The Numbers of SWL

This is a summary of important numbers from ye olde spreadsheet of gearycraft. More information and details can be found on the spreadsheet itself.


Primary Stats

  • Hit Points
  • Combat Power
  • Healing Power
  • Damage Mitigation

Secondary Stats

  • Glance Reduction
  • Critical Chance
  • Critical Damage
  • Glance Chance
  • Evade Chance

Upgrading Gear

  • Talismans and Weapons
  • Glyphs
  • Signets


  • Elite Tier Scaling (Dungeons and Scenarios)
  • Museum of the Occult Bonus

Primary Stats

Hit Points

      Base Value: 3300 Hit Points at Level 50
SP Passive Total: 2997 Hit Points
  Capstone Total: 1215 Hit Points
   Natural Total: 7512 Hit Points = 3300 (Base) + 2997 (SP) + 1215 (Capstone)

Combat Power (Attack Rating)

Conversion Formula:     +1 Combat Power = 13.33 Attack Rating
                        +1 Combat Power = 13.33 Weapon Power	
        Base Value:    150 Combat Power = 2000 Attack Rating at Level 50
  SP Passive Total:  113.4 Combat Power = 1512 Attack Rating
    Capstone Total:  60.75 Combat Power = 810 Attack Rating
     Natural Total: 324.15 Combat Power = 150 (Base) + 113.4 (SP) + 60.75 (Capstone)

Healing Power (Heal Rating)

Conversion Formula:     +1 Healing Power = 13.33 Heal Rating
                        +1 Healing Power = 13.33 Weapon Power	
        Base Value:    150 Healing Power = 2000 Heal Rating at Level 50
  SP Passive Total:  112.5 Healing Power = 1500 Heal Rating
    Capstone Total:  60.75 Healing Power = 810 Heal Rating
     Natural Total: 323.25 Healing Power = 150 (Base) + 112.5 (SP) + 60.75 (Capstone)

Damage Mitigation (Protection)

Conversion Formula:   +1% Damage Mitigation = (Protection Rating * 100) / (Protection Rating + 24538)
					       +1% Effective HP = 245.38 Protection
        Base Value:    0% Damage Mitigation
  SP Passive Total: 8.43% Damage Mitigation = 2259 Protection
     Natural Total: 8.43% Damage Mitigation

Secondary Stats

Glance Reduction (Hit Rating)

Conversion Formula:   +1% Glance Reduction = 50.85 Hit Rating
        Base Value:    0% Glance Reduction
  SP Passive Total: 14.9% Glance Reduction =   756 Hit Rating
   End Game Values: 37.6% Glance Reduction =  1912 Hit Rating
Activity Glance Reduction Hit Rating
Champion Training Dummy (Story) 3% 153
Dungeon Training Dummy (Elite 1) 5% 255
Lair Training Dummy 18% 916
Elite 5 22% 1119
Regional Training Dummy 31.9% 1623
Nightmare Training Dummy (Elite 10) 37.6% 1912

Critical Chance (Critical Rating)

Conversion Formula:   +1% Critical Chance = 157.50 Critical Rating (Up to 6536 Rating)
                      +1% Critical Chance =    683 Critical Rating (After 6536 Rating)
        Base Value:    1% Critical Chance
         Expertise:  7.5% Critical Chance
  SP Passive Total:  4.8% Critical Chance =    756 Critical Rating
   End Game Values: 41.5% Critical Chance =   6536 Critical Rating
                      50% Critical Chance = 41.5% (Critical Rating) + 1% (Base) + 7.5% (Expertise)

Critical Damage (Crit Power Rating)

Conversion Formula:    +1% Critical Damage = 28.31 Crit Power Rating (Up to 3258 Rating)
                       +1% Critical Damage =   136 Crit Power Rating (After 3258 Rating)
        Base Value:    25% Critical Damage
         Expertise:    30% Critical Damage
  SP Passive Total:  35.6% Critical Damage =  1008 Crit Power Rating
   End Game Values: 115.1% Critical Damage =  3258 Crit Power Rating
                    170.1% Critical Damage = 115.1% (Crit Power Rating) + 25% (Base) + 30% (Expertise)

Glance Chance (Defense Rating)

Conversion Formula:   +1% Glance Chance = 101.71 Defense Rating (Up to 4221 Rating)
                      +1% Glance Chance =    683 Defense Rating (After 4221 Rating)
        Base Value:    0% Glance Chance
  SP Passive Total:  7.4% Glance Chance =    753 Defense Rating
   End Game Values: 41.5% Glance Chance =   4221 Defense Rating

Evade Chance (Evade Rating)

Conversion Formula:  +1% Evade Chance = 145.55 Evade Rating (Up to 4221 Rating)
                     +1% Evade Chance =   77.4 Evade Rating (After 4221 Rating)
        Base Value:   0% Evade Chance
  SP Passive Total: 5.2% Evade Chance =    753 Evade Rating
   End Game Values:  29% Evade Chance =   4221 Evade Rating

Upgrading Gear

Talismans and Weapons

Quality Max Level XP per Level Shards per Empowerment Base Item Power Item Power per Level
Standard 20 200 200 2.33 2.2
Superior 25 500 400 50.67 3.3
Epic 30 2400 600 150.33 4.4
Mythic 35 12000 800 321.33 5.5
Legendary 70 25000 1000 584.00 6.6

Weapons are worth ~15% more Item Power


Quality Max Level XP per Level Shards per Empowerment Base Item Power Item Power per Level
Standard 20 200 200 1.2727 1.2
Rare 20 500 400 27.6364 1.8
Epic 20 3600 600 82.0000 2.4
Mythic 20 9800 800 175.2727 3.0
Legendary 20 100000 1000 318.5455 3.6

Glyphs in weapons are worth ~22.5% more Item Power


Quality Max Level XP per Level Shards per Empowerment Base Item Power Item Power per Level
Standard 20 200 200 0.6364 0.6
Rare 20 500 400 13.8182 0.9
Epic 20 3600 600 41.0000 1.2
Mythic 20 9800 800 87.6364 1.5
Legendary 20 100000 1000 159.2727 1.8


Elite Tier Scaling (Dungeons and Scenarios)

Elite Minimum IP Health Scaling Distillate Range (Rare Chest)
1 50 100.00% 600-800 (900-1100)
2 175 210.86% 900-1100 (1200-1400)
3 250 266.69% 1200-1400 (1500-1700)
4 325 319.05% 1500-1700 (2000-2200)
5 450 417.49% 2000-2200 (2400-2600)
6 550 559.52% 2400-2600 (2800-3000)
7 650 723.91% 2800-3000 (3200-3400)
8 750 869.78% 3200-3400 (3600-3800)
9 850 1048.95% 3600-3800 (4000)
10 1000 1437.54% 4000 (4400)

Museum of the Occult Bonus

Centerpiece Pedestal Chance Per Centerpiece Damage Per Centerpiece Full Museum Chance Full Museum Damage
Standard (Green) +0.630% +0.0075CP 7.560% 0.09CP
Superior (Blue) +1.880% +0.0225CP 22.560% 0.27CP
Epic (Purple) +4.170% +0.0500CP 50.040% 0.60CP

Space reserved for future content


Could anyone at Funcom confirm these numbers?

If they are supposed to not be accessible by players, could someone at Funcom speak up to say “A friend of my colleague has heard that it seems to be possible that some of the stated hypothetical numbers could be wrong” ?

That’s usually not how things work. If this kind of info isn’t available somewhere, then it’s up to the community to find out the underlying mechanics. I’d be really surprised if anyone at Funcom speak up to confirm or even comment on these things.


My problem with these numbers is that there is no info as if they are valid at this date.

They may have been copied from TSW.
Or something might have changed after the launch of SWL.

Redoing all of the calculations just “for the fun” is a tedious task, so geting a feedback if it should be undertaken would be very welcome.

Nothing has been copied from TSW. I’ve been working / theorycrafting with Smyrill and other people on lots of these numbers, and i can personally attest that they are very accurate so far. We’ll never be 100% certain about anything, but it’s so far good enough that you can take all this info reliably, yet with a grain of salt depending on what you want to do / calculate.


Great to know it is an SWL database.

It seems consistent with my observations so my doubts were mainly about how outdated this data is.

Thank you for all the hard work.

Everything is current as of the latest patch (2.20).

However some values may be off by ~1-2, since they were reverse calculated using values displayed on the character sheet which are rounded off. Specifically, secondary stats rating conversions and IP calculations may be off by a bit. I know for sure that legendary weapon IP values are off by ~2 at level 70, but I can’t find a formula that works equally across all qualities - maybe legendary weapons have a different IP formula compared to non-legendary weapons.


You are selling your topic short! This is a great spreadsheet with more than just theorycraft info. It also has base information on (nearly all??) the weapons, talismans, gadgets, and signets. Not to mention the mission list. It is the most comprehensive information on SWL gear and mechanics.

Feel free to copy/paste my reply and add it to the original link description. This is really good work and I’m glad you got around to posting the original link as many people reference it in their discussions (sometimes wrongly, but whatever. not like you can control that).

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Thanks for making this available here in the forums. (And for the job put into getting at these numbers!)


Is the SP passive here mean having unlocked all passives in all weapons?

Yes, SP passives and Capstones total values are from fully unlocking everything.


There’s a bonus calculator in my Museum of the Occult spreadsheet. All you need to do is make a copy for yourself and enter your own pedestal levels and it will all be calculated automatically on the main page. From there, you just multiply the bonus by your current Combat Power on your in-game character sheet.

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<<There’s a bonus calculator in my Museum of the Occult spreadsheet.>> I didn’t want to know it cost THAT many shards! I need small bite size 5-10-50K at a time upgrade numbers - lol. Seriously though, wonderful spreadsheet Darxide.

This whole undertaking is so full of awesomeness. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting for all of us!

Actually, I think I forgot to post a link to the blank sheet over in the Theorycrafting subforum. Going to go do that right now, thanks for reminding me!

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Love this summary and the details good to know its up to date.