Is dev interaction up or down recently?

I was in the forums a year or two back under a different name voicing concerns, asking questions ect. From what I can remember the devs would respond relatively quickly.
I have made a post in the PlayStation forum page asking if a fairly major issue has been reported and or being looked into. I admit it’s only been a few days since my post but I’ve received no acknowledgment by the dev team. ( yes I did a zendesk ticket at least a week prior to the post)
I understand after “big” updates there is sometimes lengthy period of time where bugs are brought up but let’s be honest if they cared about the community they could at least get back to you. I have seen other posts from PlayStation players asking a similar thing with no reply. I’d even take a generic auto message.

I’d just like to point out I’m a long time player and after years of hearing this game is dead or dying, I can now confidently say it’s almost completely dead. At least closer than it’s ever been and this is really to bad as Conan is/was a very unique game.



Id say we’re in a negative loop. Management causes game to spiral downwards. Players respond negatively. CSR’s don’t respond to rudeness. Management makes more silly decisions. Loop.

Its predictable.

Just forget you can have nice things in conan and move on to dune when it comes out like youre supposed to.


The communication has been getting progressively worse ever since Tencent bought Funcom. This decline has become a lot more noticeable over the last two years.

I would love to offer words of hope and encouragement, but I can’t. The way Funcom has handled this latest cycle has squashed any hope I had left.

Don’t expect any improvements. This team has proven quite decisively that they won’t deliver on their promises.


Or they cannot.


Devs rarely engage with the player base for any game. “Community” engagement is done via Community Managers. Nobody here will be directly speaking to or heard by the actual programming team.

Unless they’re curious and personally decide to come and have a look at what the community of people that likes/liked your sim thinks of it. Wouldn’t be in an official capacity however.

In casual conversation, when people say “the devs”, they’re not talking about programmers, they’re talking about the team in general. That includes community managers, customer support representatives, and various other roles that do have a hand in communication.

That said, you happen to be wrong. We’ve actually had programmers talk to us here, in official capacity. People who have been playing this game long enough remember that, which is why we can tell just how far the communication has regressed.

Finally, “other games don’t do it” isn’t as much of an argument against improvements as people who regularly offer it think. If everyone always used everyone else as the ultimate defense of status quo, things would never improve.


There is nothing to measure that. If it is not a fun piece, it might be a good thesis. It is thriving through positive paths, surrounded by a negative past.

Alright? Have a nice day.

Ok. How often have the actual programmers engaged here on the forum and when was the last time they did so? Furthermore, did it result in any changes? If so, what were the changes?

And that’s just the posts Dennis made in September - he also interacted several times in August and previously. And that’s just the head guy for CE - maybe others have posted recently as well and I just didn’t notice.

There’s plenty about this game that I’m deeply p*ssed off about (to the point of having uninstalled), and certainly communication is not and has not been great and, as @CodeMage has pointed out, it does seem overall to be worse than before or at least no better, despite semi-regular assurances that it would improve. But I cannot think of a single other game studio where such a senior figure has willingly and repeatedly stuck their head into the lions den and that deserves credit.


Thanks, @DanQuixote. I’ve been busy with work, so I couldn’t sit down and reply. What you posted is part of what I was referring to. I was also thinking all the way back to 2019, where we used to hear from Alex in live streams.

My point was that the people who do actual development have always been active to a certain degree in communication with Conan Exiles players, and that those of us who have been here from the beginning – and have witnessed the degradation of the communication – aren’t making stuff up for shіts and giggles.

That said, I fully expect this will devolve into bickering about what the word “programmer” is supposed to mean in this context. :man_shrugging:


I still wait to see saddles with more slots, since you mentioned Alex.
Ok he said that would think about it tbh, but hey he left and took his thoughts with him :rofl:.
In times i watch old live streams, nostalgia of really good times.


If i can add something to your wonderful reply is that this forum is not the only place @Community and devs are visiting for discussion and support. They visit official and unofficial social media and for sure decades of discord pages.
These visits are extremely time consuming and when they use in times automated replies we are not at all kind enough to accept them.
This game has created many small closed societies and it’s extremely difficult for them to follow. Above all, don’t forget that these people are employees, they have families but surely they take lots of “homework” and not necessarily get paid for it.
It would be very easy for them to deal only with the official pages and social media, but the “hunting” for feedback is not easy!



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