It seems like suggesting build limits is a logical conclusion. However, there is much evidence on the forums as to why it is not and can negatively effect other players.
The main pain points of report meta can be attributed to the ToC itself, as you’ve mentioned, it is incredibly unclear/vague. It can be left to interpretation by both players and administrators.
Zendesk, while an organizational and streamlining tool, currently has its faults as well. There is no general inquiry option which would be integral for the current organic means of self reporting. Additionally, receiving clarification on suspensions at this point is next to impossible because the closest option is to appeal a ban - it causes confusion as players are not permitted to request an appeal of a suspension. But they think they can. The administrator that is reviewing the report may also be confused regarding the aforementioned reason for the ticket and are left to give canned responses.
Consider that there are 2 options regarding reports along this subject: appeal and reporting a player. The ToC was edited recently to add information regarding false reports. What this means is that mistakes can be made, they’re human. However, what is alarming is the rate and volume for which suspensions, bans and adminwipes have been happening and lack of communication that supports why any of it was necessary.
Players affected are left throwing up their hands. Many are confused and feel it is disingenuous.
Throw in that the average player does not visit the forums nor are they aware that the ToC even exists. There is a link to the forums on the launcher yes and of course when agreeing to the EULA they are presented with just that. But no link in game or in the launcher that describes that the rules - even if confusing - exist.
I’ve been writing this on my breaks from work I see there’s a few additional comments since I last viewed this post and 100% agree with warning system and tying the report system to the account.
So with all this said, the solutions are not to necessarily create more programming work or unreasonably inconvenience others.
It is to address the issues with communication, clarity and better the process.
My personal suggestions and summary based on my analysis of this ongoing problem, and having both been suspended legitimately as well as what would appear without just cause:
• clarify ToC
• communication from the company
• enable dynamic building damage on pvp
• explore further solutions regarding offline raiding
• warning system
• tying the report system to account
• live enforcement
I’d written a comment previously that also outlines a similar list so I may come back to edit and expand on these points.