There are far too many posts that every change is “game breaking”. Right now, with the last update, I counted four posts about the passive health regeneration rate being “game breaking”, because you regen health faster than that person thinks you should.
The Sword of Crom is too powerful. It’s “game breaking”.
Thralls can use it. It’s “game breaking”.
Oil of Penetration. It’s “game breaking”.
Lifeblood is too powerful. It’s “game breaking”.
Claws of Jhebbal Sag? It’s “game breaking”.
Dina the Huntress spawns in two places at once. It’s “game breaking”.
This is the last straw. With the new “insert whatever here” I can’t do this anymore. the game is broken, and this is my last post. (Please, make it your last post. Pretty please)
And it goes on and on and on and…you get the picture.
DISCLAIMER: The following is satirical. I am dismayed that I have to point out that it is satirical, because that’s just sad. If I don’t point out that this is satire, there are those who will comment as if this is serious, because they are A) not paying attention, or B) too stupid to realize it’s humor.
Frankly, the fact that I can run through a crocodile, but a bunny stops me cold is game breaking. I can no longer stomach this obvious programming error that makes the almighty rabbit the speed bump that breaks my flow.
If this is not fixed, immediately, I will uninstall the game, shred the disc, stop posting, and enter a year long meditative state to center my being.
End Satire
Seriously, I am in full support of finding boo boos and bringing them to the attention of the community, but can we stop with the “game breaking” nonsense?