Is this ok or allowed? (TOS)

But that isn’t how rules work. There is no other side to that coin. You, not wanting to be that guy so let it go, does not some how, magically not make it a violation of the rules. The next guy may not be so forgive and now we have yet another “I got banned for no reason” thread.

And if the OP didn’t care they wouldn’t have posted.


Sure, but there is an extremely vast amount on cases anyone can come up with, where people dont follow the “rules” to the exact point, but when everyone around them doesnt care, there isnt an issue. The OP even states they wont report unless they are blocking a obi or something bad.

Yes, it certainly appears like a land claim violation could be made, but ask yourself this:

If no one cares about it, and everyone is ok with it, do you still report it?

but you are setting up a circular argument here with your views on this.

If rule violation A doesn’t get reported because it didn’t interfere with anybody, next time rule violation B is interfereing they will simply claim “but A wasn’t reported so why did B get reported”. And so on and so on.

If rules don’t get enforced, might aswell not have them at all.

But I also agree with the whole “false reports” griefing. There should be rules implemented already in the gameplay mechanic to avoid such rule breaking builds. Like maybe a center claim point that only allows building blocks 15 squares around it. And as you level up that increases, or increases with clan size. Other games have it, no need to reinvent the wheel here.

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Denunciation is a cultural thing hard to dissociate from the culture that brings it to a person’s ethos.

While in many places we do not have the culture to “go report” things we think are wrong to “feel nice” or to purge the feeling that “if I cant do it when people did not liked, you cant do it if no one cares and it is bothering no one”.

It is pretty much the basis in which some belief systems are built.

So trying to make it “reasonable” that denunciation is kinda “senseless” is pointless if it is celebrated in other instances in which it also shouldnt.



The rules are not there for you to ignore, or feel apathetic about, they are there for you to follow or get reported.

Cannabis. Illegal but most people don’t care. But people not caring wont stop the police from arresting you and putting you in jail. People not caring does not change the laws
On the public servers WE are the police force. No it doesn’t work, we see proof practically daily.

A violation is a violation regardless of whether it gets reported or not.

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Hi @Hansel

Feel free to send a report to our team over on Zendesk.
You can check out how to submit a report here: Official Servers - Terms of conduct, guidelines and procedures

Also feel free to check out our post about land claim: Land Claim Abuse on Official Servers