Oh my god, the new AI rocks!


Its broken. But not broken as hell… Compared to what it was before (in CE).

Compared to other AAA games - yes, its broken as hell.

Which leads me to the next thing: WTF are people on testlive even testing? Or was the patch again sth completely different from testlive?

. How can no one, had the idea to SHOW the current behavior on a thrall (passive, protect me, etc)? (Also why no one at Funcom thought this would be a great idea - because they dont play the game)
. Why is there no command for a thrall, to simple SELF-DEFNSE?
. Why does a horse let it self get killed, but doesnt run away from danger?
. The coloring bug?
. Why are many NPCs still killing each other? Why are the purge creatures killing the humans?
. Why are GUARDING thralls teleporting through doors/down from pillars/foundations? (and even porting on top of spikes - killing themself)
. Thralls dying of no reaons or falling through the map and then dying?

Why are there so damn much bugs within a patch? And most of them are not even mentioned at testlive?!?!

What are people on testlive doing? Just admin spawn in new things and thats it?

What are the testers at Funcom doing? Playing around with the new DLC? Which btw also has an UI bug: Aligning issue with the Argossean Rooftop Corner & Argossean Rooftop pieces - NO ONE ever made a roof at Funcom?? Not even the glorified DLC team??

Get a functional QA team!! Dont try to let testlive find out bugs, because it doesnt look like many people are testing your game or are testing I dont know what. The admin console and if the mods are still working, but for sure not normal gameplay.

I would test, if there would be a test-version for consoles (PS4). My PC is to weak for Conan (my GPU is too old).