Truncheons kill instead of knocking out Named Thralls

You mentioned in your bug report that you attempted to capture that named thrall and you killed her. At least the steps you described in reproducing the bug say so.

Now you say you used a 30str thrall. This is entirely different scenario since thralls deal (or used to base on the latest update) tremendous amount of damage in comparison with players. So, killing another NPC with your thrall with a wooden truncheon is nothing special and not a bug.

Also, this issue was already reported in the past. My advice is, use a blunt fitting on your truncheon, and use an iron truncheon, they’re not that hard to make.

Last piece of advice: if you find a bug please make sure you search the forum to see if it has been reported already. Your bug was already reported multiple times:

The reason it was not fixed is because it was never a bug, it’s not a bug right now and never will be. Blunt fitting exists for a reason.

Last Edit: Please don’t read my reply on an angry tone. I wrote this in a hurry. Hope it helps. :stuck_out_tongue:

Best regards