This post will be updated periodically to give you an idea of which top suggestions/feedback we are currently discussing and keep it in one place. If your suggestion is not listed, fret not, chances are that we are aware but we haven’t gotten around to discuss it yet . In order to keep this relatively orderly we also mostly touch on the suggestions that get brought up frequently.
Also, please keep in mind that the decision to implement suggestions also has to be weighted against bug fixing and bug patching. While we understand that, for example, being able to change the appearance of your character after initial creation would be great to have, it takes lower priority over addressing a critical issue. So before getting to some of the issues listed below, we have to address actual bugs and exploits first and keep dev team assignments in mind as well.
If something is listed as “Noted”, it means the suggestion has been brought up but there is no decision yet.
“Discussed” means that we are considering it but more estimates and input is needed to make a final decision.
If something is “cut” it means we won’t be able to implement it for one reason or another.
Please also see PC Issue Status Thread. (PS4 and Xbox to follow)
Current List
Suggestion | Status |
More player Slots per Server | → Currently in testing |
Queue System for Server | → Cut |
Kick People for being AFK | → Patched in! |
In-Game Server Status Message | → Patched in! |
Improved VoIP | → Being discussed |
Text Chat for Consoles | → This is very complex and requires extensive development |
Server Mod Tool | → Worked on |
Perma-death Servers | → Noted down for consideration |
Add option to Disable Screen Shake | → Noted down for consideration |
Current List
Suggestion | Status |
Moving Mouths | → Considered, but requires a proper estimate for workload |
Rotational Movement for players | → Cut/Not considered for now |
Scaleable UI | → We will evaluate bringing global scaling over from console to PC |
Usable scrolls to leave messages | → Will be implemented |
Vanity Slots | → Being discussed |
Lock Door and Chest hierarchy /clan roles | → Chest hierarchy already patched in! ! |
Hotkeys for emotes | → Being discussed |
Multiple Seats for benches | → Being discussed |
Taming Pets | → On TestLive! |
New Dungeons | → On TestLive, more in development |
Current List
Suggestion | Status |
Ability to see Clan Members on Map | → Will be implemented |
Combat Lock On should priorize enemies over clan members | → Patched in! |
Aggressive/Passive option for thralls | → Discussed |
Changing Character Appearance after creation | → Discussed |
Better Group option for recipes | → Cut for now |
Craftable Compass | → Cut for now |
Option to dismantle all placeables | → This is a code issue and harder to do than it seems |
Improvements on story ending | → Being worked on (stay tuned!) |
Faster Elevators | → Cut for now |
Dye for buildings | → Cut for now |
Change warpaint color | → Discussed |
Better Visual Feedback for Crafting | → Discussed |
Armor Mannequins | → Discussed |
Better description for multipliers | → Will be implemented |
Pick up and move craftable items | → Discussed |
Remember hotbar setup after death | → Discussed |
Two different potions to reset Attributes and feats. | → Noted down for consideration |
Current List
Suggestion | Status |
Manifestation of Zeal too easy to get | →Patched in! |
Vault balancing | → Fixed internally |
Avatar balancing | → in development |
Legion Armor too superior | →Patched in! |
Building around Obelisks | → in development |
Avatar Domes remain even without arch priest | → will be fixed but needs additional mechanics |
DLC balancing | →Patched in! |
Low Derketo Archpriest Spawn | → Patched in! |
Archery is weak compared to other weapon types | → Being worked on (see blog update) |
Bark considered too low drop rate | → This is somewhat intended progression but flagged to be looked at again |
Rebuilding while being raided | → Intended mechanic. A siege is also about resources and attrition |