So...We are getting new "content" and content

This ^

u kiddin me… this is b…s…

Absolutely nothing

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Thank you that give us new type of trolling. Now i can gank 72+ players and make players mad much easier. Facepalm. Really don’t understand, so stupid, boring and crazy quest for what?) Social weap and gear?:smiley:

Does anyone know what the update today is for? Just maintenance or was something announced in the stream?

Unchained mode
Vanity weapons(Yes it wasnt impossible after all!)
Bagdes(“pictures” on the side of your name")
More class/race comboes(Cimmerian assassin and Stygia DT)

There was one more thing too, but i cant recall it. ^^ WAy more than i expected doe. :stuck_out_tongue:

And all this is coming in todays patch?

I belive so, yes. Not 100% certain, but I dont see why they would split up that little update to multiple patches.

Worth mentioning that for now, the badges is only related to unconquered achivements. But they said in the stream that they were going to add more badges over time.

Hi there,
I have just made account to tell you I strongly believe mixing existing classes with existing races is a bad thing as it further alienates RP element and makes race choices irrelevant.
Same thing with vanity weapon animations, a hammer that cuts heads like a sword is a bad thing for a game that sells on its special weapon moves.
Please reconsider.

  • Adding existing classes to existing races = bad = makes races irrelevant
    Don`t be lazy.
    Thank you.

Yeah…they said that about Crafting Recipes, Unchained Dungeons, Achievements, Titles, spontaneous Worldbosses…too.

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I know that does not mean they will. I know how FC work… And that is why i said “they said”.
No reason to elaborate more than that. I am completely sure @Force also knows what it means that FC said something.

The weapon types is very much considered and taken care of, thats why we havent got vanity weapons before now. Pls do some research before complaining…

I have no issue with Class/race comboes released now. They seem sound. IF they however were to release aquilonian demonologist. They be damnd, no aquilonian would serve the serpent god.

As far as i know a Cimmerian Necromancerlike character exitst in the comics, but i havent read that exact comic myself. Think I read somewhere else that it was a thing in one of the comics, so that could work.

Lots of ghosts & bodies in Cimmeria. Good place to be a necro :slight_smile:

P.S. Hope update is done on time… otherwise will have to go whip a few bosses into submission with my Arisha toon on Vindictus.

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thats not new content ffs its just vanity…

Nice one the stygian dt :+1:
I hope they removed the possibilty to make new cimmerian dark templars lol

seriously :open_mouth:?

I’ll probably keep a toon in tortage island and do daily challenges 20/20 and 5/5. I will end in 2050 but at least nobody will kill me in that way lmao

I guess two handed blunt as vanity for a conq using two handed edges is not possible?

Well only since 2009.

And yes I remember lag spikes and rubber banding back in the early years, but I haven’t seen any that killed me in a long time. Most of the examples given seem to have happened during raids, I don’t raid and if it’s not required during this ‘special’ event than I can’t see it impacting others.

And I’ve never seen any of the Tortage spawning attacks, nor even heard of them until it was brought up on this forum.

We even just had the Solstice event and with the exception of the Vanir spawning one time while talking to the guy in Ymir’s pass (and even then he ignored everyone else and only attacked the guy he spawned on, the rest of us standing there ignored him and they ignored us) I didn’t see or hear of anyone trolling Tortage with either them or the cursed scroll spawns.

Cool, I have to delete a toon or buy another slot- Edit Now I can’t even delete, click no death icon, no enter password to confirm, in fact no icon showing next to the toon on the start page. I guess I am forever stuck with the rooms I have now

If these new skulls, badges, or whatever they are on the sides of names decrease framerate, like they usually do, gg…


The delete character button have moved to the bottom right of the screen! If it’s not there you will have to disable any custom UI you might have.


Yes, when I saw the new badges, the first thing I thought about was framerates going to ■■■■.

Again just non relevant gimmicks. :frowning:

How about for example mini game votekick, fixing nametags’ huge fps drainage, dungeons difficulty scaling. That would be a game changer.