Game mode: [Online | pve conflict ]
Problem: [Crashes yes | Bugs yes | Performance yes | Misc yes]
Region: [NA]
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typing /global to get out of local chat occasionally doesn’t work
choppy rubber banding combat/player movement/entering doorways/climbing
journey task descriptions have such little detail they’re broken, for example: survive a sandstorm, which i have multiple times, without the sandstorm mask that is. Nowhere in the description does it say to wear one.
map points of interests not unlocking on the map, only way to fix is to kill your character
you can place foundations under dragons/world bosses while they chase you, they bug out, and you can attack without taking any damage
(possibly fixed haven’t crashed within 2 days)
game crashes way too often (from every 30 mins to every 4 hours) -
with every backspace or letter typed while editing an already existing phrase on a wooden sign post causes the location of where you are typing to reset and go to the end of the phrase. ex. backspace at edit location, back space again and you delete the last letter of the phrase instead of the letter before the edit
corpse randomly doesn’t spawn and you lose everything especially when you die to a mammoth
harvesting humanoids do not give bones
occasional ability to run through my buildings/foundations and shot back when the game realizes you ran through a wall, with the inability to climb as you jump through what you are climbing, restarting the game 4 times does not fix this
you cant place a black ice wall behind a black ice foundation, but you can place a black ice wall then a black ice foundation in front…
occasionally throwing gas orbs do not work, i have restarted the game and it still does not work, i will be able to throw 4 orbs then after that i cant throw any more orbs not even a fire orb. massive waste of time and mats because of this bug.
thralls are the most buggiest part of the game, if you manage to unbind your thrall while running him back to your wheel of pain, occasionally when you hit e to pick him back up he’ll fly up into the sky and he is forever gone. Or when you knockout an npc they will occasionally fall through the ground in which case that thrall is now forever gone.
your thralls on top of foundations or ceilings will fall through them when you destroy a building structure near them and since you destroy building structures when you upgrade i assume upgrading will cause the same issue, i have lost many geared rangers because of this
structures fall through ground when you adjust the height before placing
some asteroids simply cannot be blown up
climbing a ceiling and moving forwards instead moves you backwards
screen occasionally starts flickering white when there are two furnaces running beside eachother, there is no fix only to turn one furnace off
npc names don’t load if there are multiple near each other (why not add toggle all names option?)
you cant split items while inside certain containers, campfire for example
unable to remove map marks you made or edit the name
animals like to skip around, especially hyenas
your character likes to climb things horizontally and things that dont need to be climbed, like flat ground and wood fences
if you hit e you don’t own, it will make play the you don’t own sound when you hit e on anything else after that the sound will continuously play for a short period of time
inventory scroll bar doesn’t work when click dragging
chat box scrolls to top on player death (hit page down to quick scroll to bottom)
map room placement is buggy and requires unnecessary space as well as tier 3 wheel of pain
take all from container auto stacks items, give all to container does not
climbing into a door frame without stairs causes your character to rubber band back and fourth/fall back down to main floor when you already made it up
eating food causes hp loss visual bug
character randomly stops climbing
character randomly starts climbing
climbing animation is jittery and you get attacked by enemies not near you while climbing
first spacebar hit occasionally stops working to cling onto a wall while falling
cave points of interests take forever to unlock or they are bugged and don’t unlock
unable to drop items from enemy corpse or chests must put in invy then drop
chests occasionally stops spawning loot, destroy them may sometimes fix this
combat thrall occasionally run to random spots for no apparent reason
purge meter doesn’t load until you farm something
dancer thrall has a bugged heal that will heal 1/3 of your health bar per tick and will happen during combat
pickaxe doesn’t work on brimstone in shattered springs
space bar loot all function while the loot screen is up often drops your first item in your inventory
equipped items on hotkey bar cannot be unequipped unless they are deselected
armor does not unequip while right clicking
you often fall through elevator landings while the elevator is up
thralls/all structures often overlapping with terrain while nothing is there even if placed on foundations and cannot be placed
npc’s occasionally double spawn or stack on top of each other and get stuck
barrow king and ice giants dont hit you because your character is too short
dragging enhanced items from equipped slot to inventory causes the equipped slot to stay pink
craft all spacebar option randomly doesn’t work, craft one then it will work again
hitting a rock with a pick axe often doesn’t connect
you cant alt move while placing a thrall (roll/hop)
there is no thrall that gives flawless hyperborean armor
truncheon occasionally does hp damage instead of the blue bar above
if you hit split stack quick enough twice, it dosent split the stack twice, it splits once then moves back to the other stack
explosive jar occasionally falls/flies somewhere when you ignite it
some materials randomly disappear when put into container, (seeds and salt when put into campfire only happened 3 times they also reappear upon restart)
having weapons on your hotkey bar and selected means you are “in combat” and cannot bandage until you deselect the weapons
not all unlock-able items are displayed in the feats tab until they are discovered (every item recipe that requires discovery, silent legion armor/weapons, hyena armor etc)
cannot use a door if a thrall or an enemy humanoid is near it
climbing tree roots occasionally causes your character to spin around a few times
mammoth tusks can attack through 2 foundations
thralls don’t fight back when they are attacked by other monsters. mammoth for example
obsidian forge has invisible lava outside of the forge on the left side that kills all when you run by it
thralls like to unequip weapons and prefer to punch only way to fix is fill their inventory with stuff
thralls randomly spawn items in their inventories called xx_unarmed left
some archer thralls either have their bows despawn or the bow is turned invisible and only the arrow can be seen (inside equipment slot not character model) and cannot equip another weapon in that slot
some thralls instantly and consistently unequip their weapon when dragging into equip slot
purge spawns once, has a wave that insta dies then purge never spawns again, always at full bar
there is no thrall slot in the obsidian forge to craft flawless obsidian items
thralls not only fall through foundations, they also fall through game monuments like the bridge of the betrayer if placed on there
blood border damage taken visual effect occasionally does not go away
baga the fighter at mounds of the dead can be knocked out but cannot be bound has he still has talk options when you hit e
wasd or crouch does not interrupt sleep/sit emote. the only way to escape it is alt roll/hop
thralls occasionally do not move to where you move them to, they will either run back to their previous spot or their physical body will become invisible and the visual body will begin floating to their new location which would take about 5-10mins or until game restart
afk motion screen and hidden ui is not interrupted when taking damage from hunger/thirst
rhinos/mammoth/rocknose king occasionally fly upon death
looking around will occasionally not be interrupted by objects (ability to see through walls/foundations/game monuments/everything except ground)
some lotus’s cannot be farmed via sickle, they are just chopped down and render no loot
xx_tusk_trohpy on the level 21 big game hunter decoration list
regen from food cannot be started again until 3 seconds after the healing notification has disappeared
the huntress bow says bonus survival on the in game item, yet it does not provide any
decay time wont reset, i have foundations at 12 hours, 105 hours, 130 hours, altars and chests at 80 hours all within 8 squares of eachother
#15 Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- place two foundations stacked on top and a 3rd foundation beside the two stacked ones
- place a thrall on top of the two stacked foundations
- destroy the 3rd foundation you placed beside the two stacked ones
- your thrall is now inside the foundation
#19 Steps on how to reproduce issue:
- place two furnaces beside each-other and turn them on, if still no flicker place some ceiling hanging lights
Steps on how to reproduce the rest of the issues:
literally play the game for more than 10 hours, make a base with more than 20 thralls, play the game for a week, farm asteroids using gas orbs for a few hours all of these bugs will happen to anyone… all you need to do i put time into doing any of these things and you will come across them.
Additional possible updates & quality of life improvements:
you should not be able to build near legendary chests
there needs to be a quick dye option (apply to all/drag dye onto armor to apply)
npc steel bar droprate needs a nerf. humanoid npc’s have like a 80% chance of dropping steel and it can be from 4-15 bars. It takes 15mins to farm 200 steel at new asagarth playing solo, and takes over an hour to smelt, and thats not including the time it takes to get the brimstone and steelfire
you shouldn’t be able to roll/jump/hop/climb/swim while encumbered
breathing potion should provide defense against noxious gas
silent legion armor should take perfect heavy armor to craft just like every other epic armor
a salvage item system would be very useful for your old weapons/extras
stat bonus beside armor in feats menu section would be very helpful
mushrooms should be farm able via sickle
there need to be a quick craft option that loads items up that can be crafted depending on what you have in your inventory
crafting materials should be used as the que starts not as the item is finished
swimming is a free escape, you should be able to swing 1 hand weapons in the water/climbing, or have your character sink when they are out of stamina
there needs to be a legend with a map border for monsters levels and purge monster levels, so you know what your up against depending on where you build
walls with spikes should not be climbable to other players
daggers shouldn’t stunlock
points of interests should be greyed out and then white when unlocked instead of completely invisible (people just google the points anyways so there is no point to have them not visible, plus it would help out new players)
the game does not need to spam the player every 3 seconds that they are encumbered
placing walls auto side switching needs to be turned off and controlled by the user
summon a god should cost 5000 marks not 500, marks are way too easy to farm 500
time left on thrall crafting bar would be very helpful
gods are overpowered and honestly shouldn’t event be a part of the game
first bar at 75% purge meter needs a description when you put your cursor over it
recreate character needs a description
siege boulder should cost hardened brick not stone, the cost is way too cheap for raiding
combat thralls are too dumb, rangers not attacking with range/running against nothing and meele geting stuck on objects/hills
server connect ques would be nice
timestamps for buffs/food/water would be nice
thralls that dry would be nice
thralls that operate siege weapons would be nice. ex siege cauldron/trebuchet
thralls that farm would be nice
named combat thralls should give aoe stat bonus’s to other thralls
siege cauldron oil should be flammable
fire arrows should have dot effect
punji traps should be a thing also another use for spikes
dig able moats should be a thing
god items should have god effects, ex snakesbite - poison, foeshatter - freeze/slow, yog cleaver - bonus armor pen
ranged combat needs buff
if i find any more bugs i will add them and i will try to mark as fixed as updates roll out