How to report a bug
Thank you for taking the time to report any issues that you may run into, your participation in this forum assists us in identifying and prioritizing bugs, contributing to the improvement of Conan Exiles.
Be sure to follow the guidelines below while posting to this category:
Make sure you’re in the right section for your platform (PC,XBOX,PS4,TestLive)
Verify if the issue has been previously reported and a thread is available to participate in
Report only one issue per post
Fill all the necessary details:
- Informative title
- Game mode (Singleplayer, Coop, Official, Private)
- Game type (PvP, PvE, PvE-C)
- Detailed information of the occurrence
If possible and applicable, be sure to also provide us with the following:
- Official Server number
- Hardware info (Console model/HDD/SSD)
- Connection info (Wired/Wireless/Speed)
- Additional details (Screenshots/Video/Location Coordinates/Timestamps)
- Short step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the issue
Our team can resolve the issue more quickly when they understand exactly what happened and can recreate it and, if necessary, we might ask you for clarification and more details.
On a final note, please do not derail topics or post feedback in this section, to share your feedback on the game be sure to use the Suggestions section.
Reporting infractions, exploits, or server issues
Do not post exploits or accuse players publicly, as it’s a breach of the Community Guidelines.
Instead, please follow the steps shared below: