Need a hand with the 4 Events

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Hi @Pixelcave and thankyou very much for coming forth to offer to help, and you also for your continued assistance and insight @Xevyr. It is great to have two members with technical know how on this matter. And if I may, it may also be wise for me to summon a resident playstation afficionado and @Barnes perspective on this too.

I believe so Pixelcave. Pardon my ignorance here but I am remarkably inept when it comes to technology. But I will do my best to answer any questions you may have. My ps5 is in the living room and my partner has a ps4 in her room. We do not play together in co-op, as neither of us have PS Plus. Regarding internet, it is a relatively crude set up. We both usually play purely offline. However, if we plan to do some battle pass challenges of attempt the events, we just connect using hotspot on our mobile/cellular phones. We both have the same model of phone and are both through the same company/carrier, which I find makes this even more confusing.

Sadly, this is not the first time this misfortune has befallen me. Like a number of other Singleplayers on the playstation, I missed out on Grave Matters entirely the first time it ran, which is only compoumding my sadness and frustration here. It is not a case of it working once then never again. Conversely, it never even started or worked AT ALL for me, not even once. I made threads relating to this (see below). And this and from a circumstantial perspective, this appears to bear all the hallmarks of history repeating itself.

And I guess that this is why I had now contemplated that this could be a setting on the server, playstation or even mobile network blocking these from activation…!?

In fact @Barnes, could you think of settings in the ps5 menu which may be conflicting with this? I know that my privacy/social settings are fairly high. And surely not having ps plus wouldn’t affect this either would it?

My apologies peoples, but I must head off to work now. I will try to follow up when I get home this evening.