January 11, 2022, 3:46am
All of what I stated above has happened to me as my own personal experience. You can find threads stating the same for others. I’m not really sure what your point is.
Game mode: Online
Problem: Bug
Region: North America - PvE
It’s been said before and I was aware it might happen but for over a year, never happened to me.
Now it has. 2 large chests lost stability at like 1:30 pm so wasn’t after a server restart or anything.
The large chests were stacked 3 high. Bottom chest is fine and still there. It’s the middle and top ones that lost stability.
There were like 9 other stacks of 3 all near it.
They are all fine.
It’s just that those two decided to g…
Game mode: [Online]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [US]
Server: [Official Public Server]
I just had three stacked chests go missing (today, patch day, 6/29). These seem to have disappeared shortly after I was performing some ceiling tile upgrades on the ceiling ABOVE where the chests are stored (I was not replacing the floors that were underneath the chests, not ceiling that were supporting the chests in any way). The last thing that I did before noticing that the chests were missing was placing …
It’s a known bug. Move your chests directly onto the floor for now, stacked or on shelves they risk the lost stability bug
Don’t know if they still pop, but sometime last year I stopped stacking things after a period of losing several chests because of both stacking on top of each other and chest placed on shelves + an armor bench that had decorative items placed on it and a chest on a shelf above it.
Since then I haven’t dared taking the risk, maybe someone else can confirm if the sudden disappearing of stacked chests still is a thing
You won’t get them back. It’s a current bug in the game. I would not put any chests on bench’s or stack chests until it’s fixed
i lost all chest on benches and all stacked chest, even single chest ;lost stability please why??? i lost so much
Game mode: [Online
Region: [Here]
I was offline for maybe 48 hours, came back to my base and noticed a few chests were missing. Checked the event log and it said 5 chests had lost stability. I have maybe 50 chests stacked on shelves in my base. Do I need to be concerned about more of my items randomly disappearing?
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
Put chest on shelf
Put items in chest