building parts, such as a portcullis, to draw bridges, etc
to more furniture and decoration options.

How about a pack that just allows you to change the skin of the terrain, in chunks. In other words, you build a small village, and want to create roads through it, like what you have going into the Mounds?

What about skins that turn your horse into other creatures? Or just a ride-able creatures mod? So you can ride elephants, Sabrecats, Rocknoses, etc.? But all of them would function just like a horse, so as not to make the game pay to win.

Skins for different looking buildings that function the same as present tier 1, 2 and 3 builds? In other words, just new skins for present building pieces? Would be nice, for instance, to have some tier 1 wood structures that look like they belong in the northern part of the map. Something that looks less spiffy than insulated wood, for instance. Maybe even just gray tier one stone, so it looks like it belongs at the mounds, for instance.

Here’s a thought
how about a DLC that makes your thrall talk to you. “Dafari camp ahead.” We are nearing the Volcano." “Careful
Sabrecats nearby.” Maybe it can even compliment you, or razz you, depending on how much work you put in during the battles. Like if he does all the work, he occasionally pulls a random comment about that fact. If you do a lot of work in the fight, he may or may not compliment. These should be random, not every single fight. Maybe he can even warn that bad weather/sand storms are coming. Etc
 Remember in Mass Effect 2 how followers felt real, because they talked, and made comments about current events, or the present location? I think people would pay for that. I would.

Just my 2 silver coins.


The whole skins thing. Are you thinking PVE? Cause that would ruin PVP.


Not necessarily. I posted my wish for cosmetic armors in the Question of the Week thread and I included a way to make it not ruin PVP:

The same logic can be used for any cosmetic additions like that.


armor and weapons skins instead of a new map? no thx. I want a map

and this did not mean that your suggestions are not valid. I only don’t like the map vs. other dlc headline of your post


I agree I hate the smaller DLCs, go big, give us more content and of course charge more for it.


Agreed. The two are such different things that they aren’t really interchangeable ideas. Over 20 years ago, my sister mail ordered some stuff in order to get a water boiler that was given as a bonus for people buying for X dollars. Turns out, the seller didn’t have as many water boilers as they had customers, so instead they sent my sister a travel bag. It was a very good travel bag but it didn’t really boil water very well, so understandably my sister was disappointed.

Similarly, cosmetic armor overlays are a nice idea and I’d like to support it, but it really doesn’t fulfill the need for a new map. You’ll look better with your cosmetic armor, but it won’t boil water for you.


I’m part of the community and I help pay to further the game and add life to it.It’s not much but I’m sure it’s what they’re after.You couldn’t hold me to that promise.A paying customer always beats out a bum.

I’m sure that choice of words made a whole bunch of people warm and fuzzy on the inside

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“Bums” can be paying customers if you lure them into paying
 cause a paying customer is already paying. the key now is to get the “bums” to cough up money.

Or get more money out of Payers
hope it last.

I want a new map, I’m done with old one
 I’m getting what I want
 which is weird. Cause I never get what i want.

We already have armor kits, what about a kit that boosts a stat already on the armour?
it could do so at the cost of another stat in equal amounts.

this would both allow the armour verity needed to maintain some type of baseline for PVP
Yet still provide flexibility for PVE and RP players.

It would have the added value of needing to craft more armour if the change was random and perminate, adding a time sink effect.

To clarify a strength kit would bolster strength a random value with a limit of say 5 points
at the expense of a random stat being lowered by that amount of points.

Where are these map rumors coming from?

from the headline: ‘Instead of a paid map, why not
’ and the text listes a bunch of stuff without any map relation means for me: no map but a lot of other features

and for this point: no
for every single point which is listed in the topic: yes or maybe but not as a map replacement

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A new map is absolutely necessary. Map generating in Conan Exiles is not comparable to map generating in Ark. It is much more complex and requires a lot more effort due to the more detailed design. Funcom also has less financial resources and manpower available. A paid map DLC is therefore completely acceptable to me.


The Paid map debate is because of Funcom being bought outright by Tencent, it’s Tencent saying they want to do a paid map, Tencent is a large wealthy company. Thus rendering the financial resources and manpower argument moot.


Funcom still has to make money regardless of the February potential sale to Tencent. There are hundreds of examples of why this is the case with smaller dev studios being controlled by very deep pocket US companies.

So, I’ve heard a lot of talk on this subject the past few days and I just want to throw these 2 cents somewhere because having quit I no longer need them. Anyone upset at Funcom for “going back on their word” needs to grow up. Quite frankly you all should be happy they want to keep supporting the game and releasing new stuff for it. They could work on a brand new game and charge you full price
 The amount of dungeons and other stuff added for free over the last few years has been a lot more then I expected for free already
 besides, when that statement was made I bet they never expected the game to go as far as it has. They never thought about the possibility of a second map because they were going to get it all on one big map. If they don’t add any new animals, thralls, materials or any of that the argument could be made that it’s just a cosmetic of the world around your base
 without seeing the map or knowing how it will be implemented you can’t claim anything beyond it will be a skin for the world you live in.


Oh also, does anyone care Lore wise how it will fit in? Because we are supposed to be trapped on the first map it wouldn’t quite make sense to be anything beyond just a different version of the map we have. That OR a thing me and a buddy were talking about. A change to the “endgame” where you ascend from the first map leaving everything behind to go to the new one. Don’t get me wrong, that idea is very flawed but it was fun to explore personally and is how I came to the philosophy that the new map could just be a different layout of the map we already know because how many new things do people expect to come WITH the map? Because they probably won’t lock tier 4 building behind it or something.

the fact that tencent maybe overtakes funcom did not mean that funcom has full access to the money and/or manpower of tencent or other tencent companies. so the statement is still valid. even within such a large company as tencent, the individual companies must make their contribution and be profitable

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Yes, they have money, but they still want to make a profit. True, they have a tendency to throw money at promising companies in order to ensure exclusive rights to publishing their games for a certain amount of time, but their long-term goal is to make more money, not support small game companies so they could improve their games.

Sometimes it’s a good business strategy to support a small company so they can improve, so that even if the short-term result is negative, it’ll increase long-term profits. But that investment needs to bring that money back. That’s why, even if Tencent could afford a dozen new maps in Conan Exiles, they’re going to charge their customers for each one of them. Investors tend to want to see their profits sooner rather than later.

@Kapoteeni @Testerle Geesh guys, I was just trying to tell someone about what was happening, who apparently didn’t know.

And who was pleading poverty on behalf of funcom, when the jist of this thread is the Paid Map, that Tencent wants to do.

I wasn’t advocating anything, I intend to continue to support Funcom so long as the game stays within the parameters I deem acceptable. IE no cash shop, gambling boxes or pay to win.
Or the big one Censorship first sign of a painted on bikini I’m outta here. :smiley:

So long as they stick to the optional content DLC model I’m on board with whatever. :slight_smile:
