We have a quick patch available for PS4 to take care of some stuttering and framerate drops the community has been reporting recently. It’s a small patch, with only one change, but we feel it’s an important one nonetheless.
Fixed an issue that caused framerate drops when playing. This should reduce the stuttering introduced in the latest patch. This should also fix the bug where thralls and pets would disappear when placed outside a building in a single-player game.
Trello Report Board
We have a public bug tracking board here! You can check this to track the issues that get brought up by the community the most. In the “For prioritization” column you can vote for the issues you would like us to prioritize and we will make sure it gets moved into development asap. You can read the full details on how it works on the forum post here.
Fix the decay problem Pls. 2 months Inactive base is not decaying, it gets refresh the same time my main base get refresh. For some reason they were able to build a base so close to mine. No name just long #s, 1 side is destroyed by a purge but the foundations is underwater. O.S #3522 by Mitra shrine. Almost going to 3months now pls do something about this.
saying you fixed something and actually fixing something are completely different things. i’m not sure anyone at funcom really understands the difference. I have been blue screened and kicked out 5 times in the last 1 hour and 15 minutes. I died twice because food and water still gets used up while being blue screened. for the short time I was on it appears nothing is fixed. While running the game lags/freezes constantly. PVP is impossible with the lag. it’s a 50/50 chance with the winner being the one who lags last in the fight. It’s like buying a car and being told they will add the brakes to it next year. there are 3 people out of 32 left on the server I am on. this game is almost dead. I will never buy a funcom product again.
All I can say after obeying this chaos since day one is:
When you develop on Unreal Engine and you dare to use C++ instead of pure Blueprint , then you need really, and I mean really good C++ veterans or you end up in a nighmare-rabbithole…
Edit: @Funcom And please get a proper SSL cert , the page shows partial insecure parts, that looks very noobish,better make it http . You can get a free reliable SSL cert from Let’s Encrypt…
Still problems in the build mode trying to rotate stuff you kick or punch , still issues with old building pieces not breaking or something… cant dye any of our thrall’s clothing. controls get stuck in build mode after building anything. frame rate isn’t to bad but this patch added a few bugs, other than that you guys are awesome i love the game, oh and ps4 would like the full nudity as well…
Most of these issues have already been reported and added to our to-do list of things to fix!
This patch was pushed to address some of the performance issues that arose from our Dec.10th update, and as such it didn’t address any of the issues that you mention.
Although on a different platform, we are aiming to release tomorrow a huge patch on our PC testlive servers that include many fixes and additions.
This patch was a waste of time your devs need to be fired. Nothing changed with performance. Im upset i spent more money on DLC when the base game while an awesome well thought out game and beautiful fundamentally sucks while playing!
I just got Conan exiles and I noticed a lot of stuttering and lag and when I died and re spawned my character froze and the only way to fix it was to use admin teleport. Please fix the bugs the game is great so far!! the minor freezes and lags are annoying.
thank you!!! hopefully you guys fix the lag and stutter problems ASAP because I’ve been enjoying the game a lot but the downside is the lag, stutter, and the freezes and being unable to move.
as a youtuber i have to esk are you fancum takr this sirjeus or not
small update after what 2 monthes?
player love this game so much but all they get is a small update thet do noting
this are stil the problems
they we all have the most
1 game is shuttering as he
2 game lags when you die or before you die or going in battle
3 the person thet i play check the person i see mirrors of the person thet i play?
4 lags in the hole game
1 pls make a markplace or trading post
2 watchtowers en new stuff to build
3 new monster en enemies.
wil the admin or one of the service contact
replay on my mesage
i cant make a good video
about this game when the dev is not realy active to fix the game to max white no lags no shuttering or person thet i play lag him self
Bonjour , je suis un joueur avec ma Femme sur la version PS4
Depuis les deux dernière mise a jour le jeu deviens injouable…
Il rame comme pas possible ; si on sort l’arc il a un freeze de 1min 30 . c’est vraiment innaceptable comment sortir des mise a jour qui crée autant de problème . nous avons 0 soucis avant c’est deux mise a jour et je vous dit pas le temps de respawn de ma femme qui et de 10MIN et des fois elle est obliger de quitter l’application pour se faire réinvité. Il faut lancer 5 invite minimum pour que un joueur puisse rejoindre la partie.
Et bon dieu nous sommes au 21 eme siècles enlevé mois c’est 400m de distance d’hote…
Merci de faire le nécessaire… Conan est un très bon jeux mais alors il est pas du tous suivit…
Hello, I am a player with my wife on the PS4 version
Since the last two update the game becomes unplayable …
He rowed as not possible; if we take out the arc he has a freeze of 1min 30. it’s really unreachable how to release updates that creates so much problem. we have 0 worries before it is two update and I do not tell you the respawn time of my wife who and 10MIN and sometimes she is forced to leave the application to be re-invited. You have to throw 5 minimum invites for a player to join the game.
And god we are in the 21st century removed month is 400m away from host …
Thank you for doing the necessary … Conan is a very good game but then it is not all followed …
Well, this is probably marginal but…
Settings>Command>Aim right mode sensitivity…
it tooks 2 minutes (real 2 minutes) to be settled from max to minimum (or viceversa)…
I think it’s pretty crazy to have a control that is so slow.