Where do I go from here!

HONER! On pvp … in any game… your joking right ?

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That right there is a contraction. If it is an infraction, even a “TINY” one as you claim, it is still an infraction and thus it cannot possibly be falsely reported. The report is valid because it is in fact an infraction. Stop crying conspiracy because you can’t play by the rules. FFS you have even admitted that you have been suspended THREE times because YOU CAN NOT follow the rules. There is no conspiracy. There are no false accusations. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Im not crying at all :joy::joy: I’m saying the rules are ducking stupid for pvp

I’m admitting to what I see funcom could perceive as me doing wrong I’ve no actual answer as to what I did

It’s calculated from people messaging me saying they are reporting me for such and such then 2 weeks later I get suspended for such and such

Watch the videos … base wasn’t causing lag…maybe near the water but the location is surrounded by a camp and an imp problem… the landclaim outside was all enemies…we were not blocking any content… before people say it was the barrack which is another know excuse to report people , the eastern barracks is the temple to the east of the one you can actually build in … because unlike most landmarks … eastern barracks is actually un buildable

Except for alot of what you say, its your opinion, which like mine, cant be proven because cant see all the information. Until we do, we speculate, theorize and for opinions.

It does to me.

Correct, and a bridge prevents others from building. There is no resources lost over the river where I build, unless you count bushes and rocks. There were back to the “every base is bannable for blocking resources” argument. Thats about all you can say about land claim.

Go read the ToS again. I just did. No where does it encourage people to report others, no where does it state we have to. The option is there if you wish to, but you make the decision to report someone, Funcom does not, and has nothing to do with that decision.

Ok, ignore completely what I said because you dont play on PvP servers, and maybe you just dont understand them. Thats ok. I am right with what I said here.

You honestly think people run around on PvP servers to enjoy the PvE content provided by Funcom? Well, again, it shows how little you know about PvP servers.

Those are in your opinion. My opinion is that raiding and PvP is the content.

Because people talked about them, its enough evidence for you to say they can be true? Yeah, then so can my theory as well. And its no boogey man. No one is scared of it. Just like the two ideas you have, mine is no different.

Follow the conversation, Im not going to repeat what Ive said anymore. Done it enough.

Well, theres not. PvP can be ruthless, cutthroat and harsh. Its the way it is.

I agree with the first two, the last, please tell me how a building violation is cheating to win. If we use cases of extreme spiderwebbing, ehhhh thats a stretch, but it could slow people down. In cases of aesthetic builds there is no comparison.

^ See above, building isnt cheating. Revenge isnt cheating. PvP isnt cheating. Raiding or counter raiding isnt cheating.

100%, I totally agree. I hate hackers and cheaters, and as someone who loves FPS shooters, I see enough to make my blood boil.

Now that depends if you weigh a skybase full of dupers, exploiters and speed hackers the same as someone who built a pathway with torches to their base. If you do, then your point stands as correct.

I dont see those as the same, one I see the need to perma ban, the second at most should be a building wipe and no suspension.

But thats me!

3 different areas of siptah, outsode of render of each other.

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Ah, so the logical fallacy of pleading to special cases.

And here we go with the conspiracy I was referring to. Unless you have the logs to show these supposed spam reports, you have nothing but an assumption. You simply ASSUME that this is the and therefore state it as fact.

Which leaves you with either an argument from anecdote at best, or an appeal to emotion to manipulate people to your side of the “argument”. At either rate, you have nothing other than an admittance to breaking the rules multiple times and being suspended multiple times.

Now, I tend to agree with you Nemisis. I personally have stated in the past that a wipe without a ban SHOULD be the way to go for ToS violations where as things like undermeshing and skybases are a WHOLE other story. Ban away!


Ok, well I guess its unlucky for you, and lucky for me.


Sure I’ve also said I don’t care if they delete my bases. I will just rebuild in the same server !

If that was the only risk there would have been no need for this thread !

Why? Because YOU can’t follow them?

Wasn’t causing the server to lag or people when they went buy?
Being able to build in a POI doesn’t make it ok.
Land claim can also be just how much acreage your base actually takes up.

These sort of varying difference in interruption of the TOS is why funcom needs to redo it giving more and better details.

You do get no one reports those on PVE right? I think it’s hilarious PVPers gripe about some one reporting them for braking PVE rules that no one on PVE reports.

You can’t so dodged it :rofl:

Read the TOS for Sets sake.

Which in and of it’s self is encouraging you. If funcom didn’t want your help they wouldn’t have offered the option, how do you not understand that?

I’m not ignoring anything, I’m doing my best to not be insulting. I keep trying to get it through to you that trying to get your revenge on someone for something they did off the server is wrong, and it’s like explaining red to a blind man.

:person_facepalming: :roll_eyes: :coin: :fish:

And what are opinions like?
Facts really don’t care about your opinion.

Yes they and you are… yet again… failing to comprehend.

Couldn’t so dodged again.

Notice hacking, cheating, exploiting, and violating the rules are not mentioned there, so agree.

My lord you are so exasperating. I never said it was :person_facepalming:

Show me were I said it was.

Land claim spider webing is an example in the TOS of a TOS violation. Has 0 to do with slowing people down.

I put braking the rules in that same category. Maybe at the bottom, but still on that list.

That’s not possible ask TINK.

Kettle meet pot.

I have. Several time. Land claim, like a bridge, prevents players from building, or blocks resources. Thats all. Both are violations. If this information is wrong explain why, since you claim I “just dont get it”

Its there if you choose to use it. Much like the mute option is there for you to use if someone is toxic in chat. Or you can report them. You have options, nothing is forced on you. Its your decision.

And thats your opinion on the matter. To me, if you report someone, its from things they did on the server. So revenge on the server is justifiable. Look at Tinks comments above. She knew the person that reported them because they bragged on social media. If she attacks them in game is that trolling, illegal, and frowned upon too?

Oh right, that person voluntarily put it out there.

Lets change my example. Lets say another player on the server said “Hey Tink, this person is bragging on Facebook that they got you banned”

Justified to retaliate yet?

If you still need help to understand, lets join a PvP server. Ill have someone say that I reported you, then Im going to raid you.

By your own words and logic You cant attack me or do anything to me

Hows it feel? Maybe sticking to PvE better suits your playstyle, and how you feel about the game and or PvP

This is yet another example of why people who play on PvE, their opinions on PvP carries little weight.

You actually think people on PvP servers run dungeons, and collect thralls, and all kinds of other PvE things for funzies and thats how they are supposed to play? Lols

Stand in front a mirror and say that aloud.

Now this is getting comical. Please, I beg of you to re read this part.

All three ideas are merely ideas, or conspiracies, that cannot be proven, unless you take what a person says in the forums as fact. If you take what a person claims on the forums as fact, then all three are true. However, since facts dont care about your feelings, the fact is, only information known to Zendesk, which will never be revealed, will shed the truth on these three ideas. You claiming two are correct because you seen a post about it, yet deny the 3rd because I state it, shows you are lost.

No, not going through 200 replies line by line. Ive stated them enough. If youve read anything Ive typed, you will see what I mean

Youre implying it, and if you dont realize it, trust me, you are.

Yes, and you see something like a bridge holding the same value as someone who exploits, speed hacks and has sky bases because they violate the ToS. Its ok to think that way.

I disagree that they are all equal. Speeding 1 mph over the limit and murder are both crimes, one is a tad more serious no?

I do I once logged into a pve server :see_no_evil:saw about 40 alters on the map and left immediately.

The second suspension included landclaim and building harassment… blowing up each other’s building is building harassment to me but is that not the aim on pvp

You have no idea what that means do you? If you did you would know it doesn’t apply.
You seem to use terms a lot you don’t actually know the meaning of. You might think you do, but when you use them it’s clear you don’t.

If you had actually read it you’d know it is far more then just that. For instance bridges land claim violation has zip to do with stopping others from build.

I never said it was. Why is it you don’t seem to be reading what I’m writing?
Wait, do you think “encouraging” means “forcing”?

No it isn’t it’s a fact, you not comprehending it or not wanting to except it doesn’t stop it from being a fact.

No it isn’t and that is the point you just can not fathom.


And here goes the whataboutisiom.


Why? You just raided me.

Because you don’t understand simple emojis :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Sounds like a personal problem to me.

So no one on PVP does the dungeons for the experience, mats, and recipes?
So no one on PVP takes thralls?
So everyone on PVP is in coarse fiber clothes and stone weapons?

And if they enjoy it, are they wrong in having fun?

Can all day long because I actually know the difference.

I don’t need to reread something that proves you have no clue.
You don’t see it though do you?

Still dodging the question, you’re getting quite good at that.

Prove it. I don’t think you know what “implying” means.

Learn to freaking read. It being at the bottom of my list means it DOESN’T HAVE THE SAME VALUE.

And I’d agree but you seem to have this bias pair of glasses on. Someone writes something, then you paraphrase it to mean what you want it to.

Through out this thread you have accused people of saying things they never said. Why?

I can’t tell if you’re serious or trolling here.

Are you seriously saying that if I had a building (or bridge or temple or wheel house or whatever) that it doesn’t give landclaim that prevents people from building?

If it doesn’t, are you now claiming it doesn’t block resources?

If not how does it violate the TOS?ets use my ban case, the bridge. It ain’t big enough to cause lag or performance issues. Unnecessary? Sure but buildings that are unnecessary aren’t against TOS.

You got some thinking and explaining to do rather than just claiming people are wrong all the time.

Edit: here’s a direct quote from the TOS:

Abuse of the claim system where blocks are placed for no other purpose than to prevent other players’ access to resources and building spots

Hmmm. Seems like I’m right.

They don’t even encourage you. I asked to read the TOS again. I just did it a second time since we started this discussion.

No where does Funcom even hint that people should report others. Or that they have to. Or that they are encouraged to.

It’s a tool that’s there should you choose to use it, much like the mute option is there in game if you want to use it.

Clearly you didnt read them and if you did, you’re great at adding context that simply isn’t there.

I think you need a refresher course on what a fact and what an opinion is. Maybe this stems from your hatred of PvP and the fact you don’t play them so you don’t understand how they work.

Guess you never attack or raid someone that did that to you. Totally fine, like I’ve said before. You play that way

Many don’t and won’t.

No, it’s another example. And since you’re agreeing you can’t attack back it just shows your opinion on the matter.

No point in going further with this point. We know where clearly stand - you can’t attack anyone that attacked you.

No, because you don’t understand how PvP servers operate and what’s needed to do to win. You think they are carebear servers where everyone loves each other like on PvE servers and gets along.

It’s ok to think like that. It truly is. Reality is…different.

They do, for the recipes if the value of that recipes is related to the meta. Yes they take thralls, the quickest, easiest to get and level - they don’t go collecting every single thrall in the world, a big difference. Actually yes, some people do PvP in cloth or naked with stone daggers (I take it you didn’t bother to watch Tinks video)

If they enjoy it they are not wrong to farm it - have fun and do it. It’s not essential to PvP to run the Well of Skelos or Kingslayer 1000 times. Same as the Black Keep. Rush to the end, get the recipes and suicide.

It’s not knowing the difference. It’s to see how silly it sounds.

You’re like a chicken with its head in the sand. You’re set in your ways and won’t engage. That’s ok. You don’t want to see anything other than what you think and know for fear of being wrong.

“Do my work for me”

No, read the conversation and learn how to follow it. Do you go back to reread anything?

And yet you have clearly stated numerous times that it doesn’t matter what rule was broken it’s all a violation of the TOS. Saying that means that you see many infraction as just that.

If you felt otherwise you would have stated it, we’ve gone on long enough for you to properly state your opinions on that. The fact that you haven’t means you believe all infractions are the same.

What bias?

If I say something and you reply with a simple “you’re wrong” or “you don’t understand” your position becomes very, very clear.

If you have a topic that is black and white, and I say black. You reply with “you’re wrong” then you must believe white.

Then I call it out that you believe white and you come back with “where did I say that? I never said it, prove it”

It’s that simple.

Regardless of what people think spam reporting is, it has been a behind the scenes, demonstrable tactic to be rid of clans. This is warranted or not.

Again, it exists and that is all I will divulge about this topic.

NO! That is a cop out and you know it. You have your own standards and if you let a games norm change that, that’s on you. Regardless of what the norm is, you always play the way you want all the players to play. You don’t get to hide behind ‘everyone’s doing it’ excuse. If you do it, you are in the wrong and are actively working against the community and the game by doing win at all costs.

But isn’t that what you do in competitive pvp games? It’s to win at all costs?

And yes I do mean without cheating or hacking.

Tell me where it says the pvp game goal is competitive play? This seems to be the issue as players have taken pvp as always competitive play and there has to be a winner…well the problem with CE is that there isn’t a win status. It’s a continuous play game and therefore you can’t win. The only way you truly beat another player is if they leave the server. This means that if I have a tactic of hiding and just waiting till you get bored and leave the server and then deconstruct your base, I win and it counts just as valid as you consistently besting me in battles and chasing me off the server.

Regardless, the game dies more each cycle of this because the win scenario is only if the player leaves. So either the game was designed to be toxic cesspool of players chasing away new players of the game or the player base got it wrong to begin with and it’s not competitive play PVP but just PVP setting in a survival build game.

I have asked this before when people bring up the competitive play aspect that if that is the case what are their stats because competitive play means we should be treating it like an e-sport and therefore we should have metrics to compare. I was told that CE isn’t that type of game and you can have competition without metrics…fine but there still has to be a win scenario and no one has challenged my assertion that in this CE competitive play, the win is to chase other players away from playing with you. Seriously let that sink in. The proponents of competitive PVP play main goal is to chase all other away from playing. Have you thought that maybe that wasn’t how the game was designed to be and maybe that is why it seems that the changes to the game are suboptimal for this competitive PVP?

More: The elephant in the room…if winning at all costs is acceptable then skybase exploits are fine because its allowed in the code of the game. If you do not win with honor and have to resort to cheap tricks, exploits, and consistent META, how can you call that a win because you lost yourself in the process?


Is that what I typed? Did anything I write say that? You do realize things can exist in more then one state right?

I’m sure it does through your bias filter.

But they are.

I’ve explained it already not sure if you didn’t understand or blew it off because you didn’t want to.

And you’re great at ignoring it when it’s up in your face.

Please explain. What is a fact and just what is your opinion. I honestly don’t think you know the difference.

No it’s pretty much you.

No, because I know it’s wrong. Other PVPers on here have told you as much but you’re ignoring them. Maybe because they don’t support your narrative?

Please quote where I have said that.

Once again please quote where I have said that. Go ahead I’ll wait.

Wrong again. Why do you infer truck loads that simply is not there?

Are you just not reading were I have explained I have played PVP and just what PVP I like. Guess what it’s PVP not full of hacker, cheaters, and rule violators, which pretty well describes Conan PVP.

The fun part is you don’t realize you are a prime example of what is wrong with Conan PVP.

:person_facepalming: And you just don’t see it do you. {I’m typing it out because you don’t get emojis}

Oh I’m sure it does, to some one that doesn’t understand it.

Once again, every accusation is a confession.

You don’t actually know the difference between “impaling” and “inferring” do you?
I’m not implying anything, but you’re inferring loads.

And there is that bias, see it now?

Yes, you inferring I believe white is your bias. Do you get it now.

No. If your philosophy is win at all costs why stop at just breaking the TOS, why not cheat and hack? I mean it’s not that far a jump. You’re already over the line for fair game play, so why not?