Show the worst spam on your server

I made this topic in an attempt to presuade Funcom to take action on the current building system. There needs to be a limit to how much you can build or a way to take responsibility on what you build like upkeep cost.
I’m tired of making tickets to zendesk about land claim spam.
This is one of the major issues in the game that impacts gameplay negatively. It needs to be adressed.
Funcom once said that they would rather fix something instead of banning players, yet right now most complaint tickets are claim spam related.
Please try to post images without showing clan/player names.

Best regards.

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The first thing is there’s no rules how big structure can be. Secondly if there was they can’t enforce it on private servers. Third how do you propose upkeep on a game with very little currency. If thats on an official server it will eventually be taken out by the purge.

There are rules against what you see in these pictures.
They can implement an upkeep feature or limit as optional so private servers can opt out.
Upkeep can be hardbricks/blackice so that people think before spamming.
The purge is bugged, doesn’t even start most of the time and can be repelled by a single t4 thrall with ease. The purge does nothing against these type of structures.

They can only enforce rules on offical servers. You have yet to say if it was one. However if you have made several threads about this be careful with spamming as it violates forum rules and could lead to suspension of posting rights. P.S. Unless the majority see it as an issue it will not be seen as a major issue and may not be looked into at all.

Welcome to the influence ARK the game that influenced CE brought to the genre. Characters fart and deficate in that game. So welcome to the issues of copying another game. One of the reasons I never attend the DICE conference roundtable even though invited.

Omg, I can’t choose one tbh but I’ll get some photos later with clan names :smiley:
I’ll leave the channel where I’ve been uploading the report for more than a year now :smiley:


I think FC need a new server setting for this, that they just have to enter the clan ID or name and at the next server restart everything is removed from the server database (buildings, players …). Something fast and efficient.

You cheat, spam, undermesh … ? Next day you are erased from the server! Better than a ban.


Actually, there is nothing wrong in those two pics you uploaded. The first is a bunch of taming pens, which if youre on a active pvp server, pets are cheap, quick cannon fodder to keep your enemies occupied while you attack them. You cant mass produce with 1 pen. Also, I made a gold farm on the server I used to play on. Stacked 10 pens on top of each other. Put 10k stone in each pen with 5 gold rocknose. It has taken over 4 months and they arent done making gold yet. So, in an active server, you need lots of pens to produce things.

Youre second pic shows a wall connecting, or encircling some buildings. Lots of people put up a perimeter wall. Its not spam, and its not against rules.


Hey please leave the farts alone :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: . You are very right , from day one in this forum I ’ ve made a lot of efforts for a limit on the building system when it comes on official servers . If I remember correctly my first post had the title " chaos in official servers " . Anyway as you can see not everyone is bothered by that so I stopped my efforts :woman_shrugging:t3: . One great supporter of this idea is @Halk too ,he doesn’t like all this land claim and monstrosity constructions , witch I happen to agree with him and you ofcurse . I love some big constructions but with a meaning , still that’s another story . You are very right on the purge issue too , only 2 purges I met the last 2 years that can be dangerous but they are located on volcano and the mount of the dead ,all the others are farts :wink: . Even the fact that you can lead the purge away from your main base ,or miss a day and your purge meter is down ,or don’t log in when the purge timer is on , these are making your life very easy when you decide to build all the bloody map . So , I said to much but once again I agree with you :+1: and I really wish something is going to be done about it .


So you think some of us in a totally DIFFERENT thread having an amusing conversation is stifling your “Awareness program” in your thread?

Can I get an eye roll AND a drum roll please . . .


:roll_eyes: + :drum:
There, all better.





and this is on official server…


So someone built a theme park around the Sinkhole.
That has PVE written all over it. See the elevator going down? These are the do-gooders of PVE and PVE-C. They think they are doing everyone a favor with their builds. We had someone on a PVE-C server I played on that built roads and bridges everywhere. His clan name was “public service”, lol. They don’t get that it takes away from the wild and dangerous theme of the game. When I told him I might as well just play the Sims, he got upset.


Here’s some actual feedback from the community regarding claim spam:


These are but a few posts on this topic that were completly ignored. This is a major issue on official servers and nothing is being done about it.


OMG this is so real hahhahahahah

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Now here is a spam base
2021-03-01 04_26_31-ConanSandbox (64-bit, PCD3D_SM5)

And Decay - or complete boredom running about and maintaining such a big base - and then Decay/Purge. I’ve seen one silly giant base become a practice site for other players seeing how much added builderations would collapse if they broke just one base piece. And if private server, well then the Admins should be dealing it - which can be fun to watch.

Not for Funcom to manage anyway without additional (modded) admin tools. Otherwise they could just Wipe a server, but that would be annoying to others on that server :slight_smile:

Some of these are real loose on the definition of “spam”. If someone is spiderwebbing the entire eastern sea with foundations and vaults, or covering the desert, sure. But someone building a legit good-looking, well-designed castle should be allowed to build. That is just building to the promise of the game, not spam.


Pets are debatable, but placeables and lights for a castle that size? 200 seems a reasonable amount if you’re going for cosmetics.